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Everything posted by BlackListedB

  1. Lost another true legend who's VOICE will ALWAYS live on..... http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/radio-legend-casey-kasem-dead-at-82-20140615
  2. Boycott! hahaha Stand up for yourself, NEVER Cow Tow to people who don't know right from wrong, that's what happened in Nazi Germany after all. People were intimidated or just didn't know how to react to the greater wrong. Either way, I stand for what's right, whenever possible. And, I'm also a nice guy, TRUST me! haha Oh, and CC, don't let other people's opinion influence who YOU ARE, it never works out for you ultimately if you try to appease others, know in your heart of hearts to do what's right in your own life, ON OR OFF line, that's key advice. Even though I have 5 or more HDDs for Xbox, more then enough because of RRoD, I did tests with the USB supporting drives and they work good. I use an extension that swivels in addition so things don't stick straight out
  3. I believe anyway, New competition for Intel...getting tapped to supply the key graphic muscle for the new consoles is leading to the new CPUs for mobile devices, in essence, the APU to compete with Core Intel technology and allowing the main 'brain' of the computer to handle some former Southbridge, Northbridge and GPU functions under one hood... The new CPU/APUs reported here in Forbes article actually suggest a change in ATI's own admission about 2 years ago that they would relent their normal chase to compete with Intel who by this article's proof, have continually dominated the computer market for supremecy. I told my folks this while computer shopping this spring, my mom wound up with a Core i3 Ivy Bridge rather then Haswell, but these new CPUs do play into the new tech rollout over the next year, 6 to 12 months expect your current rig to become the next to be obsolete eventually!! http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2014/06/06/amds-new-mobile-pc-processors-intended-to-challenge-intels-dominance/
  4. Really? Were you on GTAForums with a different name? I was there for nearly 10 years, but clashed with staff until they banned me, hence my user name here, the staff there make life intolerable, I'm surprised the users don't mount an insurrection, they put up with the strictest rules that make no sense to me. Anyway, try my suggestion and save your game loading content to USB or even a CF card via USB will work to supply external drive space
  5. Seriously, All We're Saying is Give Peace A Chance! AMEN

    1. BlackListedB


      EDIT, I had two updates not even consolidated, but suffice to say, War in Iraq is what I'm talking about

  6. Worried about Iraq civil war?? Hell Yeah, PEACE MOFOS!!!!

  7. I'm figuring on any brush ups being time-sensitive, as I pointed out, development overall has slowed to about two MAIN AAA titles per generation, even with expected new console shelf life based on the long running Sony Playstation's status of 10 years, In recent years, when someone from Sony or MS commented on development, they said they'd try and keep a timetable much closer to the competition then the PS3 and Xbox360 worked out, a year apart! It was deemed too long a gestation period, but allowed MS to hype it's first HiDef console, while PS3 brought with it BluRay and HDMI out of the gate. Oh, and to comment opinion about last, current, next gen.... It's too soon to talk Next Gen console for the BIG TWO (Microsoft is MS BTW ...and Sony) beyond what's been released, as Techspot pointed out, so far, less then a year. PS4 and Xbox One are still Next Gen for a while because their life span won't be much shorter then the above modern consoles, even older 16bit systems had a pretty good run.
  8. What an interesting find.... me thinks http://ultimateclassicrock.com/zz-top-new-single-based-on-90s-rap-song/ Heard the song a few times (mainly via the promo video, however, the rap song based off the cover, could be something you'd hear in a GTA game for sure. I think the '99 Seville reference dating the song likely inspired Billy Gibbons to some degree, he's a pure Cadillac fanatic, along with collecting guitars
  9. Hiya I seem to recall a CCRogers from GTAForums, no relation to you? If you are, we know each other from PSN/XBL Been some months since I did the online console thang though. If you bought a limited HDD capacity Xbox, My first step remedy is to use an 8GB or higher USB to store additional things on, I use one myself and so far, smooth sailing, but my Xboxes are all old ones, replaced with slightly newer revisions (HDMI first year models I believe)
  10. Got another laptop via eBay, the right mobo but a defective Surface Mount chip or IC is damaged UGH!!!

  11. For not having Rockstar take part in the normal Industry events, I feel they've gotten a bit swollen headed ego in the kindest sense of the word, as I mentioned reading about their history and the book Jacked, you get that impression repeatedly, now they can rest somewhat on their successes, and in taking their time, they do just that, in one way or another, since we don't know what they're at work on, but Agent was a serious investment in a concept that I feel would most resemble the cable series The Americans, and a cross with James Bond elements, and I feel in replicating a prior era that's not really exploited, taking the project to conclusion can still pay off, since it's not contingent on being current. Same with RDR of course, they're re-inviting us to a historical period in time to step into a time machine in effect, and Much more so then the 80s of Vice City, or GTA III 90s. The thing that bothers me most is so much concentration on GTA Online, while it's admiral for pioneering new ideas for Online, Perhaps in my mind, the idea that David Jones had for MMO GTA by way of All Points Bulletin is still not what we see with GTAO, but it's a worthy push of the yard stick in gaming forward, I just see their LC map getting too clogged up with various activity icons those official and those set up by user created content. I think taking Online further might just require some new maps, which can be a whole 'nother can of worms in regard to problems that entails. However, it also gives entirely new life to that prospect of similar gaming. Oh, and Someone did a HORRID job translating or TRYING to speak English with this online find; http://n4g.com/news/1512280/rumor-are-rockstar-games-about-to-release-red-dead-redemption-2 BUT, if rumor had some weight now, I suspect he's saying there's a possible admittance that Red Dead or Redemption 2 'working title' might come to also be released at the end of the year, and even a blurb about a PC release! Man, won't that beat all!!??
  12. There was a lot of MAJOR MAJOR groundwork done to make GTA V, as such it's only a finale and entrance or gateway product for new and old consoles. I hasten to add a local TV news segment touched on a new console coming to market, but I only heard them compare Nintendo and Sony and the Wii U mentioned, there's no news there at all, and even one could argue, not factual either. Microsoft and Sony are deep in competition with Xbox and Playstation, Nintendo's demographic doesn't really impede either of those
  13. I'll be getting back into online GTA and RDR gaming forthwith. I had yet another automatic XBL payment for the month come out of my Paypal and I'm not even using the dang thing! Anyone up for some MP poker in RDR?!? hahaha I'll report on how I'm finding the updates and fixes at least par my own experiences.. Once I put some hours back in. Sorry for a bit OffTopic on this considering it's dated by now. The focus on portable gaming is somewhat admirable but flawed in that the PSVita gets very little love these days, it should be outperforming the PSP but that product brought with it a lot of Gee Whiz excitement factor, not to mention two great GTA titles! I would love if somewhat subtitled the RDR Mexican dialog in whole, somewhere transcripted
  14. Finally some nearly official PS4 news, but my verdict's still out. Don't trust E3 for GTA news! haha

  15. Not familiar with any VC Ultimate version, there's compilation version boxed together, but for PC sounds like you may have downloaded an unauthorized copy. Most of us who legitimately use GTA and other games, we buy our own official licensed copies, either new or used, often even multiples. If you find this difficult consider it helps pay for future product development and keeps the studio's operational. As to what might cause a PC error that's similar, my guess comes down to faulty memory errors, typically a module failing can cause all manner of crashes and computer havoc, so first thing to always try is new memory sticks!
  16. Many feel that Rockstar and Take2's handling of Rockstar North won't relate at this point or points past with E3 or other big gaming expos. The fact they feel is the studio's landmark work thus far is so seminal that it doesn't need extra effort to promote any longer, Rockstar keep as secretive as ever and that's more so then any time prior, certainly in the days where they orchestrated controversy. What was mentioned prior was an announcement by next year, before Spring 2015, if this is just bringing about GTA V for Sony PS4, it doesn't look to offer a redux version, and likely for Xbox One as well considering already terminal wait for the game's gestation. In effect what I'm saying is judging on what's come up in discussions with this added, I believe we're looking at a true point to the rumor, or as I suspect originally, a new IP for the new systems, a PC successor in current tech gen, in essence a new followup to Red Dead Redemption for PC players as well, it's a long shot or my best hope for Rockstar moving forward, but we can still expect new product announcement after this year ends. Agent still as Vaporware we hope can see to through fruition
  17. Let's get your feedback on this classic cinema versus book stance, what is your opinion on The Shining film classic from the late Stanley Kubrick versus famed veteran Stephen King who penned such masterful, inspiring novels? My take is there's no one who can substitute King's writings, but he took a turn directing and starring in film and it came out less serious then perhaps imagined from other directors, but he also points out he doesn't like having a completely dark story, or characters that perhaps are too one-dimensional He also has said about his take on story telling that he likes to have normal, average people put in extra-ordinary situations, so not just horror for the sake of shock, etc. Not just a horror novelist either, but obviously leaning in that direction heavily. One of the all time best is director Rob 'Meathead' from All In the Family and Rockumentary pioneer Marty DiBergi Reiner.... Carl Reiner's son by the way.... 80s film "Stand By Me" In fact, Stephen King's love of classic rock music has infused his stories and his own movie. Getting AC/DC's own classic "Who Made Who" to come into existence. http://geektyrant.com/news/2013/9/20/stephen-king-explains-why-he-still-hates-stanley-kubricks-the-shining
  18. Is the next rampaging mass murder yet another act of someone ostracised by suiciety (a play on words a friend's band coined) This latest California shooting points to a young man who took to venting publically but not nearly well enough to be legally stopped. Let's here some thoughts and opinions on this latest case of violence in the Real World? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/santa-barbara-killer-parents-raced-stop-receiving-emails-article-1.1805455 It relates to how in some long standing respects, GTA and gamers in general are thought to be desensitized and don't understand how to conduct themselves properly in the Real World. I'm afraid there's some truth even in what we don't wish to hear or acknowledge. My stance is to be a voice for what is right among the gaming community, rather then let the naysayers win in saying one form of entertainment or social distraction should be the scapegoat of blame. Hopefully you'll take that stand with me! Though no blame on this particular case points to video game addiction, it's always something one might think about in passing due to the blighted past of such things. Social outbursts of directing anger in the completely wrong way. Dealing with troubled individuals will continue to plague society so just putting people in jail or ignoring them won't solve the hard issues
  19. Ok guys, rumors swirl about GTA V for both new consoles and PC, and perhaps still using Euphoria and the RAGE engine though messaged a bit since it's inception with GTA IV. We need to discuss an update on how well your gaming PC is standing the test of time, what cards have you purchased that you're still using, what are or have you looked at for upgrades, and does GTA IV's PC versions define what you're looking for in benchmarked performance, settings, etc. Let's get some current discussion going on what's out there that you find does the job of handling previously known ailments and sketchy performance of GTA for PC work on your platform. The discussion should certainly not be limited to PC or desktop, but laptops as well. I'm setting up an Asus Republic of Gamer using Nehalem Core i7 and DDR3 RAM, and it's soon to be supplanted with new technology in the next year or two. As such, we need to focus on what the new products will also offer in gains one can really sink their gaming teeth into. So, give us some feedback and background as to what you're using and happy with, have you tried both AMD ATI and nVidia, or are you a fan of one versus the other? One of the things I read that likely was not brought up is that new machines are reported to support 32GB of system Ram, and the review stated that that's just too much RAM to effectively use at this stage in the game, is it too forward thinking? Is 3GB of video Ram too much overhead? Is 2Gbytes? What do you think of Crossfire and SLI gains over single cards? Dual versus 4 core and HyperTheading or multi threading games performance? Another thing that's true about technology is that even with more threads and cores to use, if the software application makes better use of just one or two, a simpler and less expensive CPU will outperform the more feature laden processor!
  20. What I've gone over both here and on the similar TWD thread at GTAForums is my idea behind this, that seems to concur with my hypothesis. That by referring to Zombies, or say, minions of Dracula ('blood sucking freaks' type creatures perhaps based on the legend of Countess Bathory or Vlad the Impaler), werewolves, other then more direct circumstances like Frankenstein and Dracula where a type of monster or demonic entity comes from book reference, but Kirkman's show stems from his own comics, inspired as you say, from others previously. The idea more or less fits in with creating a unique and fresh take on something that's already been explored in past horror vehicles. By making no direct connections or comparisons or allowing such things to happen in the course of the new stories. Still as I suggest in humor, the show which airs on Sundance channel; The Writer's Room, they all referred to Zombies in the classic sense that everyone accepts it seems. In terms of definition of what they represent.
  21. Here's a relatively new article about the new consoles and Rockstar's forthcoming commitment to them and announcements hinted at for a new IP or successor set to release in early 2015 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/rockstars-game-plan-gta-5-xbox-one-ps4-red-dead-redemption-2-next-gen-consoles-1444920 Comments?? Please offer your take on what you'd like Rockstar focusing on, since in actuality, I'm bored with the GTAO focus that forsakes gaming offline, Single Player offerings for the future. Also, I missed the previous mention of RDR being worked on, I'm REALLY happy if this is true!!
  22. Can't do further editing now? I found this link in my searching for the latest news, it's obviously still dated, but whoa, I think it presents a VERY interesting idea I don't see brought up on GTA forums, and as an aside, the GTAChronicles suspension is again due to billing and timing flaws, the payment should go through but they don't bill enough in advance, the hosting site I refer to, so expect GTAC to come back after a few days, though we still find it hard to get new and old members talking, my dedication is 100% to both these forums as it stands. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/05/08/rumor-realtime-worlds-hopes-apb-becomes-gta-online/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockstar_North Revisit the GTA lineage above ^ Also I should reiterate that David Jones expressed hope for a marriage of GTA's basic early premise and Crackdown mated together as a way to move GTA forward, or his ideal game in that style. What we've seen is APB mired in years of difficulty due to it's failure to find an MMO audience. We see Rockstar already concentrating heavily into GTAOnline, but still facing as much trouble maintaining a dream ideal for the mechanics of GTAO working as envisioned without a hitch.
  23. On cable here in America at least, a new short series called The Writer's Room talks with TV show creators and writers about their shows, a whole episode concentrating on The Walking Dead and it's soon to commence spin off series, and I'd like to share that with fans here, the news from that recent show the past week is that the comic series WILL continue and the spin off will supposedly cover a different group of survivors of the current 'zombie' plague in another part of the American 'world' in which the Walking Dead takes place, it's odd in a way that it will play the concept so close to the original show, as I envision it at least, another group of survivors in a different USA geographical region in which we will follow how they cope in episodic fashion, may seem even too similar to some, but I have a high regard for Robert Kirkman's success and ideas thus far, and I think a lot of people do too. The season finale had major ratings success. Casting may be a critical factor, but I think any change in geography in the same setting circumstance can add interest from the downtime between current episodes. Hopefully not too much of a good thing though! Weigh in on the comics and the series here, if you've been captivated by Zombie Fever Just to touch on another interesting aspect, the word Zombie is never referenced during the actual show, I believe not based on what I missed, but rather the concept of the show, in that using Zombie terminology in the show would be somehow defeating in the premise in that it's already established as a fictional historic 'horror or monster' mystique for the modern culture, or as long as it's been in the public parlance of our time! hahaha By that I mean if you brought up 'Zombie' to someone, they'd know what you mean, there's already ideas about what a zombie is, since the success of George Romero's vision of the modern living dead brought back to life, needing flesh to consume for whatever motivates their instinct, killed with a wound to the brain, or head. This is also done on the show by discovery over the course of dealing with threats from the Walking Dead 'biters' etc. Anyway, getting somewhat sidetracked, I want to be clear on what I mean with that, I was told in earlier discussions about this subject that Robert Kirkman or others related to the show brought it up, but most recently with The Writer's Room, everyone used the term, whether discussion was of the original and continuing comics or the show itself. Kirkman's original concept was to solely have a successful comic book in which he could continue without normal constraints, and having the success spill over from the live action show, video game, etc, he is set to continue the comics. He also says this keeps plot plans kept private from the actors and even writers on the TV series, this is most interesting to learn from the show, but his motive is to plot things out as things go, nothing planned too far down the line, while the idea of wrapping up a series or story line was also brought up, the comics are likely to continue even if the original or spin off shows wrap up, but I suspect that's a long way off!
  24. Just thinking on All Points Bulletin again, and the supposed failure of Crackdown to have a continued life beyond the first game, like Dead Rising as well, the game was a major success in it's day, and few people would fault the original, however, the sequels haven't had anywhere near the success of GTA which by it's own design is a simple concept of a game, as we've seen it evolve from simple technological roots to something pushing the tech boundaries. All the games that are successful can really branch off in similar ways, I always felt with PS2's GTA success, a story design spin off would have worked perhaps better then the Stories series designed 'down' for portable platforms. I felt like making something 'simpler' was going to be a let-down, but the portability factor required it and nearly made up for the fact, Chinatown Wars failing on some level is because it does much the same, and it appeals to younger GTA players as a result, I still think the PS Vita can make up ground here in this specific regard. Although these ideas are dated, for me bringing them up now, they're still relevant because as games become more technically challenging and involved, and bigger in scale for the hardware to software matching ratio, the time for development will naturally slow down, hence why I think we see Rockstar spending more public time with DLC supporting what they already released. I'd like to get your opinions on how the Industry has approached GTA's success, as well as other studios' AAA title successes. Is it wise to concentrate on a sequel that might fail, or try and branch off as TV does with spin off shows in the known past (as far as Entertainment comparison goes) A game as involving and on the same scale as San Andreas could have had success on Playstation 2 as well as the original Xbox and any compatible Renderware platform, but the concentrated effort fell on the new engine game development
  25. http://www.vicecitymultiplayer.com/?a=download I haven't dabbled in that aspect of earlier GTAs for PC, like San An MP, but I do hear people say it can be pretty 'dead', or had been. The problem with the ever onward procession of products from whomever. Whether it's Windows XP, your laptop, PC, Windows XP, or a game, after a time, the support dwindles. In some cases only diehard fans remain Anyway, IIRC, the initial Network gear came for Sony PS2 and PSN was initially born from that, and the idea for an MP GTA even spread to original creator David Jones' All Points Bulletin, however, that failed to grab people's attention like Real Time Worlds CrackDown, I feel like the successor to that massively appreciated title just lost the footing based on going off in some deviated direction that failed to spark people's interest as the developer intended. It's in my mind, just taking a great idea and moving it in the wrong direction and then we're left in a bit of a limbo situation... Follow the sad tale of RealTime Worlds here. David Jones is the originator of GTA, and his ideas to take GTA in a future direction outside of Rockstar's, it should have worked nearly as well. I even hope that they can regain some of that fame, since no one is in real competition with Grand Theft Auto and Rockstar Games http://kotaku.com/tag/realtime-worlds
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