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Everything posted by chris82

  1. 1. Believable 2. Doubt it, then it would be like The Getaway and The Getaway sucked 3. Believable 4. Maybe, but Saint's Row already did it 5. Lol, like the $6 million man amirite? 6. Stupid 7. Cool 8. Weren't girlfriends confirmed in an earlier, reliable news posting? 9. Secksy, maybe some good rewards this time, instead of that lousy t-shirt 10. Good 11. Awesome 12. No shit
  2. Impossible, not only is it illegal for us to help you in most countries, you have the 2.0 edition which I doubt there is even a downgrader for (on the Xbox). Just get the PC version, it's the pwnz0rz.
  3. It is a risk, but I think it will pay off for Rockstar in the end. I mean, $50,000,000 is A LOT of development money. I think they made a good decision.
  4. You don't know that, stop saying it, it's not a fact, it's not proven, you don't know. Is it likely? Maybe, but we don't know so stop saying the PS3 will get exclusive content. What you think you know aside, have you actually polled 360 and PS3 users on what they like? Have you actually gotten data about the trends of players who are fans of the two games? Do you actually know exactly how many owners of each console will buy GTA4? No. No you don't. So, for now, shut the fuck up k thx bye.
  5. Doubtful. This is because Sony's gaming division has lost so much money since 2005, I doubt they have the cash to compete with Microsoft if there were an exclusivity war. Besides, Rockstar has said in the past that they want to have the audience of both systems, and that releasing a game on only one is a huge risk. But the exclusive content is another story. This was announced so long ago, and if you didn't buy a 360, it's your fault.
  6. I'm not on my regular computer atm but look at the top of handling.cfg, there should be some sort of resemblance of columns in that file. At the top there should be text which tells you which one defines which shop they can enter. Besides that, you could look at the lines for cars that can go into Transfender and the cars that go into ArchAngels, and compare the lines. In one column, every AA car should have a certain value, like -1, whereas every TF car should have another value, like -2.
  7. Roger that. If you really like GTA, and want to seem smart when talking about it on online message boards, then you'll buy the content. Oh and there are strong rumors of a 360 price drop to $199 for the Core and $299 for the Premium.
  8. 1. Blu-Ray will most likely take out DVDs just like DVDs did videos. So putting Blu-Ray in the PS3 was just one way Sony thought ahead. 2. You obviously didn't understand what I was saying, so maybe I'll use smaller words or rephrase things next time so people like you could understand. 3. I could give any kind of opinion I want about the Shitbox 360. If you don't like it, don't read my post. Yes, Blu-Ray will take out DVDs, which is why HD-DVD is supported by more movie studios. I did understand what you were saying. You said that almost every PS3 owner will buy GTA4, because there is no game being released at a similar time that they would want instead. And that only 25% of Xbox 360 owners will buy GTA4 because the rest want Halo 3 instead. No. You're acting retarded and using every method you can to make the Xbox 360, its players, and Rockstar look bad, when in reality, you're just upset because you bought the more expensive console, when ironically, the cheaper one will have more features in GTA4. :lol: BTW I really hope you're not insulting me. Because that would be verrrry baaaad.
  9. Yes, good old Microsoft Points. Well, I'll be one of the people to download the episodes. 4,999,999 to go, MS!
  10. 1. Blu-Ray is more or less useless at the moment, it's too expensive and people are still rolling with DVD. 2. You don't know anything about that in the second paragraph you posted, usually people who are fans of both series of games (like me) will get both. All you're trying to do is make it look like Rockstar is foolish for favoring a console with a larger audience. Go on Xbox Live (oh wait sorry) and you'll hear nothing but praise for GTA, and I'm sure that people who can spend $400 on a console, plus $60 annually for online service can shell out $120 for GTA4 and Halo 3. Stop putting the 360 down, just because the PS3 doesn't get exclusive content because not enough people bought it because it's an expensively useless piece of garbage, doesn't mean you should make fun of the 360. Seriously dude, don't use made-up facts and what you think 360 users will do. The fact is that the better-selling console of the two threw Rockstar a bone and Rockstar picked up on it, it's only logical. Hell, it's the same shit for Windows and OS X games, if you were a developer would you develop for Windows or OS X? Of course you would develop for Windows because so many people use it, so you have a much bigger audience to buy your game. Same situation here.
  11. If you don't have money, then yes, go for AVG, it's the next best thing for free. Oh and Spybot isn't as well maintained I think, although I did have both installed in the past, IMO you really only need Ad-Aware unless you're sofa king we todd ed that you: 1. Use Internet Explorer 2. Click on pop-ups that appear when you go to sites that claim to have security software for free 3. Use Internet Explorer to look at porn
  12. Its clearly obvious, what R* will do. You seen it in the past. "Exclusive" is what the say and later on Its announced Its coming to Xbox. GTA SA was an example, Microsoft does not own R*.and R* can change its mind anytime they want. They want all GTA fans to get what they deserve on every console. Not miss something out because of the console they own. That's because the Sony->Rockstar exclusivity deal was originally scheduled to end in October 2004 but instead ended a year earlier. But it was still released on PS2 first and then ported to Xbox months later. Rockstar put LCS and VCS on PS2 because the PSP sales weren't as high as they had hoped, so they were able to make their money back by porting them to PS2. Besides Xbox 360 outsells PS3 heavily. I mean, I can see the Wii catching up to the 360. But the PS3? Only 3,000,000 sales isn't good, especially when compared to the less-powerful 360 and Wii. If I was a developer, I'd develop for the 360 or the Wii, or both, but not PS3. Why? Not a big enough audience to justify the development. The PS3 was a waste of money to begin with, and this news is the nail in the coffin. Who knows? Maybe Rockstar will release the expansions later on for PS3. But by the time that happens, everyone will have already gotten a 360 for the then-exclusive content. Sony had the best brand for games, but they didn't put enough emphasis on what people want (GTA) and they also put blu-ray (useless) in every console. With a price tag like the PS3s, of course it's going to be outsold by a machine that 1. Has the same/better games 2. Is cheaper
  13. Kaspersky and Ad-Aware are ALL you need. And for partitioning try PartitionMagic.
  14. My first one back in 1996 was Pentium @ 133mhz 32mb of RAM 2GB hard drive Integrated sound Integrated video Windows 95 2x CD-ROM drive
  15. We have a nice trainer in the downloads database If that doesn't suit you, Google "gta3 admin console"
  16. Chris wrote, in his news post, "exclusively released," which you misinterpreted as "being released on the Xbox 360 first because of an exclusivity deal, and being released later for the PS3. No. The GI.biz quote clearly states it's only for Xbox 360. You can think whatever you want, but these are facts.
  17. Well the video card sucks but that processor compensates for it, try messing with the frame limiter and frame sync options in the 'display setup' options menu.
  18. OGTAM, I hope you're not saying that you think it'll be released exclusivly for 360, meaning it'll be released first for 360 because it has exclusivity but released later for PS3. No. GI.biz was told it's exclusive to 360. Therefore ONLY for 360. Wait until June 2008.
  19. Sorry. But. I. Told. You. So. (Not that I'm insinuating that the PS3 sucks in any way Chris, but it just got its shit ruined with this announcement)
  20. Nice, the new IP skin is very good looking, hopefully you can fix the button problems in TGTAP skin soon.
  21. A suppressor is a device attached to a firearm to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon. It generally takes the form of a cylindrically-shaped metallic tube that is fitted onto the barrel of the firearm, with various internal mechanisms to reduce the sound of firing by manipulating the escaping propellant gas, and sometimes by reducing the velocity of the bullet. Wikipedia is your friend
  22. Banned for multiple accounts. Oh and ITT: How about buying the fucking game, it's not THAT expensive.
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