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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Fish in a barrel because nothing is easier then doing nothing.
  2. Get a "bouncer" to take care of him for me. WWYDI Photoshop was banned and we had to use MS Paint?
  3. I like Micdonald's better, because it has better food. Also, I saw someone clipping toenails next to the fry machine once at BK.
  4. I think Chris just taught you Pwn 101, Crimson. I mean KingofCrunk.
  5. ^ This dude knows what I'm talking about. **sneezes**Frank**sneezes**
  6. Where did you get that skin? I like it. Anyway, here's mine, with Family Guy all the more! Resized for your pleasure. (From 1280x1024)
  7. That is so funny. I bet she has spent no time with the games. In fact, hookers are a just a little thing people do in GTA when they get bored. If they ban GTA in the US, I'm moving to Canada. If they do it there, the UK is where I'm headed. If they put the ban there, I'm screwed.
  8. Say "Yay, no more corruption!" WWYDI everyone had to use the default IPB skin?
  9. @Frank: I doubt any 9 year old people come here. @FalSe: I also thought you were older, because you are more mature than *coughs* other people here 13 or under. BTW, this has turned into a multi-page conversation because someone lied about their age.
  10. Egotist am I? When I said webmaster, I meant at my own website and at Mvi's site. Anyway, I'll rate Oscar. Av: 2.5/5 Sig: 4/5 Personality: Cool, silent, and an active poster.
  11. Say "If you do it, Mommy will love you more." WWYDI your Mom was in the carnival.
  12. Yeah, he has some issues. A lot of people have issues. In fact, you should stop posting if you type in the following styles: i love the gta place i lOVE tHE gTA pLACE i LoVe tHe GtA pLaCe I LOVE THE GTA PLACE i luv te gta place lol lmao haha wtF? Acronyms are okay in moderation. [/offtopic] Anyway, wow, so we can conclude that every member is between the ages of 10 and 25.
  13. Prey that you don't. WWYDI Halo 2 outsold San Andreas?
  14. Coke did contain cocaine once, as did Sprite, but neither contained liquor. Anyways, Coke is so much better.
  15. Drive to the hospital, then get drugged on morphine. WWYDI They changed GTA to:
  16. You think retailers actualy care how old gamers are where I live? Besides Wal-Mart, any kid with $50 could come in and get handed any game. Well, Wal-Mart had to be stupid to the MAX and make it so M-Rated games are sold to only those 21 and over. WTF?
  17. Kill whoever was responsible at Sony. WWYDI I gave everyone $600? (463.194 Euros, 320.745 Pounds, 777.630 Aussie bucks, or 63,813.00 yen)
  18. Good luck buying a ticket with no money. Anyway, I'll buy 1. As soon as you put me down, I'll send you the ca$h.
  19. Nice Boxart. I wan't to play as either Tommy or CJ. Think about it. If we played as Tommy in the PSP, it'd be the 1970's, before he got arrested. If we played as CJ, it'd be the 1980's before he wen't back to Los Santos. Anyway, that boxart is cool because Tommy and CJ could meet all of those characters.
  20. Riiiiiight. Anyway, gta-player, you're saying you don't like GTA's fast cars and guns? Anyways, GTA get's my vote. It changed the way I look at gaming.
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