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The Driver

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Everything posted by The Driver

  1. The Driver

    Halo 3

    What do you think is good about Halo, I'm sorry, but I never really liked it. What makes the game so good?
  2. Which photoshop version is it?
  3. I would like to see: Realistic Car Damage. Ability to cut cars In half with chainsaw. Create your own character. 1,000 players online on the same server (multiplayer). Property Development. More ways of making money. A fun fair! A school. Children in the game. people in wheelchairs and crutches after you beat them up. Downloadable content. Connectivity with PSP. More Fighting Styles. Improved pedestrian AI. Ability to hire a chauffeur (driver). Deeper Vehicle Customisation. Scuba Diving Gear. Choose a part-time or full-time job, doing various tasks. Buildings Collapse. Cars rust and deteriorate, and affects performance. Ability to break limbs by falling. Longer storyline. Ability to enter every house. Pick up objects (chairs, bottles, stones) Ability to flash car headlights. Fuel Gauge and ability to fill car up again Hunt animals More Diversity of cars (e.g three wheeled van) Online Gaming with Moderators as police! .: Can't Think Of Anymore yet! :.
  4. Erm, 16? Have you seen this 'jason' actually moving? No doubt it is a fake. Trust me, mate, there is no Jason, Rockstar would have announced it anyway.
  5. try typing in the word 'zap' on a dictionary website, it may work.
  6. The price should be half of the normal GTA games, about £19.99 in England.
  7. Slipping on a step because your foot isn't on the stair properly REALLY hurts...Oh the memories...
  8. Here come the rumours of the bigfoot again... Rockstar actually announced that there is nothing in the woods, and if there was they would have announced it months ago. Oh my God! Look at this, when Curt took that photo of the grafitti, the number of seconds on the clock is 16, and on his previous picture, the clock is also 16, and Curt joined on the 16th of May. Now that is weird!
  9. Daily News: Man Rides Bike Into Fastfood outlet, and collides with a Big Mac. Story thought to be unlikely.
  10. Oh, that is weird, I have a scar on my head as well, after being hit by a swing...It's a long story...
  11. Some people claim that the next game will be set in the 1930's or even earlier, but that would be very unlikely, and there would be a completely new character.
  12. I don't think any of us can find an answer, is there anyone out there that can help this guy??? You might just have to start a new game.
  13. Its not really a glictch, its just that the prostitute walks away and happens to walk in the water.
  14. Its interesting how Rockstar leave many opportunities for there to be more GTA games. Wouldn't the game be set in the seventies, there are on many occasions when the seventies are mentioned in San Andreas.
  15. The JD, you might have a problem that is a very rare one, and doesn't normally occur.
  16. Try reinstalling the game, or delete the corrupt savegame.
  17. No, sorry, I don't work for a helpline, that was a type error. I meant to type 'the' instead of 'our'. I got a bit carried away there!!! I don't think that the 'out' could be the problem there, and maybe an advanced technician could fix it. Have you tried the simple way of disconnecting and reconnecting?
  18. You can't get there, and is just for show. There isn't a clear path for you to get there, and Rockstar didn't intend for you to get there.
  19. Are there any Blu-Ray players out yet, not recorders, players.
  20. Thankyou Tommy Vercetti Guy! You have explained in better words than me, and the pictures are just what I mean. Spaz The Great, do you think the cars are 2D or 3D?
  21. There are a few pictures of Blu-Ray recorders on the internet, Tommy Vercetti Guy.
  22. Have you sorted the networking yet, The JD? I would advise you to contact one of our helplines, a simple search engine should help.
  23. I can't remember the reward for all gold, is it the Hotknife?
  24. Hence That savegame is corrupt.
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