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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Well, the ps3 only has 256 MB RAM, so I guess 1 to 1.5 gig for PC should be enough.
  2. I just was playing on my N64. Pokemon Stadium 2 pwnz, lol
  3. Had OoT for GameCube. And what's with this 'cool' thing. It ISN't COOL, it's just a great console and fun and that has nothing to do with coolness.
  4. It's suppossed to be GTA3.exe...
  5. Pretty much the best games, yeah. Why'd you think I bought a Wii? Again, I can buy 15 ps3's and 30 360's. Yet I choose the Wii cause it pretty much pwns the other 2 in fun. TLP, Brawl, Galaxy, Smooth Moves, Corruption, Super Paper Mario, the Mario Party series, Mario Kart. All pwn the shit out of other console games (also GTA IV) and I'm sure Nintendo's still going to make many more. So now name 3 games that pwnz the all mighty Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time, a almost 9 year old game, from the other consoles.
  6. Lol, you only realised that now Didn't you see that the last post was "fine, I'll show you" or something like that. Banned for not believing my awesome elite 'power' at first, lol.
  7. I don't really know much about GTAIII at all, but I think it works about the same. So all I could think of is that you might have installed a script mod so the script you're running is different to what the save game uses.
  8. IMO the Wii has the best games. You don't necessarily need lots of power for a good game. Just look at Legend of Zelda OoT. Still pwns the shit out of most other games and it's almost a 9 year old game. I'm fine with the graphics of the Wii actually. And I'll always have my PC for stuff like Crysis.
  9. As much as I'd like to help you, I can't. San Andreas gets an error half way while loading. I'm asuming that this you either have got V2 of the game or that you applied a some script mod.
  10. Rofl, I think you get what I want to say..
  11. For people who lack imagination.
  12. Just use Hypercam to record it. Simple
  13. That was... me B& for not knowing what JB is.
  14. I'd go for the advisor thing. Account probably would get boring cause it's mostly just the same thing. As for the advisor, he'd constantly face 'challenges' with decisions and stuff.
  15. Well I'd reckon more then 1/3 of all San Andreas copy's are for PC.
  16. Pandora


    Which file didn't you make a backup of? I'll send that one.
  17. Not all that much. I gave 1000. The person to make post #10 000 will get 100 000$ W00t, not?
  18. Uhm, dude. Until now they've only made 2 mario's for consoles... 3rd still coming (Galaxy).
  19. I'm to lazy to look. Who won?
  20. @Dame: Then you must have some weird mods installed. Oh, and you do have to have V1 of the game.
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