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Kitsune Inferno

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Everything posted by Kitsune Inferno

  1. I plan on playing Saint's Row instead, because I don't have a PSP. Here's to Christmas!
  2. I think the only valid reason against London is British radio. 'Nuff said.
  3. What's up with some religious people wanting to ban Halloween for thinking its still a religious holiday? Yeah, it USED to be. Three hundred years ago.
  4. CJ respawns at hospital and calls Johnny for some assistance...
  5. I'm picturing something like this: 1st part: Vic takes some revenge on Cartels by shooting up some mansions until the cops get involved and takes the fight to the streets. 2nd part: Lance gets taken hostage and is driven away in a Patriot while you have to chase them down to rescue your little bro... again. 3rd part: You rescue Lance and take your final revenge by doing fly-bys from a Maverick with a RPG7. 4th part: You finally kill the main baddy in hand to hand and walk off, tra, la, la.
  6. Well, rock ain't bad...I just like rap better than it. Eminem all the way! Great rhymes, writes his own lyrics, and hell...a decent actor to boot. I also love 90's rap. Thank you, SA! Early to Mid-90s kicked major ass.
  7. Damn, I think I just got pwn3d. :'( Oh well, at least some newbs did, too.
  8. How the hell did he get diabetes from gaming? I got a diabetic friend, and I can sure as hell tell you guys that's probably a bullshit excuse.
  9. The main reason I don't celebrate Halloween anymore is because I don't live in the suburbs anymore. Your nearest neighbor is at least 70 feet away where I live. Why walk around for ten miles to get a few pieces of candy when I could just get some from Wal-Mart?
  10. The only thing I'm ever planning to do for Halloween is to sit on my personal porcelin seat with a few sexy vamps.
  11. I remember that thing from the Jetpack episode of Mythbusters. Just imagine, showing off the first skycar and make everybody jealous and want to beat your rich ass senseless.
  12. I spend anywhere from fifteen minutes to a few hours here a day.
  13. Try the SA mission, Just Business. Do it with the Mac 10. See how much it sucks. Now retry it with a Tec 9. See how much better it is? As for Victor, what the f*** are you talking about? Seriously, what? Cause I don't understand bullshit. And btw, this topic is for most hated PEOPLE. Not guns.
  14. Just to clear things up for no apparent reason, you guys DO know that SA wasn't all gangsta, right?
  15. The last game I bought was Saint's Row. (1. This game is to hold me over until I get VCS and a PSP, and that until GTA4. (2. I've wanted SR ever since I saw it at E3 2005.
  16. Horrible Physics Dumbass AI Bad Controls Stupid Story Insane Mission Time Limits I'd take anything over Driv3r anyday.
  17. Gangsta, because we've had Mafiaso in all GTAs, including SA.
  18. I bet the jackasses' kids who are in charge of banning games probably are the dees copying games. Oh, it isn't the parents' fault or the dumbass's fault. It's the game's fault because they cause violence...and I base that off of nothing.
  19. Gay pride marches. What the hell have I been smoking?
  20. I just do the story missions. I only rented it for one night.
  21. Ha, we all know that the news is full of shit. They don't know crap about GTA, so they should shut the hell up.
  22. Too true, tvg. I know for a fact I'm not gonna whip out an AK and shoot everybody in sight. The people that would actually do that, and then blame it on games...dee dee dee is way too generous a word.
  23. I don't have XBL anymore, but from what I heard, the online multiplayer is somewhat sluggish, but still fun.
  24. Your parents don't know what "grand theft auto" means? Sorry to sound a bit like a jackass, but tell them to look at the context clues. Grand THEFT AUTO.
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