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Everything posted by chris82

  1. ^ Has a big fan club (apperantly) < Happy and excited at this position v Likes the Black Eyed Peas
  2. ^ taunting others for not knowing rules < loves to do the same v doesn't like me
  3. Tommy would be in his late 40's in 1998. Although I don't think Tommy will be there because he was pretty much a made man after Vice City. I would like to maybe see Kent Paul, Maccer, and Madd Dogg from San Andreas and Ken Rosenburg. Woozie too, the damn San Andreas ending didn't have him in it.
  4. http://www.compusa.com/products/product_in...7940&pfp=BROWSE There is a 73gb one for around $239 bucks. An 8 mb cache and 5.2 ms seek time.
  5. ^ Likes the Master Cheif < Likes Futurama, obviously v has more than one image in his sig
  6. Ok, I recently got a new motherboard to run Half-Life 2 and San Andreas better. P4 540 w/HT at 3GHz GeForce 4 MX4000 graphics card-128mb 1GB of DDR-SDRAM 55GB 5400 RPM Maxtor hard drive master, the slave is a Western Digital 120gb piece at 5400rpm (Oh, and yes, the new 7800 cards are quite sexy, because nVidia pwns ATi)
  7. ^ thought I was a staff member < Can only hope... v Has a PS2
  8. ^ If that moonlight gives me a free steak < Frustrated over the fact that Half-Life 2 won't work v Think's I'm an asshole
  9. Can't say I'm a fan of their long-ass scm intro, and the weapon spawns really need work. Besides that, it's cool to have prawn island in SA and the mod plays well. Screens later!
  10. Ok, TVG, I couldn't see your pre-reformat desktop but I think you needed to turn off active desktop. Anyways, here's my desktop, resized for your pleasure. Also I am reformatting the drive after I get my Pentium 4 next week. Original Size: 1280x1024 Resized to: 800x640
  11. Agreed, except that it's more like 9/10's of people use Windows. Also, that Windows smashed computer for $2000? That Lan group would be in court buying me a new Pentium X Alienware desktop for $5000. Doesn't matter if you cheat, they have no right to smash a computer.
  12. Yeah, but that really is not needed until the gang wars start coming up again.
  13. In order for Lance to call you down to the print works to start Cap The Collectors, you must complete 6(?) of all the business assets. I recommend the print works, the malibu club, the strip club (spend $800 on a dance) the movie studio, the boatyard, and the Ice Cream Factory.
  14. Windows, grew up with it.
  15. Ok, I will make your signature for exactly $1000. I will have it made by tonight. Edit: I explained the terms in the PM. Here's the sig:
  16. Ocelot had everything a Vagina could ask for. He had big food, a big, veniy bed, and the Chris82 family to look after him. One morning Ocelot woke up. "I'm hungry!" he said. He went down to the Federal Sex Hall, but everyone in the Chris82 family was still asleep. "I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast," he said. Ocelot went outside and Gave Head down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a hairy Penises. "Gulp!" Down went the Penises. "Not bad!" said Ocelot. Next, Ocelot headed for the park. There he found a pair of Cunts just sitting on a bench. "Gulp! Gulp." Down went the Cunts. "Mmmm, wet!" said Ocelot. Ocelot was feeling very huge as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. "Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" Ocelot swallowed Halo and Grand Theft Auto whole. "SHIT! It must be time to go home," said Ocelot. He Fucked back home and up the stairs to his veniy bed. "Breakfast! Time for breakfast, Ocelot!" called Mrs. Chris82. "I don't feel very well," groaned Ocelot. "It must have been those Dicks I ate for supper last night." Burp! ____________________ Let me tell you about my favorite place. It is called Moneyville. Everyone there always dresses in Blue, and all the cars and the Vaginas are Blue, too. Green Day came to do a concert in Moneyville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every Friday night, all the people who live in Moneyville put on their thick, Blue condoms and walk their Vaginas to the town square. Then they sit on the grass, listen to Green Day play Rock music, and eat Dicks. No one has to go to school in Moneyville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because Britney Spears and Kevin Smith are two of the teachers. Britney Spears teaches Sex Education and Kevin Smith teaches Fucking. One day Britney Spears said to Kevin Smith, "Maybe we should take the students on a field trip." "That's a retarded idea, Britney Spears," said Kevin Smith. "Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of." "But that would be Moneyville," said Britney Spears. "You're right!" Kevin Smith exclaimed. "Call off the field trip! We're already here!"
  17. Can you say spamwich? Look, what Dan said was a little much, but San Andreas' gangsta feel does get on your nerves. I don't like SA for it's characters or story, I like it for its engine and landscape. I'll agree that this topic needs to be locked soon to teach said topic's starter that in order to post an 11-month-old trailer, he must put it in the correct forum to be properly flamed. Thank you.
  18. I have a PS2, Xbox, PSP, and Gamecube but I sold it. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead with a DS.
  19. What the hell was that? San Andreas has been out for months on PS2 and that trailer is old. Furthermore, you posted this in the Liberty City Stories forum! Why did you do that? You get people like me over-excited because we were expecting LCS footage when we clicked on your topic.
  20. I really doubt it. Because it wouldn't be anything free really, you can already use mods to free roam with him in Vice City, GTALC and soon San Andreas.
  21. Eh. I want the next GTA to be a whole contry. It should include Liberty, Vice, San Andreas, London, Tokyo, appropriate contryside, desert, and tundra, plus about 6 new cities. Houston would make a good new city in the whole game but should not be the only city. I don't want Rockstar to go ass-backwards and only do one city for the next game.
  22. Yes, but in order for you to be able to buy Wang Cars and start the garage missions, you must complete driving school. It doesn't matter if you get gold, bronze or silver but you need to complete driving school first, It was likely just a girlfriend calling.
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