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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Remember when I flammed the ICCR in Demember. How about a couple months ago when I did the same to Children 1st? Now the same manor of bastards are at it again, only under a more retarded name. THE NIMF, or the non-itelligent mutha-fuckers as I like to call them, have upset me by "demanding TakeTwo apologize for making GTA and say Killing Cops isn't entertainment." So, what do I do when housemoms with crusty vaginas upset me? Email them ofcourse. I sent the follow email to NIMF: Of course, one email won't do much, so send them your (//////8 by emailing them! http://www.mediafamily.org/about/contact.asp Get these liberal bastards off of our nuts!
  2. I'll answer the question anyway, seeing as you didn't close the topic. First of all, VCMM is buggy, To install mods, you get them off of a website (this one, for example) then unzip the file. Open to your vcmm directory and go to /vcm/mods and put the file you unzipped in there. Start vcmm and install the mod.
  3. Catalina would win, she's some dog bitch who hates everyone. Also, Denise, just get 100% with her for the pimp suit then dump the girl. The only good girlfriend in SA is Katie because she's the only one that doesn't say stuff like "I'd shoot you just because I can. Carl!"
  4. Seriously. That was hilarious. Seriously woman, use a freakin dildo/vibrator/your hand.
  5. The fuck? I cheated over 147 times before completing Madd Dogg in LV and it completed perfectly. Also, cheating does not hinder your ability for 100% in SA (just in the PS2 version of VC with the health cheat) Ok, so shut up and check your info before posting! Not-n00bied cheat info: Ok, it is safe to enter all cheats and save EXCEPT any cheats having to do with car or ped abilities, including but not limited too: Cars (or Boats fly) Cars drive on water Peds Riot Peds have weapons Peds attack Cmode (Peds riot in LS like in final mission strand Any other ped or vehicle related cheat I've never saved with never wanted so I can't confirm if it is safe. Also, vehicle spawns are pretty ok. I say don't save with the ped or vechile ability codes because the vehicle ability codes corrupt files and peds codes can't deactivate.
  6. Good post. Yeah, just re-install it, renegade, it's only up to Los Sepulcros. That's like only 3 hours. Just try progressing through the game NORMALLY. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, and Spaz, he's right by "Shagging his bird," in English slang, he meant "Have sex with his girlfriend," in this case being denise.
  7. Ok, get GTA Tourament 0.1, very damn buggy with no guns yet, but, hey, type in the name of a car and it instantly gets spawned. Also, it's the only online option you've got until MTASA, SA-MP, and SP-2P, the one I look foward to the most all come out. GTAT has very few servers online at a time so I'd just wait for SA-(M)(2)P.
  8. autctually, Ceasar'sgang attack you <{POST_SNAPBACK}> First of all, you clueless retard, Spaz said one post above yours that the abilities CJ has in SA like recruiting gang members and stuff is part of the game, and if Tommy was the man in SA, he could gain all that muscle too, so you can't choose CJ because of that reason. More health then him? Again, this is a San Andreas specific ability, but 100% VC completion is worth Tommy getting 250 health and 250 armor. Oh, and you fucking retard, the people on Ken/Kent Paul's side are THE MAFIA including Salvatore because Tommy killed a Forelli, the family that Leone's hate, so the most powerful gang in the world is on Tommy's side, so that's worth both GSG families and Cesar's gang. Also, Tommy has the bikers on his side, as you said, plus, the thing you most neglected to mention, Tommy has the support of the Cubans. So sit down, shut up, and munch on some pWn3D pie! Oh, and Tommy is the better character, more badass, didn't take shit from anybody, but still has a lite size. Instead of Carl's lines like "I'm rich and f*ckin' crazy!" he says stuff like "You've got insurance so don't be a prick!" Sorry, Tommy is a funny guy (funnier than CJ) so I chose Tommy. CJ's cool, but Tommy is cool. 1. Tommy 2. {Tie} CJ, Claude
  9. When you uninstall the GTA games, it takes out registry entries and exes. It usually leaves the game's "beaf patty" or model folder, data folder, and user files folder.
  10. What about Andromeda? If you're talking about the PS2 version, there is an AR MAX code that lets you spawn an Andromeda with a hand code. It looks much like the AT-400. All the planes in SA: Andromada AT400 Beagle Crop Duster Dodo Hydra Nevada Rustler Shamal Skimmer Stunt Plane Planes in bold are the possible "super planes" Beagle=Slow, private plane Crop Duster=Plane designed for spraying crops, drops greenish dust when landing gear button is pressed Dodo=Small, 2-seater plane that, before San An, would flop up in the air and nosedive down, much like the Dodo bird, which it is named after. Nevada= Old Juank Air plane, slower than the Shamal, but similer in other physical aspects. Visible rotating engines. Rustler= A WW2 Fighter plane that is mainly used during your desert airstrip missions. Often seen flying in the countryside. Shamal= Private plane that is pretty fast and very nice. If you play through the story, these should be introduced in the Las Venturas missions. Skimmer= Water-only landing plane introduced in Vice City, and should only be landed on wide open water or land, if you have enough take off room. Stunt Plane= A plane that is easy to perform stunts in mid air with, but when taking off, it has horrible handling. At400 & Andromeda= Big-ass commercial jets. At400 available in LVA giant hangar after End of the Line. Andromeda only available with "outside help." Hydra= Millitary jet that can take off and land just like a helicopter, therefore no runway is needed. Can fire missles and machine guns that auto-target. Extremely fast. I made those descriptions up just now, and so, as you can see, the final 3 are your only super jet possibilities.
  11. I don't want to make my desktop the biggest in here, because it's 1280x1024, so to see the full one, click this thumbnail. \/
  12. No, all versions of Vice have haitains in it. What you are reffering to is the double pack. In the regular one, during that Cuban mission where you fight through the alley killing off Haitians there is a message saying "Kill ALL the Haitians!" This was removed in the PS2 and XBox double pack versions. So if you have the XBox version or PS2 Double pack, then you have the "haitians friendly" version. There were never any Canadians to replace them. How do I know? You can only get VC for Xbox in the double pack and I rented in from BlockBuster. EDIT: Oh, and Flame, if you can't handle the GTA heat, then get your ass off of the GTA place forums. (GTA pwns Halo)
  13. Depends on if it's the PC, PS2, or XBox version. PS2, could be that your memory card got smacked around too much, or it could be you used certain cheats and then saved. Same case for the XBox version. If it's the PC version, your hard drive could have gone bad, or you used too many cheats and saved, or you installed a mod. If the mod you installed came with a new main.scm file, the savefiles won't work until you get the old main.scm back. As for repairing, some kind soul might be able to play back up to where ever you were in the game.
  14. Yes, I agree that the gangster stuff is stupid, but if they put Vice or GTA3 in San Andreas' engine, that would be the shit. I also formally apologized to GTA Forums, check my link above.
  15. Hey, thanks for your opinions guys. I will edit at 20:03, but if I didn't quote Family Guy, it would have been something like "All GTA fans who don't like San Andreas because CJ is black is racist."
  16. First of all, that Everyone who doesn't like this... is a quote from Family Guy. Where he said "Everyone who wouldn't pretend their kid was dying to save Gumble 2 Gumble is a racist. There I said it." 2nd of all, Spaz, why would someone be on GTA Forums if they didn't like GTA? Yeah, look, I will edit my page 8 post to let them know that was a TV quote, but I'll do that when I can post there again, in 8 hours.
  17. Some of you might post on GTA Forums.com. I post on there to get info and things about San Andreas mod, but then when I saw the homepage, a topic drew my eye. "The Ultimate GTA Poll" You voted for which GTA you liked best. I picked San Andreas, as always. I said "Some people who don't like San Andreas are racist." Then some dick started flamming me. Check out the following topic. Start reading on page 7. You'll see what I mean. After my last post, GTA3-Freak 2001, a mod at that site (Who knows how he became a mod with that name) PM'd me and told me that I couldn't handle my opinions and he didn't like the pics I was using. So, I'm suspended from posting at that site until 6/20 at 20:03. I think London time. A wise man once said the majority of GTA Forums users are bastards. I salute who said that. I mean, those mods are real pricks. I have three warnings on my Karma Log. One warning was legit. The other two were stupid. Just read this (pages 7, 8, and 9) The Ultimate GTA Topic (page 7)
  18. You can talk to pedsd on the strret, but only if they talk first. Like you can't respond if some ped says something like "Out of my way!" but you can respond to something like a gang member saying "Nice threads, CJ" Also, on Xbox, I think positive is right on the D-Pad and negavite is left. On PC, either, Y or N, but I have a controller to I really wouldn't know.
  19. I would like to have the "Your Hood is under attack" stuff happen way less often, as it's annoying. I'd also like to take those buzzy planes out of the country side so they don't fly around when you're there. Of course, I'd like these things done with no .scm editing.
  20. Well, you are not racist, but these people (Children 1st and ICCR) because when ICCR put out the "Most Violent 10 Video Games" list out before Chirstmas, it mentioned San Andreas, a game that centers around black people. They also had games like Duke Nukem (A game from the 90's) and a Dead or Alive game released only in Japan, even though this is an American/English site. Now tell me, if you have games from 1995 on your list, but not Vice City or GTA3, you are racist, because both of those games center around white people and have plenty of blood. All of these companies need to shut the fuck up, sit down, and stop worrying about kids' privlages' who are halfway across the globe. Oh, and tommy, change your signature dude, and your avatar.
  21. are you sure that was sarcasm? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, it depends. If you don't like GTA, get your lard ass of of the GTA place, dumb bastard. IF it was sarcasm, it was shitty sarcasm.
  22. PC is the best. It doesn't take much to run SA PC at a playable speed. Also, on the PC, buying and changing clothes is much faster, also I have not run into any sound glitches on the PC version, and if you can't fly, get a controler like I did. Finally, 2-player is going to be PS2-shit when MTA comes out for SA PC. (Would you rather play 2-player multiplayer or 30-player multiplayer?)
  23. Fatty McKay might not understand sarcasm.
  24. Today I was serching Google News for Grand Theft Auto, when I came about a site with news about Rockstar Vancouver's new game, Bully, set to come out this fall. Now awhile back around Christmas time, I posted a topic about those GTA-protesting dipshits from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. Well, a whole new group of dipshits has rolled in, Children1st.org.uk is now bashing Bully in addition to GTA, so I wrote them this email: Yeah, um... you guys suck. Look, I know that trying to take fun entertainment away from kids around the world you've never met for the sole purpose of bullying them, and also molesting them is tempting, but tell McKay to get off of the Krispy Kreme diet and try to lose some of that fat. You say games make people obese? Look who's talking, Thunder Thighs. Shut up, sit down, and stop takeing away fun things. It would have been a good idea to have about 100 people from Children 1st and ICCR protest Rockstar Games. It's a shame that there is something called the swat team to keep you retards out. On the other hand, the people who hate GTA far outnumber those who like and profit from it. Just kidding. Tool. Look, if you want people who don't like GTA, there are two places you can go. Antarctica, and...oh, my mistake, there's no where else. Why don't you reply to me with your stupid ideology about how I think is wrong and how kids all over America and Europe are taking over the streets with AK47 rifles and jacking cars every five minutes. Oh wait, another mistake-IT HASN'T HAPPENED. Chris82 Go to their site and leave comments about them and make a couple of fat jokes about McKay, the one who is leading the fight against Rockstar Games. Click here to contact them For the first name and last name, put whatever, but for the adress, put "069 Youtoday Ave." For the phone number, put "1-866-FUNCULT." Oh, and that phone number is a real one from San Andreas, call it and get the Kifflom starter kit faxed to you!
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