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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Sometimes I really can't tell them apart. I have to look for any kind of green before I attack or don't.
  2. Why wouldn't it not come out for the PS2? It's being released this month. The PS3 won't be released for another year. Anyway, you will still be able to play PS2 games on the PS3. Personally, I do see a point of bringing LCS out on PC. A lot of people don't have PS2's or PSP's. I think they should make these games for all formats. It cost more money, but they'd keep a lot more customers very happy. Actually, genius, the PS3 is out already now((like what, a month after you posted this?))... And a lot of people don't have PCs.... Or PCs capable of running many games. So they have to release LCS and VCS for Xbox, too. But wait! Not everyone has one of those, either! So I guess they must release them for GameCube, the DS, and the Wii.... WAIT. Not everyone has one of those, either!!! So I guess they better release the game in a Plug-In-Play format for the TV. Then everyone will be happy, right? Uh, maybe he lives in Europe. The PS3 was delayed until March for them.
  3. LCS is already on the PS2 so why would it be on the PS3?
  4. Tommy was more kickass, took crap from no one and ended up taking over Vice City. Claude accomplished barely anything.
  5. Vice City's cops were ugly looking. The San Andreas cop group were better than that and Liberty City's.
  6. I'm not sure that you're talking about. You could be talking about Vice City Multiplayer or the VCN Maverick that spawns in Downtown. So clarify what you're talking about please.
  7. Alright let me tell you this. I've only played SA-MP for three days but you can tell how much kills you have by pressing Tab. Some people use cheats (which is dumb by the way). On some modes (like LS Gang War and SF Team Death Match) you get sent to jail only if you kill your teammate (the ones wearing the same clothes as you). Sure you die a lot in those modes but I find them quite fun. It is kind of buggy and slow but it's not too much to handle.
  8. Again I say Pete was never in any way mentioned in Vice City so he was definitely not the victim in the drug deal at the time of Vice City. Now you say just because Lance is taller than Victor doesn't mean he's older. Victor is shorter than Lance but that doesn't mean he's younger. It has nothing to do with size.
  9. Boy, changing Vice City into San Andreas would be too much. I like the game for what it has. Just because it doesn't have some of those features of San Andreas, doesn't mean it's a great game. Vice City's my favorite game so buy it.
  10. Lol. Very funny. Anyway, welcome to the forums.
  11. He's been here for almost two months.
  12. What do you mean RUSSIA and KOREA are spelled correctly?!?!?!? The spelling mistake was corrected already.
  13. I disagree completely. I would expect that you wouldn't like Vice City since Liberty City is part of your username.
  14. There was already a topic about favorite vehicles here.
  15. Sometimes the airplane takes off before the PCJ-600 has any chance of catching up. This is caused by a slow computer (Believe me I had the problem).
  16. I've only played Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 so yeah.
  17. Welcome to all the new members.
  18. Las Venturas, definitely. Especially with Tierra Robada and Bone County mixed in.
  19. Was your sole purpose of joining this site to argue with Original GTA Master?
  20. No, you got it wrong again. It's
  21. I said this on multiple forums and I'll say it again... Now Los Santos Stories, San Fierro Stories, and Las Venturas Stories would plain suck because in every single GTA game, you had to unlock a part of the city or in San Andreas' case, another city to continue the storyline. It would be incredibly empty to have three separate games. Each city in San Andreas made the whole city so special. When you get tired of Los Santos, you leave it a while then go to San Fierro and when you want to, you come back. You couldn't do that with three separate games. Think how much those would cost separately. How tell me how much missions there would be staying in only one city. I'd expect only 40 so it'd definitely not work out.
  22. FFS, why do some people want GTA to be like the Sims? The Sims is its own game and if GTA IV were like the Sims, it'd would really suck.
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