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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. You weren't being serious I hope. Get me a Dutch license plate saying: JB-I-10V3 Try to really let it look 3d like. And no white border please. Make in a transparent .png
  2. Auto-target only happens if its sellected for gamepad.
  3. You just had to fuck things up Oskar...

    Meh, now endure the consequences.

  4. Though this is a gta site I prefer loads of games above GTA and I like PC gaming. Controls are much easier IMO. And you can't get the power for a PC for 600 EUR that the ps3 has. But then a good PC these days needs 2 gig of RAM, not just 256 mb like a console. 60 gig for a PC won't do. If you buy a new one the minimum would be like 320 EUR and then you still need an OS and a monitor and keyboard, mouse, speakers. All adding to the price. Sound card preferred. Not sure but I don't think consoles use sound cards. I'm sure that if a PC would work as a console a average 2 year old one would be much better at games then a ps3. But then a PC works quite a bit more complex and runs dozen of things at once.
  5. Late here, but all Dx 10.1 games can be played with a dx10 card.com You'll just lack some minor effects. One of bit bigger things was something with 32 bits instead of 16. Can't remember what it meant though.. If anyone here is planing to buy a new high-end dx 10 card I'd wait until Christmas for the planed 9800 card that of course has .1 support and it's GPU is said to be twice as powerfully then the G88 GPU.
  6. W00t! Another DB fan I've got DBZ full with5 movies and now busy with DB's red ribon saga.com Going to buy Tenkaichi3 Wii version fot xmas
  7. That's why I don't really mind spending that amount of money on it; Cause it's going to be used on much more things then just gaming.
  8. Oh SHI- Better get posting then
  9. A LOT! The sea was gorgeous. I might upload some pics when I've got them transferred to the computer.

  10. Yeah, they go to Wii And as previously stated, I prefer Wii to a ps3. I think the graphic card is worth the money but I wouldn't want to spend it on a ps3. It just doesn't offer what I want..
  11. Then I will, lol. Just click on the link of the total amount of reply's.
  12. Not now, but in the plane I was watching 'Zodiac' (anyone know the actual story or movie?) and IMO the movie was just awesome. Especially cause it was fully dark in the cabin and 3 AM (thus being tired). It makes it somewhat more thrilling.
  13. 600 EUR is 405 pounds. Anyway, in general I don't like console gaming all that much (with exeption of some titles (mainly Nintendo titles)). Even Halo I'd prefer on PC by far. Infact, I'd prefer all FPS for PC, gamepads are just a pain for them. Other then that I do drastically need a new computer what can do much more then a console could ever, so IMO powerfull PC + Wii combo would have been best.
  14. Yup. You missed me? rofl

  15. I mean, you can. But if you want to be able to constantly play the games on high settings you'll have to upgrade every 3 years. But then that's the same for consoles, but then they just lower the level of detail and stuff as compensation. Also, good graphic cards are just 250 EUR. It's just me who is crazy enough to spend 600 on the best.
  16. Tan fades away in about 4 months. That's why ATM Also, I've decided to let my hair grow. Maybe I'll like that more.
  17. I do hate it that you have those stupid installing procedures, yeah.. But then another thing. The games get a little downgraded for the console version (max settings).
  18. Well, for now I actually still prefer my pics not to be on the internet and in all the ones I have I look kinda dumb... Asian black like ATM actually. Because of moms side (India) I tan extremely fast so after this vacation... well, you know.
  19. Welcome back bro You probably don't remember me though.. I wasn't all that active when you were.
  20. Lol at both vids. But let's be honest, who here would hit her if they had the chance?
  21. Just noticed. Just back y'know. Apparently you posted that around the time of take-off.
  22. As much as I 'm trying to avoid conflict what you said was kinda stupid.. Constantly upgrading? Why did you then not just stick with your ps2? A really high-end Graphic card will last longer then a console. Notice how the ps2 has been looking incredibly crappy the last 2 years, it was already long out-dated but Sony apparently wanted to wait with releasing the ps3. So why would a PC (more powerful then PS3) have to upgraded before a console has to? It's your own choice. I'm pretty sure a High-end card now could last you 5-6 years. But you'll clearly see that you'll have to run everything on the low(est) settings. Same for consoles.
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