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Kitsune Inferno

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Everything posted by Kitsune Inferno

  1. For the dumbasses who don't know: WTF: What the f*** LOL: Laugh out Loud OMG: Oh my God LMAO: Laughing my ass off BTW: By the way GTFO: Get the f*** out
  2. what about the people without a psp like myself, what if we want to play it? it WILL be ported to ps2 since sony has been invaluable to rockstar in terms of making money, and ps3 is out of the question. I dont know why microsoft think they can do the same, they have a miniscule fan base compared to sony, and long may it stay that way. Guess what? I don't have a PSP, too. I played the PS2 version of LCS and it pissed me off. I don't have a PS2, either. (Thank God for friends with Playstations.)
  3. You know how the game is about finding your mother's murderer? I try that, Four Brothers style.
  4. Then again, Claude's an asswipe and he'd do this kind of thing. Remember when he killed Kenji, potentially impeding a 100% completed game, just because Donald Love said it would lower property prices?
  5. The only way I'd kill a virtual dog is so that my real dogs don't feel my wraith.
  6. Get more of that shit. WWYDI you were given a Humvee with a .50 caliber machine gun attached?
  7. Yeah, Simpsons movie is coming in year 2007, but I can't wait for Futurama to come... I find Bender the funniest character there. So you like Bender, huh? Little rumors of a Futurama movie called "Bender's Big Score" is coming out in Christmas 2007. (DVD only)
  8. Yes, dented bumbers, paint scrapes, cracked windshields, and some body kits falling off. But all pale in comparison to what GTA has planned for cars. Like being blown to hell.
  9. Depends what mood I'm in. If my puppy hasn't pissed me off, I'd run past any guard dogs. If he has, at least two of them; well, you know.
  10. Actually, I like to treat most of my friends like shit. It's a wonder I still have any.
  11. Oh Santa, Oh Santa What I truly want for Christmas Is the legal drinking age lowered to 15.
  12. I already bought the Double Pack and SA for the Xbox, so I won't be needing this. However, I do have friends that play GTA and own PS2s and would play it more if their parents let them. Secret birthday presents, maybe?
  13. They DO have Native Americans in SA. Look closer in the desert. The tan people with black hair are Native Americans. I want some annoying things in GTA that beg to be blown up: Clowns, Hybrids, Lazlow (maybe), and PTA groups that boycott the Dengeneratron.
  14. I'd like a gangsta or Yakuza theme. Just as long as I don't see OG Loc or Kenji again.
  15. Forza Motorsport and PGR3 had licensed cars, and they had damage models, albeit moderate.
  16. My favorite thing to do is just go on road trips throughout the desert listening to WCTR.
  17. How do you feel about this show? Funniest thing ever conceived by Matt Groening (The Simpsons). And guess what? It's NOT CANCELLED. Thank you, Comedy Central! Starting in 2008, CC gets Futurama EXCLUSIVELY and 13 NEW episodes.
  18. Just walk around in SA and sooner or later, a ped's arm will stretch WAY out of porportion. Like a big ass stick at a 90 degree angle that touches the ground.
  19. My bad, but there is an Edit button for this kind of thing. One more thing I don't want in GTA4. Bodies falling THROUGH walls and peds with 15 foot arms.
  20. No. Apparently, car manufactuers seem to not want their cars being used for running down pedestrians, smashing into other motorists, and being blown up. They've never heard the phrase, "Any publicity is good publicity." And please don't double-post. I'm not being an ass, it's just that you MIGHT get a bad rep around here. (Like that matters.)
  21. Hey, we don't know that Claude killed Maria. (Of course he did, I'm just pulling shit out of my ass.) It went to black, and all we heard was a gunshot. For all we know, Claude fired a warning shot; a surviving Cartel could have been the one to kill Maria; and so many other possibilities.
  22. 560th post, YAY!!! Hmm, it seems really insignificant compared to IJSAB's 1000th post. Eh, congrats IJSAB!
  23. Yeah, I tried to buy a katana and it wouldn't let me. Posting = $ Arcade = $ Quizes = No $, as of now. Bank = More $
  24. Who would want to kill that? I wouldent kill them. Maybe when the Animal hears the Gunshot it runs away and its imposslbe to kill because there running so fast. Aw, they're cute. That's right, I said "cute". What about guard dogs? That ought to be fun.
  25. Colts or Patriots. Could go either way. Peyton Manning VS a team with 2 year old Super Bowl rings and wardrobe malfunctions still fresh in their minds.
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