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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Cheap... It's one of the most expensive cards... At least the GTX is. The GTS 320 MB is 100 EUR cheaper (130$) then the GTS 640 MB is. All other specs are the same and it's just a fraction slower then the 640. The GTX has everything higer. It has 768 MB and all clockspeeds are higher. But that will be about 250 EUR more then a GTS 320. Linky benchnmarks.
  2. I thought so, yeah. To make it a bit exclusive and probably boost sales cause people want one of the 100 000.
  3. Something is withholding me of adding that, GF
  4. Spied? Yeah right. Yesterday MS officially announced the Xbox elite. It'll replace the premium xbox and the first 100 000 will be in black. And the price, will be the same. BTW, those pics are know for a couple of weeks now.
  5. We might also get lot's of members because of guest's who decide to join. Let's hope they will stay longer then 1 week. Might make it a little more active here. BTW Chris. What if the trailer is flash embedded. How can TGTAP host it then?
  6. Just 16 hours (and 20 minutes) now. Somehow all this countdown stuff makes me think about new year.. R*, don't disappoint us Wouldn't like thinking "was this trailer really worth the exitement" after seeing it..
  7. GTA and realistic? Far from. I can't buy the game in big stores here. But small ones will give you it. All they want is your money anyway. And for Christ sake. It's a game. If you don't see a game is purely fictional you aren't even suppossed to play pokemon or you'd want to be one yourself. 1 person can do more then an other. Doesn't have to be limited to reading and working. Intelligence is one of the things that makes us different from animals. I do agree about that respect part though. Actually I though the avarage kid is getting dumber. Being told to be quite isn't really nice, but still. The argumentation of being 'smarter' is shit. If GTA was really not going to be in the hands of minors R* would have a problem. Since maybe 75% (just guessing) of The GTA Games they have solled is bought by minors.
  8. I could have sworn you made this topic about 10 minutes ago.. Anyway, your last one asked if I'd let my kid play it. Yes, as soon as he's 11 or just mature enough to understand it's just a game.
  9. I think I recognize that Obiviously that means I also am exited. Who isn't?
  10. Oops. I mean 3100 posts Little type. I'm active but not THAT active
  11. Yeah That was it. I forgot how to change to colour of the dragon. So the example of Chris was what I meant, with exeption of the eyes and that ball ofcourse. The ball should look like some ball made of earth or stone. And a little darker shade.
  12. Like said. This dragon and then coloured (dark)red. Of course the eyes different and the ball in the hand to. I hope you can manage that. Then as background something typical chinees and with chinees styled letter's: DS or the Dragon Stealths. I'd like the .psd to. I'll pay up to 750$
  13. I don't think your parents would pay that much for a graphic card. You'll have to pay a little to. Untill now the cheapest dx10 graphic card availible is 300 EUR. I'd say that's 390 USD. If you want to know, that's the nVidia Geforce 8800 GTX 320 MB.
  14. Children should be brought up nutral. Not with reading gay fairy tales. Has a 'bad' influence and yes, I also am against that.
  15. 3000, GO! edit: @ Artur: No, I joined and then you 2 came. Jared joined on the 15th to I forgot this: 11 months membership milestone, GO!
  16. It was just like any other game, but just with good graphics. It didn't look like that trailer at all... The ps3 would have looked 'cool' if it was a little smaller.
  17. Well there is no need to have it yet though. And all upcoming games will be DX9 compatible, it's just that you'll miss some effects. Maybe upgrade somewhere in September. What's your budget for a Graphic Card?
  18. PC controls for shooting. For all driving a gamepad is easier. And my gamepad is formed like a ps2 controller, so there. Shooting with a gamepad is a bitch though.
  19. I think it was a nice compagne. Sony's 'counter attack' was lame. If you smash you 360 against a wall you get a free ps3. NOT innovative or fun..
  20. I've lived in that region for 2 years you know In Brunei. Little country located on the island Borneo.
  21. A bad thing. The console is huge! Couldn't they have made that thing a little smaller. It might even be as big as the Xbox (1). That's in the UK. Here people just look at it, then see the price, then go look at the Wii. And I'm serious.
  22. Doesn't anyone thing it's (abnormally) big? They SHOULD make a light version of it, soon.
  23. That's 12 O'clock at night Let's hope my mom falls asleep before that time... How should I sleep knowing people have already watched the trailer and I not. It will drive me crazy.
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