We ought to just have this posted up and ban anyone who starts a myth topic, I've typed lists simalar to this about 4 times in other myth topics, and it's really annoying isn't it
Anyway, the markers are annoying - I spent ages getting to the one in Fort Carson, only to find myself in Cluckin' Bell. I had a major glitch once when I exited Reeces barber shop I was about 10,000 feet above ganton, lulz.
I totally agree with the thing you put about Myths being real or Not. I've seen posts before that say things like "OMG! OMG! I just found leaatherface in the middle of the road in pataptaleon (or whatevr its called) but my comp crashed and i lost the photos I took". Personaly the myths I hate the most are the ones about the Aliens engraved in rock which means aliens have been to SA - They dont remotly look like aliens.
One thing I want to know though - A while back I was talking to Samil about UFOs and he gave me some screenshots of wormholes in the sky. I've never seen on the game - Has anyone else?