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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. The gate he means is the thing that blocks the bridge in the beginning of the game. You can get to the second island by doing 100 taxi missions first. Use the taxi jump and you'll jump over the blockade with no problem
  2. Welcome to 4 years ago. Btw, Maplestory sucks. Oh well, you are only 9. I guess bringing the beat down on snails is entertaining to your age
  3. Download SA-MP, its hellava better than MTA. click this
  4. Every enterable idea is a good idea, but they need to make it so that interiors are different. All the burger shot, well stacked pizza, clucking bell, zip, binco and most other places in SA all had the same interior. More different interiors is needed or entering all the buildings idea should be scrapped, you wont wanna go into a building and then go into another one and see the same interior. And TEC 9. They can add burglary to the day time. You can go into someones house and take thier stuff, put it into the back of your car and go to a pawn shop. Only thing is that theiving at day is much more risky. Oh, and also about stealing, you should be able to steal much bigger, like a bank or a shipment of guns.
  5. Doesnt anyone here like the Manana besides me?
  6. Bear if you use the spawn rhino cheat the rhinos stay there for a very long time. I dunno why though. If you jacked a car and parked it somewhere, it would dissapear, the rhino in the cheat is special in some way.
  7. How 2pac died How 2pac died (prequel)
  8. I found the pic off GTA PSP, I dont have VCS
  9. Pretty easy. All you need is a lot of grenades (or molotovs) and some rockets. Go to the roof that has the skumhole shack safehouse and go tere, go on the part of the roof facing the police station. Start dropping nades and blowing everything up. If helis come, use your rockets.
  10. You guys are kidding right? -Gym glitch. You cant work out at the gym, it keeps saying you've worked out enough and you have to come back later. When you come back later, it gives you the same message -Basketball glitch. Basketballs dissapear and you cant play the basketball mini-game -girlfriend glitch. Girlfriends arnt home at the time they're suppoed to be home -peds raise arms glitch. The peds in some interiors raise thier arms up even though you havent fired a gun or locked onto anybody. Casinos and pool games wont work properly then. Even if you exit the interior and come back, theier arms are still up -wrong sex appeal glitch. When you change haircuts, clothes, etc the sex appeal numbers arnt correct and can somtimes make you have the wrong amount of sex appeal. Once I wore nothing but had the sex appeal as if I was wearing a full tuxedo. -Madd Dogg glitch. Madd Dogg jumps off the roof the second you get control of CJ, impossible to complete the mission and finish the game. -Ped wont die glitch. The peds health is black when you lock onto them but theyre not dead. Ive tried shotting them, runing them over, but they just wont die. Only drowining or a stab in the neck with a knife can kill them -No fire extinguisher glitch. Happends when you start a new game in the options menu. -Girfriend reward glitch. If you start a new game in the menu and you had Barbera or Katie as a girlfriend in the previous save, you wont lose yoiur weapons in the new save, even though you dont have the girlfriends yet. These are all of the major glitches I can remember. There are plenty of small glitches like cars getting stuck in walls, etc
  11. This is nothing compared to San Andreas...
  12. yo mommas so stupid she tried to give a haircut to a bald person
  13. Not if you hit a ramp. Haha, fools either ended upside down or facing a wall
  14. Medal Of Honor. Yes, I heard gamepads do that, unplug them.
  15. You have got to be f***ing kidding right? Please tell me youre kidding
  16. because hes under peer pressure
  17. Porbably on Ps2 like LCS, highly doubt VCS will be on PS3
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