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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Yes, but the JPN firmware works on the US PSP, so I've had it for a while. It is cool, but the only problem is that it voided my warrenty putting the JPN ware on my US PSP.
  2. I suppose that Rockstar wouldn't like to make another contradiction, hmm? Head Radio, Chatterbox FM and Double Cleff FM are all Love Media stations. He didn't come to Liberty City until 2001 so those three stations wouldn't be there yet. However, The Zone FM, Orbit FM, and LibertySoul FM are all stations that were advertised in GTA3 but were not listenable. Perhaps they will be in LCS to fill the Love Media gap.
  3. Welcome to The Chris82 Show! Tonight Chris82 will be interviewing Jenifer Lopez. Chris82: And here's my first guest now. Glad you could join us tonight, Jenifer Lopez. Having you on the show makes me feel Hard! Jenifer Lopez: It makes me feel Hard, too, Chris82! It's Big of you to invite me. Chris82: There's been a lot of wet talk about your trip to Penisville with Spaz. In fact, in today's The Vagina Times, Chris wrote a column about your trip. Jenifer Lopez: I read it, but that reporter made up the whole story. Spaz and I have never even been to Penisville. In fact, we haven't been out of Ohio for 2 years. Chris82: Sounds like you were framed. Jenifer Lopez: That's right. What else would you like to know? Chris82: Is it true that you own more than 99 Dicks? Jenifer Lopez: I do own Dicks, but only two. Chris82: Well folks, we're out of time. Thanks, Jenifer Lopez. I really enjoyed fucking with you! Jenifer Lopez: I enjoyed fucking with you, too! ________________ Last night, as I sat in the Apartment 3C eating Semen and watching Dick TV, the telephone rang. When I picked it up, I heard a Fucking sound. It was my Hard friend Ocelot. He told me that he couldn't solve the 9 problems that Mr. Fikklewank had assigned for homework. I'm pretty Retarded in math, so it took me only 2 minutes to figure out the answers. "These problems are easy!" I told him. "Use your Vagina." "It's broken!" he said. "I think my Penis Shat over it." "Then you'll just have to use your fingers!" I suggested quickly. "Gang Bang! You're a big help! The next time I need advice, I'll call Bill Gates," he shouted. I don't know why Ocelot was so mad. Did he want me to give him the answers?
  4. Actually, this car is brand new never seen before and it reminded me of the Hazzard car. I speak of this car: http://www.gtaportable.com/image.php?img=l...psmoctober8.jpg
  5. A new sport: My Penis and I decided to try out the newest sport at Pube. It's called Fucking Cunt. The object of the game is to kick a Fucking Cunt all the way to the end of the field. Every time you do, the fans yell "Gang bang!" and you get 120 points. The person with the most points wins. My Penis started and kicked the Cunt halfway down the field. What a shot! Then it was my turn. I picked up the Cunt, took aim, and missed completely. I felt so Hard! I tried again, and this time I kicked the Cunt all the way to the end of the field. The fans in the stands hollered "Gang bang!" I won the game! Now I am the champion of Pube! I didn't want My Penis to feel badly, so I treated My Penis to a trip to McDonalds for a Vaginas sundae with Semen on top!
  6. I think he said something about September or the fall, but something odd, the latest release of GTALC (beta2 v5b) doesn't work with replays .
  7. I suppose I should have worded this better. Speculation is that there will be new motorcycles, as well as the fact that the "shiny" style of the Vice City PCJ is new. In Vice City is was sort of dirty but in the LCS screenshot, it has reflections. Also, the new cars have been seen, namely the Dukes of Hazzard style muscle car. Finally, I said that motorbike that looks like the FCR-900 just looks like it. It has some differences and similarities, and it also could have been the NRG-500 or something like that, or something new altogether. Sorry for any confusion regarding motorcycles.
  8. Damn franswurst, that's two extremely helpful posts. I shall try this tomorrow. Why don't you add this to your Vice City Glitches topic?
  9. Very nice list. I don't think we've had one before. I recommend this for pinnage. Helpful and funny!
  10. I can't say I remember you but you look cool and don't act like a noob.
  11. Yes, that is a seller point of the game. As there won't be helicopters, motorbikes more than make up. I have seen a VC-style PCJ600, Freeway motorcycle and something similer to the FCR-900 from San Andreas. We can only pray for the Sanchez to return.
  12. Aye, but the word "Chopper" can be slang for both so I assumed it was a Heli.
  13. Geez. You're a little late dude. Also, stupid people on these forums act like they know everything about GTA games and then post about it, only to get their ass handed to them is perspective. Look, I knew exactly about these facts when the games happened. "Tommy is a 35-year-old punk..." is Rockstar's PR description of him for Vice City. Also, one of the missions in VC is called "Phen Phom '86" as in 1986, as in when the game was going on. AND is says it's 1986 in an opening Marco's Bistro sequence. For San Andreas it says 1992 in the opening video when he's at Francis Intl. Plus in your SF garage it says 1992. Finally for GTA3, it would be the current time if it didn't mention a specific year in the opening, wouldn't it? So GTA3 is in 2001, and the exact same guy from it is in 2005's GTA2. Another fact about I'm right when these games happened is Houser's recent OPSM2 UK interview about LCS, where he says GTA3 happened when it was released (2000,2001). Finally, what's up with your post? "and..........nothing..." :/
  14. Yes, I always remember those who came here and made a difference. Yours was positive, but I remember the negatives. *coughs*frank_tenpenny*coughs*
  15. I have some things to comment about your cons. The latest issue of PSM did mention interior envrioments. Some magazines have said there will be some and some said none, we will just have to wait and see. Also, in one mission a magazine described, you had to fly a helicopter back to Salvatore's mansion. It can have the same visual graphics as on PS2 as the PSP has the exact same processor, memory and graphics chipset. The controls are worked out and you are also correct about the quietness of R*, we should at least have one official screenshot that is not washed out from a magazine. Furthermore, where in your pros list is there mention of the hot new cars and motorcycles?
  16. Avatar: 8/10 Funny MSN Error Signature: 6/10 Animals knocking the shit out of eachother. I like to see that. Per: Don't know him too well but seems cool.
  17. Sure, never done it before but I like trying new things.
  18. Avatar: 10/10 (very funny) Sig: 10/10 (Also really funny) Funny security member who puts double posters in their place and is freakin hilarious. Like a Spaz protégé.
  19. No need to lock the topic. I think that this is Winter 1998 so sometimes snow is on the ground and is not, and we will see both rain and snow. Yes, this is the best use of ide files yet!
  20. Yes, well, let me explain it then in a very basic way; There's a 100 yard field. Two teams are playing. You are either on offense or defense. Let's say Team A is on offense, team B on defense. Team B is trying to prevent Team A from driving the ball into team B's score area at one end of the field. To do that, the defense tackles the offense to prevent them from gaining a down, that is reaching 10 yards ahead of where they were on the first down. Offense gets 4 downs per 10 yards. If the offense doesn't drive the ball at least 10 yards within 4 downs, they get 2 options. Option one is to not go for the 1st down. This is when the offense is before the 4th down but after the 3rd down. If they decide to go for the 1st down, they make a normal play. If they don't go for it, they punt, or kick the ball to the other side of the field and the other team recieves the ball, making the defense now the offense and the offense now the defense. There is a penalty. If the offense punted the ball, the new offense on the other team would have to drive the ball down the field all over again, making it hard for your enemy. However, if the offense goes for the 1st down and doesn't make it, the defense get's a turnover on downs, meaning they get to drive the ball down to the touchdown area (score place) wherever the offense just was, making a score easy on their part. So if you have to choose between going for a 1st down and giving of the ball, you have to decide. Only go for it if you are really close to the next 10-yd line or you are really lucky and confident. Each touchdown (score) is worth 6 points. After a touchdown is scored, the team gets a chance for an extra point. They kick the ball above the goal post into a net. If it goes straight above the net or touches the net, they get an extra point after the touchdown. If it goes below or to the side, they don't get the point. Also, they may get two extra points by faking an extra point kick, in which they line up just like they are about to kick, and right before the kicker is about to kick, another teammate grabs the ball and runs it into the score zone (endzone). Hopefully you'll understand it better now. My favorite American football team is New England. (Even though I don't live in New England or the northeast and my cities football team sucks [Cleveland Browns])
  21. I can't vote because you left out the best two; nero suite and Adobe Premire Pro 2.
  22. Well make sure you're not putting in faulty code or taking out necessary code. Also, when you finish editing it, you have to compile the code, not just save it.
  23. http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=533 Cha-chickity check yo self.
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