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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Word. And also for some reason even with the new bugfix patch, some people say there's no moon cycle with the PC version. Also the cars never got clean. Man, the only port worse than this in bugs is GTA3. PC versions of GTA are the best, but the only PC port that hit the nail on the head was GTA:Vice City. GTA crashed a lot and San Andreas...is too gangsta. Which is why I'm married to GTA:LC.
  2. Yes it doesn't work with anything that hooks the exe in some way, including anything that hacks memory addresses. So with it, I can't use Cowpat's Mission Select mod, the SA window mod, the Admin Console, any garage editors, or any of that. Plus I didn't notice any of the bugs in the first place. And hot coffee is extremely stupid.
  3. Yeah but this patch has its downsides too. With it, you can't use any mods that hook the exe, like the Window mod or Coordinate display or anything similer to d3d9.dll.
  4. chris82


    He's right. Can't import skin sets, have things like the store, etc... Plus tons of popups and other annyoying things.
  5. Hey genius, next time try putting up a download I can actually use, mmkay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it works, big boy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right, that's why it was an unkown file type? And you're right, I am "Big Boy". Way bigger than you'll ever be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pwn3d twice in one post! I guess PORCODIO will learn before posting. Also, another thing, as Spaz said in the Tommy or Carl topic, you can't base your vote for something about the character if it is a game specalty, a.k.a, muscle, number a different weapons, etc...
  6. What? Big Smoke is the best. "I'd like a 2 number 9s, a number 9 large, one number 16, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda!" Also, what is the funnyest? Is it in any relation to the funniest?
  7. It's not in the normal game (only certain missions) but you can get it if you get a garage editor, admin console, or trainer. Then you can spawn it. There are other more complicated ways like editing the ide files or main.scm but a memory hacker/trainer/admin console/garage editor is the easiest.
  8. Wtf? What are you talking about? I have Anti-Virus, firewall, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, all updated and MSN Plus does nothing with spyware.
  9. Do a Google for IMG Tool 2.0 download it and open up player.img in your models directory of SA. Replace needed files.
  10. My RadioShack is on a Plaza right next to TOPS, so when they gain Cingular, I can buy some food and pay a phone bill in one trip. Oh yeah, and Verizon said we owed them $535 so we can never get there server again unless we pay that for no reason. Damn, RadioShack didn't fold but Acclaim did. Oh well, RadioShack continues the cursade in the US.
  11. Car=Kuruma Motorbike=VC PCJ600 Bike=Mountain Bike Plane=Andromada Boat=None
  12. that's why.You can't even be sure that hes mute. Also, in the video he talks. And i repeat, if you are mute you cant emit even a fuckin grunt. Maybe I'm stupid, but you are a yankee si cazzo guarda ce lo vedo proprio un muto figlio di puttana che si mette a fare il criminale. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Shut up shithead. Grunting and puffing are using the lungs to strongly exhale air at a rapid rate. The rapidly moving air going through the lungs and throat makes the sound of air escaping, and doesn't require use of the vocal organs. Study up, my stupid bitch. Also, he never spoke in the video. The closest thing he did to talking in that was nodding his head as he gave a person money for spraying his BMW. Go buy GTA3 for PC and fall off of the rocks at the car crusher. You'll see he makes air-exhales. You have to admit he is mute. In GTA3 he never says anything over the course of 73 missions. He didn't even say anything to someone on the payphone missions. He is mute, deal with it. Also, all people listen up: At the end of the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas," Catalina, the dog who ditched you in GTA3, who you robbed banks with in SA, who is Ceasar Viapando's cousin, calls you on your cell phone whilst shagging Claude, a.k.a Fido, the same man who you played as in GTA, who also made a cameo apperance in GTASA, who never says one word in either game. Trust me when I say this and I am not implying anything, but as long as you don't have any severe mental disorders, it is possible to call someone and have sex at the same time. Work the magic with your left hand and dial and hold the phone in your right hand. I might just take you to the dungeon PORCODIO. Oh, and something not retard related, I think Claude and Tommy have an equal chance in a fight, but Tommy is more of a bad ass.
  13. How about just right clicking the entire Rockstar Games folder, click properties and unchecking read only.
  14. Yes I made that mistake by entering that when I first played VC for PS2. Big mistake, peds jacking your car every other second gets annoying after a day.
  15. US RadioShack's remain to thrive and better than ever, dropping shitty Verizon for Cingular. I can't even reach the Radioshack Canada site right now.
  16. I really don't think it's real. The menu looks too bland for a GTA game. I mean the PC versions of GTA all have artwork on their menus, and the console version usually don't even have menus but just jump right into the game. It looks like someone used a PSP emulator for the PC, wrote up a homebrew image for it that really launches gta3. He then edited the gta3 menu, recorded the launching with Fraps and showed us the video playing on his PSP. At least that's what seems the most likely.
  17. Yes, it's possible, but A GIANT pain in the ass. If it's a data mod, i.e. Hot Coffee or new carcols, then use Nero Enterprise to save the disc as an ISO to your hard drive, then replace the needed files on the ISO, then burn it as a disc image to a blank dvd. Model and texture editing is very hard, and requires much recompiling and stuff, so just get the PC version. Again modding the PS2 version requires some type of expensive software like Nero Enterprise edition, a big hunk of hard drive space and a dvd burner. Not to mention knowing what to replace and one more thing, burning a dvd requires a mod chip to play on the PS2. So what I'm saying? You'll probably spend upwards of $250 just to make a mod on the not-as-good version. In fact, $250 would probably buy you a new processor or graphics card to play GTASA on the PC if you need it.
  18. Yeah there was a Vice PS2 demo in America, look at the 2002 magazines, then check out the demos on the CDs. Also, Tommy, it is not illegal to do because Rockstar included the extra cars but decided to block em off for some reason, but it's not getting the whole game out of the demo, just getting like 5 more of the LA cars.
  19. Word and word. Man, I just downloaded IE7. And as fat generic ped in OC Loc's bathroom said "Man, this shit SUCKS! Damn!" The File/Edit/View/etc are all at the bottom. The address is at the top, the stop/refresh/go buttons are all in one, you have little control over the broswer tabs and a bunch of other crap. I'll use it on my laptop to save what little memory it has, but on my Desktop, and when I'm running Linux on a PS3 someday, I'll always stick with FireFox. As for Windows Vista, which I hope is not the final name, I'd rather it be Windows: MX or Windows'06. As long as teh stupid side menu in Vista can be taken away and I can use Windows XP Luna visual style, I'll get Vista. If not, screw Vista, I'm staying with XP.
  20. Yeah, bought GTA San Andreas for PS2 on October 25th at exactly 7:30 pm, I was third in line to get it. I also got the PC version June 7th. Every GTA game that comes out (excluding GTA Advance which sucked) I buy it for PS2 and PC to support Rockstar, then rent it on XBox. IN fact I'm going up to a cabin for three days this week so I'm bringing my XBox and the GTA Double pack.
  21. Ok, I don't have a gun at the moment, but I am so sick of hearing about Hot Coffee. After 2 months, I just don't care anymore. Maybe Hillary could try not being a bitch. Maybe Jack Thompson could try taking his lips off her ass. Maybe Yee could stop allowing us to take embarassing freeze-frames of him on ABC with cock-eyes.
  22. Really? There's a mod to do that? Damndest thing, I could have swore the person who started this topic implied that when he said he wanted that mod included in an all-in-one mod. Speaking of which, I think spaceinstein's all-in-one mod for SA does a few if not all of what you mentioned.
  23. Very nice, I would like to try IE7. Where would I go about getting this peice-of-magnificence browser?
  24. I never played the VC demo with only Ocean beach walled off, but please explain it more. What vehicles and peds did it have? Did it have a motorcycle and heli available? What about rain and the Ocean View interior? Also, I would have loved a OPSM2 demo disc with a SA demo on it. Maybe just Ganton Los Santos or The Strip LV. Also, yes, they need to encrypt, it's very easy to get more cars than allowed in the demo of Midnight Club 2.
  25. Looks good, nice left effect!
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