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Everything posted by Someone

  1. they are ussualy near the screenshots, I know there is one in easter basin docks, NE of that board for importing vehicles. or u can show up in a gimp suit and u wont have to take her out, she will invite u in
  2. look,dude, I dont mind u hating GTASA, but for saying u hate it that way u really have to be a f*ckin retard . If it bothers u, dont come here to complain. Go find urself a life. Or even better, jump off a bridge.
  3. I think the graphics is too good (considering the graphics in previous games), and its still too early for to take d screenshot, but I hope its true...
  4. Well, I didnt quite unterstand u cuz my english kinda sucks , but if its using dem, u've got them on this site, u just tipe dem while playing
  5. I chose Europe, business and 'make ur own character' Europe becuz the previous games were in USA, so it would really be kinda unfair if there wasnt any in Europe Business: I was actually thinking of 90% business, 10% mafia ur own character: Actually, u cant choose character, but u start with 1 of them and play with more of them through the game, and u can only choose with which 1 u will play AFTER u've completed the storyline
  6. More vehicles better graphics u could get a job u would have to sleep u could get sick Cityes like real ones, like NY watching TV bullet holes more and better activities, like skating and rollerskating u could take hostages and then they would send feds to negotiate u couldnt steal cars that easily helicopter ambulance firefighter in airplane vigilante in a jet u could become a cop so cops wouldnt chase u for killing criminals Thats all I can think of for now
  7. I dont know the, reason, but I just HATE Auntie Poulet And I just dont uderstand how could somebody hate Cortez and Rosenberg. They're the good guyz, and they pay you well for easy missions. Also, a lot of u guyz hate Lance cuz he's a 'backstabbing prick' and Sonny cuz he's the bad guy. But actually, Tommy is the 'backstabbing prick' cuz he kills Sonny just so he doesnt have to give him his money back. And if Lance was the main carachter in the story, u probably wouldnt think that he's a 'backstabbing prick'
  8. there are two shamals in front of a hangar, and right next to them there are 4 fuel tanks. the heat-seaking RPG is between them (There is also a snapshot there)
  9. M60(multi-purpose) , flamethrower & molotovs (fire) and hunter (Apache) btw Mac is nice too
  10. I like firefighter and brown thunder missions, my fav weapons are m60 and flamethrower, and my favorite car is caddy (It's better than walking)
  11. u meen 'edit them' like use them or something different?
  12. Hunter, stretch and caddy (I'm not joking)
  13. Video killed the radio star & Broken wings Also the VCPR station -------------------------------------------------- And that 'kids in america'(?)
  14. Yeah, I think they do, but that doesn't mean that all of them know how to swim, probably only 10% of them knows.
  15. I like cop d most cuz it looks nice and i can go in PD andmilitary base. btw I think Mr.Vercetti looks kinda gay (plz dont be offended)
  16. GTA SA is definitely the best, but Vice City is still my favorite Halo is nice (tried it once), but Halo and GTA are different categories, they both are the best in their own way
  17. There was probably a gang war and u died,making the territory less visible. Check Las Colinas (north)and that highway (east) on d map. They gotta be there
  18. Well, you probably could do it, i can hold my breath for about 80s with not too much trouble (i train waterpolo), but try holding breath and doing something, like running or swimming at the same time and you probably wont be able to hold breath longer than 30s. And btw, a lot of people live inland (europe n USA) Swimming GTA: u swim 50 meters and get tired REAL LIFE:u either can swim 300m or u cant swim at all
  19. It aint cheating. mod is a bigger cheat than this is. btw, aint this already a kind of mod?
  20. Well, it would be nice if there was, like, 200 packages and we would only have to find 100 of dem
  21. They're all nice, but the best 1 was 'gigl creme' or something like that
  22. Try reinstalling the game. I had the same problem, i reinstalled it and it was OK.
  23. I had d same problem. First it was completely normal. then it couldn't load. finaly i reinstalled the game (i made a backup of my savegames) and it didnt crash.
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