Na I dont fancy having a lesbian rape thing going on, bit too far for me.
Lesbian raping?I'm a guy if that's what you ment.12 years old.
A little bit offtopic at the moment
But Anyways.....
Pretty depressed right now.I found out that yesterday the girl I liked got asked out and she said yes.
So ya,pretty sad right now.But idk...I guess it okay cause I don't think i was gonna ask her out casue I hate "three year relationships where you don't even talk to each other" ya know.I think i'll wait for girlfriends until 8th or 9th grade...But other than that,I might get Bully tonight,but if I don't see that,i'll get VCS,and if i don't see that i'll get Scarface.Thatt's about it right now.I'm stayin out of trouble,but failing all classes but PE.I'm not stupid and I care in all but I just don't do it.I play on PSP,PS2 and computer to much.I'll talk later on this topic...