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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. I'd lighten up my mood IF I COULD. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_anxiety
  2. Easy for you too say. And no you obviously don't know how people feel with communication problems.
  3. LOLWTFBBQ? That makes....no sense.... Wow. That's classic.
  4. I DON'T mean this as an insult at all, but I'm just wondering, has any of these been right? It's just a wondering question.
  5. I uninstalled that shit and my computer went so much faster. I have 2GB of ram with a E6600 Core 2 Duo.
  6. No. Not all of the $200 shoes from Perseus work. For example, the wingtips do not. Take off your sunglasses and you will be fine and buy black loafers. Sunglasses are the problem Wow, good first post, that's actually good to know for people.
  7. That sounds so wrong. WTF? Staying over you're teachers house?
  8. Yeah, I hate people that do that. My best friend (only current friend ) told me I was a happy person about a year ago until I figured out what I was missing. Great.
  9. Yeah we know that, we want to know if she's in the game.
  10. Haven't seen her in the game at all. Finished the story too.
  11. Hey guys, I've seen a lot of people around the forums base stuff off of their social lives, making fun of people for it as well. "omg y dont u go out n get a gurl or ur so gay", shit like that pisses me off. Let me get something straight here, I don't have a personal life really and it isn't my fault (I don't think at least), I have severe social anxiety because of traumatic experiences when I was a kid. They're not as bad as you think but let's just say I've met some assholes in my life. Now, I'm just wondering, who here has a good social life? And who here bases this forum off of a social life, e.g. making fun of peoples social lives.
  12. Just saw this and got kinda pissed for some stupid reason that I can't figure out, so rantish. I'm just about sick with your pointless posts. I think you'll find some of our most respected members are young. You just spam up the place and don't contribute to conversations at all. Just shut the fuck up and stop acting like you own this place. Killajo, I haven't seen you post around here before so welcome from me to the TGTAP. You'll have to ignore ignorant fucks like osiris, unfortunetaly it's hard when posting on a forum. Please stray from spamming etc and remember to stay active and have a good time! He was OBVIOUSLY joking dude, and I really haven't seen him try and "own this place" at all, he may sometimes be an ass to people but they mostly deserve it. I'm just about sick with your pointless posts. I think you'll find some of our most respected members are young. You just spam up the place and don't contribute to conversations at all. Just shut the fuck up and stop acting like you own this place. Killajo, I haven't seen you post around here before so welcome from me to the TGTAP. You'll have to ignore ignorant fucks like osiris, unfortunetaly it's hard when posting on a forum. Please stray from spamming etc and remember to stay active and have a good time! I find it funny how you try to defend the young members yet you go ahead and break out in swear words. Also, you might want to go on eBay and buy yourself a sense of humor. Young members know what swears are and they swear all the time. They play GTA as well, which contains a lot of swears. Just don't like it when young members get treated like somebody else, pisses me off.
  13. I didn't vote but I lol'd when I saw "lizard or others" that's fucking random.
  14. Uhm what is wrong with you guys? I'd like to buy safehouses myself but it's not in there. BTW GTA Smurf first of all Cat Licker obviously didn't mean that offensively, and second of all that was a really horrible joke.
  15. I didn't come on TGTAP once until I beat the game.
  16. It's awesome how it's this guys first post. Did you guys not catch on? Locked.
  17. Completely agree with Spaz, and I'm sick of people giving definitions of "retarded" and shit, I have no problem with you guys using "retard" or whatever, but when you're going into IQ and shit it's just wrong.
  18. This shit is normal in other countries and is extremely fucking disgusting. It's like fucking you're own cum IMO. But wow, it's just fucking wrong.
  19. Why the "hell no"? Pissing is definitely higher on the gross scale. THAT'S too much for me. Can't get the idea that I'm taking a shit out of my head. How old are you, and you haven't mastered the speed-fap yet? Besides, I take forever in the shower anyways. If you're the only ones, you aren't the norm. If you're the norm, you aren't the only ones. STFU, fag. We don't care to hear about how you have a fiance every fucking post. Most little highschool kiddies have 3-4 fiances before senior year. Besides, being with another person doesn't mean you don't have to fap. Not having the urge to fap, means you don't have to fap. People need to really realize that fapping is a GOOD thing for your sex life. It lets you know what you like and what you don't. Besides, having a big build-up isn't always a great idea. But what is everyone else in your family does it? Then you'd feel like a right idiot. They don't, I know them too well for them to do it. Unless you watch them in the shower you don't know if they are fapping, pissing, having sex with each other, committing murder, or even participating in an occult ritual with their monthly-meet of chicken-fucking satanists. Seriously. Don't spit shit that you know what someone does in the shower ALONE on the premise that you "know them too well". You never know a person as well as you think you do. Shower = in bathroom. Honestly, where is your shower at? That has become a bit of a problem for us. I almost ripped my toenail off last time. Fucking metal drains..... Wow Spaz, this is why I love you. I laughed for over thirty seconds, and I never laugh.
  20. This is pretty funny actually. How ironic is this .
  21. phpBB is probably the second best forum out there, I like IPB then phpBB.
  22. What are the ports? You're probably right. By the way I need the 360 ports.
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