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  1. for once i agree with i shot a bear, they made those games cause vice city and gta3 were lacking something
  2. i like 2pac, 3 6 mafia, nas a little, nonphixion, bone thugs, atmosphere, snoop dogg back in the day("doggy style" "the last meal"), ice cube in the earyl 90s, cypress hill, easy e is the shit, dr dre("the chronic"), ghost face killa, project pat
  3. juggalo

    halo ce

    i have it for pc, so yes, i did play, i was good, i was the leader of my own clan, but i havent had that pc for a while, so i fell off, but im almost done reapring my other pc, so ill be back online in a few weeks, probably gonna start my clan again, if anyone is good and wants to tryout, look for [wc] tryouts next week, need good snipers!!!
  4. yeah, i was thinking that too, you should be able to bribe cops, also, you should be able to choose to betray the person your doing missions for
  5. probably thousands, ive completed it 3 times, and have went on countless rampages
  6. oh, your right, i havent played in 3 years, sector y is easy for me though, aquas is hard as hell, when your trying to get the medal, it took me forever, also, star fox 64 isnt the best game for n64, conker's bad fur day is #1
  7. you think i give a f*** if people here like me....NO, this is the internet, the only things its good for are porn, and flaming with people online, there are plenty of other gta sites out there, so why dont you stop complaning, cause you cant do anything about it
  8. i forgot about this game, cause no ones been takling about it, but im with artutkim and airahii, i bet it'lle be fun in the beggining but not much replay value, just like the warriors
  9. i can understand them wanting a game like that to go away, but even if it was linked to a murder, millions of people, including me, played that game, and just because 1 out of those millions of people decides to murder someone, dosent mean we should all miss out on this game, i have it on pc, but i dont have a good pc at the moment, so i cant play it, i wanted to get it for xbox, but if its banned in chicago imma be pissed
  10. i agree mostly, but not all old lady have false teeth, or memory loss, or needs a cane, and i meant it would be fun to see, im sure rockstar wouldnt do it, but it would be a good joke
  11. i like the one where you get the manshion
  12. melee-katana pistol-colt shotgun-spas 12 machine pistol-mp5 rifle-m16 heavy-m50 thrown-remote grenades
  13. you need a credit card for an ebay account, i doubt a nine year old has one, i suggest finding a friend with an ebay account and getting him to bid
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