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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Knowing R*'s history of patches, they'll put the hot coffee fix into a patch with other fixes and call it 1.1. 1.1 will fix many problems with San Andreas like crashes and texture corruption, yet the patch will also fix hot coffee. So if you want to fix the problems, you have to get the patch, but the downside is the patch removes hot coffee. I am just guessing this, but there's a 90% chance it's true.
  2. ...Ignoring the smoking cars, we steal a chopper, gassing it up and weaving madly to avoid the incoming wave of Belly Up fish vans. Eventually, with only minor civilian casualties, we reach the safety of Salvatore's mansion once again. Yes, I was wandering about that too. I was just rereading that and when I saw that part, I was dumbfounded. R* already said no choppers, but it says in that mission he stole a chopper and had to escape back to the mansion. The chopper part could just be a cutscene, but then why would it sound so strategic if it were. Plus, why is there a chopper on the promotional posters of GTA LCS? I think they will include the maverick, police maverick, Sparrow, Seasparrow, Hunter, News Maverick, and (crosses fingers) fully-winged Dodo.
  3. Of course everything "bad" is good for you. If the worlds average IQ has risen 17 points since 1950, it is not because all of the bad, lazy schools that have almost no money, right. I've learned a lot of things about world history when playing GTA, I also have to do some math when playing and there are plenty of signs to read in the interiors. You see, what these people don't realize is how games/mods work. They never play the games but see the ads and think it's a bad game just because it's M.
  4. Head: Medium Size with brownish hair Upper Body: Buff-not steroid freak buff but bodybuilder buff Lower Body: Normal Weapon: WTF? GTA has 15+ weapons, but posing weapon is 9mm Skin Tone: Tanned White Gang: Mafia Car: Silver Bullet
  5. Yes it did, as sort of a joke. Actual per: Good post amount and was here when site started. Not a n00bish sign in sight.
  6. And you're calling him a n00b? Let me de-n00bify your post, if you will.* You see, here on message boards, we refrain from the illusion that this is a giant IM conversation-we don't use acronyms like "u" every other sentance. This is odd, considering most of the time, your posts are better than this. Here's a hint-give your Windows account a password. *Bold parts of the post are the parts corrected, for any confused dolts out there.
  7. Av: 5/10 (Too pink for my taste) Sig: 0/10 Per: Eh, gets excited about a forum security member getting horny over him, then when he discovers it's not true, he gets upset and outputs his anger by TYPING IN ALL CAPS.
  8. Very nice. The VC camera hack is extremely useful, and this one will be too. (All for exploring non-solid parts of LC say I!) [Also, mvi, good. The more trainers the better]
  9. 1. Rock 2. Alternative Rock 3. Hard rock 4. 80's 5. 90's 6. 70's 7. Pop (1999ishm like Bare Naked Ladies) 8. Dance/Techno 9. R&B Everything else sucks big floppy, hairy, wet, sopping, dirty, huge, infested, penis. (Oh, and Raggee is like the singing-rap-esque music on the K-JAH stations in GTA)
  10. As the greatest cartoon character ever, Fry once said "They did the nasty in the pasty." Probably they took turns on eachother. The only things 6 year olds need to suck on are popsicles. And WTF why would you want to see 2 six year old girls (who haven't hit puberty) do oral, unless you're into that sort of thing, in which case get help.
  11. Very spiffy. Put the maps in correct places (LC northeast of SA and VC southeast of SA) then put in ped, car paths, and you've got yourself a cool game. But the website doesn't work. Then again, we are dealing with gta-addicts...
  12. How much is that sonofabitch gonna cost? Probably in the range of $300 usd but I'd buy it. That mouse looks cool but I hope that's not actual size as it looks a bit large. But then again, some guy in Norway made a 3/4 size Bender (from Futurama) doll that doubles as his computer. Man that mouse though...I just wanna eat it for some reason. And that keyboard. Open Photoshop with a button, then make a texture for San Andreas and open TXD workshop with a button, import then open IMG Tool with a button and save, then start San Andreas with a button...I hope it's out in time for Christmas.
  13. AV: 0/10 (None) SIG: 6/10 (Ok, but hard to read words at the bottom) [Of the image] Personality: Tells it like it is (Judging from above post)
  14. I highly suggest not using Hot Coffee. Someone said that because Denise is already your girlfriend, Frank Tenpenny never calls you for the burning desire mission so you can do up to Los Speculosos or something like that and then no more missions with hot coffee.
  15. Thanks, Xenon. They didn't reply to my email because they were too busy eating some pwned pie. Oh, and I emailed Yee, the retard that he is: Hey, how you doin you jackass? You know, kids like me seeing clothed sprites making sexual motions whilst wearing clothes really makes me want to give anal to my girlfriend right after I'm done playing. Look, no one likes you. Just die already. In fact, your stupid Mediawatch people who throw you giant bones everyday suckled on the email I sent them: **EMAIL I SENT TO NIMF SEE ABOVE** Yes, you are a giant prick who no one likes. Terrorists are killing people in London, New York, Iraq, and there's a hurricane striking Florida and you feel like bothering us GTA fans by imposing your skewed perspective on what is or is not appropriate in video games. You stupid silly man. This is America, land of the free, you dumbass. People in Europe are lucky because they don't have to deal with your bombass legislation. America is not going to sit by when people like you try to dictate what people play and do. Control TV? Yes you reatrds do. Control radio? Yes you do. Control movies? No you don't (at least not yet) Control Video Games (Riiiight) Control the Internet (never, the web is world wide incase you haven't noticed. MIllions of people from all over America, Asia, Europe, Austrailia, and other places all can not be controled by the US government. with, ////// / / / / ///////////////// ///// //////, Chris82
  16. Nasty. WTF is the matter with kids today?
  17. He's right there. Also, Spaz, I know that hsa been repeted a lot. But it's true, people need to realize what the world is all about and stop getting mad at GTA. Here's to you, fuckers: /"\ |\./| | | | | |>~<| | | /'\| |/'\.. /~\| | | | \ | =[@]= | | \ | | | | | \ | ~ ~ ~ ~ |` ) | / \ / \ / \ _____ / |--//''`\--| | (( +==)) | |--\_|_//--| the GTA Protestors!
  18. Yeah. I mean peple don't get it. I'm sure they all think that Hitler, Caligula, Osama, and all other terrorists like that played GTA days on end. Yes, I have the Sims 2 and if you build a family and you marry two people they can WooHoo right away. At least in GTA you don't have a desire stat to "WooHoo" with a NPC. Man there are worse games for sex out there. Singles, Leisure Suit Larry Unrated, (THAT's an AO game), Playboy The Mansion, patches for the sims, everything. If Singles can have full-on nudity and actual body parts shown and still be rated M, so can GTA, even though GTA doesn't show anything on Carl or the girls.It is actualy more like they are making the motions and not actauly doing it in San Andreas.
  19. Of course Intel. I've grown up with Intel since my first Pentium @ 133 MHz back in '95.
  20. Completly wrong forum. You need San Andreas tech help. Mods, please move this as I will procede to answer your question. How do you clean your CDs? Put water on a paper towel and rub straight all over surface, (rubbing alcohol works too) then dry with another paer towel and try again. Also, some electronics stores take scratches out of discs for like $5 bucks.
  21. I think if London was in the next GTA game, it would be a "state" of sorts with 4 or 5 cities from Europe and tons of famous contryside, desert, and tundra from the area.
  22. Good one. Anyways, no, it just pisses me off when people do things like this.
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