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surrealistic ArtSweet

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Everything posted by surrealistic ArtSweet

  1. Science isn't fact? It has significant more fact than religion does, though. Theories are made by people looking at what is there and making intelligent guesses and assumptions, then TESTING THE THEORIES to see IF they are correct. If they aren't, they do the process over until they find the right answer. They didn't sit there and go, "Man, I can't figure out how we got here, fuck it! There's a magical guy in the sky who created us! DONE!" Evolution isn't trying to say Adam and Eve were monkeys.... You're mixing "beliefs" here. In the theory of evolution there was no Adam and Eve. Science isn't there to bend the rules of solid facts in order to make them fit people's beliefs. Don't like your beliefs being proven wrong? Then shelter yourself from the facts. You only believe in God because you have nothing else? You believe in God so when you're sad you can cheer yourself up? You believe in God because you just can't explain why the universe is there? That's a kind of sad reason to believe in something. And I shall ask this overly repeated question because NO ONE EVER FUCKING ANSWERS IT BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T..... If God created the universe...... Where did God come from? Endless. Fucking. Cycle. well, then i guess nobody knows where'd this world come from huh? that's kind of ironic because we live on earth, we are the most perfect creature on earth, and we can't figure out what is earth i wasn't trying to create a confusion here, what i said was we should separate science from religion because if it gets mixed up, it could get messed up and actually i was never offensed by science, i'm just saying not all theories are true man, that's why there's always somebody who makes different theories, and those different theories are what makes you confused about what should you believe
  2. Dude You Dont live Life because you are born.You are born because you want to live. Dont let life take you anywhere.You take your life where you want to. i think what he's trying to say is don't let anybody control our lives, and that's good, cause you should never controlled by the man, the system. you want to be free? live free, you want to die? so die, you want to party for as long as you live? so party. a friend once told me to get up and live the live and let god decide way after we die and spaz, to answer your question, okay, science are not facts of life, science is based by theories made by humans. and not all of them is completely true, that's why there's always different theories like the earth is flat, the earth is round, the universe creates itself, evolution theory, really, to take an example, evolution is crap, i mean evolution's trying to tell us that adam and eve are monkeys? and if they're not, then it means that their not the first human in the world right? what i'm trying to say is sometimes science isn't matching their theories with people's beliefs, and if you're not a man of god, i'd say you gotta ask yourself, is the universe really creates itself? what were they before they are universe? just a black empty space? that's why i never was a man of god, but i always believe that god is the one who make all of this happen so i wouldn't lost in life if someday i'm in the bottom i mean when you're down because you just broke up, no money to live, someone died or anything, really, who would you turn to? i say it isn't science
  3. happy birthday K9 crew and Jared, hope you guys had the best one party on!
  4. maybe the news didn't mean 'mad' literally, maybe the meaning of mad is like addicted or bugging out you can't go mad for using Marijuana, it'll destroy your brain cells, but not sanity
  5. well, how much is it? i think it's rare in my country i'll ask my friend though, maybe he got some , does it really makes you laugh uncontrollably? anyway, does anyone here tried blow(cocaine)? it's extremely expensive and i doubt normal, unrich kids like us(well, at least some of us) ever tried it, one my friend got addicted and had rehab for years, now he's in college, and i don't think his parents have anymore money to spend, because he wasted it so much
  6. actually, djarum is not the strongest in my country, there's dji sam soe(or 234, whatever you want to call it, they are called dji sam soe because it's pronounced by java traditional language) this brand is from sampoerna, the largest and fastest growing cigarrete company in indonesia, they are unfiltered and lots of tar and nicotine, i ever smoke it, but not as much as other brands, dji sam soe is too strong and flavored for the hardworking people, so if you stayed in your home all day and smoked that shit, you will get f**king dizzy, and by dizzy, i mean hammered man! trust me, if any of you guys ever come here, try some
  7. do you have any djarum supers in your country? cause i think they are the best, i was addicted to cigarretes because of them
  8. Ummm........ i never thought that people besides indonesian know about djarum , yup, if you smell 'em, it's good, if you smoke too much of 'em, you'll get dizzy i do heard from one of my friends that Mel Gibson ever buy dozens of 'em in Indonesia (while shooting some WWII movie) before djarum sell their cigarettes outside indonesia, but i thought he was joking actually it was my daily cigarettes , i had enough of 'em now, how about these cloves, are they good? or the same as djarum?
  9. i expect Niko to have an insulting sense of humor, he mock people and that's what makes him funny, like Tommy and, no i don't think Roman's going to be as stupid as Lance, but at least as funny i think little Jacob will crack some jokes
  10. then what do you believe? who make this world? there's something that you gotta believe you know, and science isn't one of them look, someone who creates universe is who we called God for a long time, if you don't believe in God, then you have to convince me that there's no universe i'm just asking dude oh, btw, the meaning of life is searching for what you can do to the world, hitler destroyed it, Bill Gates complete the world, poluting people destroys, Al Gore is fixing it what will you do to the world? God is not concentrating on us, he concentrate to the earth, which we live in, and the action we will take is either fixing the earth or destroys it
  11. wait a sec, 16 players, that means online right? xbox live and everything? maybe we can choose what street we would be in, because R* made street names right? maybe we would choose the streets in MP
  12. you still don't get it do you Donkey Porker?
  13. Nah, that wasn't me angry. You have never experienced my angry side. And if you want to keep any dignity you have on these forums, I'd advise you not to make me angry. You're also taking what I'm saying out of context. I do not say things to be popular. I say things to let what's on my mind known. It's my opinion that manual transmission would suck in a sandbox game, and it just happens that I'm not the only one who thinks that way. wait, i'm not so pissed off either until you said that i am, if you wanna say what's on your mind, then say it, but c' mon, is swearing f***ing neccesary?? i already know that manuals going to be sucked, what i don't know is how to make it work, because if it's a success, it'll be a new original feature addition to GTA IV. How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine. I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay. does that sound like a "not angry side"? that sounds like a pissed off guy to me
  14. How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine. I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay. okay! god, i wanted an opinion, not pros & cons , it's not going to be in GTA IV, i was just wondering if it's there, will it be cool? get matured man, don't be an a**, you are mad because of something like this?? R* wouldn't look at this idea anyway Hmm, last time I heard, showing the pros and cons of a feature counts as an opinion. And I and other members have shown why it wouldn't be a good idea. I think that it's you who needs to mature. You're calling me an ass and getting pissy because I don't like the idea of manual transmission in a GTA game. That's my opinion and it seems I have the more popular one. Deal with it. whoa, wait, i'm the one who's mad ? i've been taking your opinions calmly dude , you've gone mental! seems like you're keep pushing your opinion, even though i already get it, and i never expected my opinions to be popular man, you wanna be popular? go ahead, but you expect me to deal w/ it? you go deal w/ it, i already let you won dude! what do you want more from me?? oh, and pros & cons is more like an argument, an opinion is where you speak calmly trying to control any situation that's held by a team/organization
  15. the man's desperate, and i think i admire him... NOT! this guy is the kind of guy that almost made us listening to country music and blues till now! i think people like this should die, you know what made kids like us hate parents, rebel adults, smoking, drinking, using and vandalize? people like them! and JT is too stupid to know that. they didn't understand what kids want, they think that things like GTA destroy people, because they don't think straight, think about it, if i were so dumb, i would watch terminator, start stealing my dad's shotgun and leather jacket, and then start shooting people trying to find a chick named Sarrah Connor. i couldn't do that, you know why? humans have simple logics and concience, something JT wouldn't understand!
  16. well, i don't think it wastes time, i mean in real life you would train if you wanna get stronger right? same as GTA, i mean the point of GTA is to take control of the city and to do that you have to be able to kill people by your bare hands. anyway my point is that the GYM was made for us, so we wouldn't get bored in GTA, i hope there's more features like that in GTA IV
  17. How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine. I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay. okay! god, i wanted an opinion, not pros & cons , it's not going to be in GTA IV, i was just wondering if it's there, will it be cool? get matured man, don't be an a**, you are mad because of something like this?? R* wouldn't look at this idea anyway
  18. that's what we call a trademark buddy, it's original from R*, the ability of finding a good story, even if it's not making any sense . VCS is also set before 1986, and it worked out allright, even though some things are just weird for being there 2 years ago, and dissapear 2 years later
  19. god!!! i can't stop laughing ! great stuff OGTAM this video has no point and absolutely funny, and the guy who's A ps3 owner didn't seem mad about the delay !
  20. I have Rp 250.000 a month, unlimited, that's about 25 US$ a month Now that's some expensive connection ... try my country's internet connection from the goverment's company, it's about Rp 10.000 or 1 US $ an hour, which if you use 8 hours/day and use it a month, you'll find yourself with a 240$ internet bill(happens to my friend, believe it, but i think the goverment make it cheaper now because of rivals, it's a monopoly thing)
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!, I could make a game about you having to kill a lawyer called Jack Thompson and all I would have to do is put that on the loading screen, think it would work? What I am trying to get at is that they are not targeting on actul people its just that he thinks they are. he thinks conservative, means that he can't accept changes, same w/ the 1950's, where people try to ban rock & roll because the parents thinks it's evil, ridiculous sh*t and totally nonsense at all, glad that the law never passed, i mean who can stand a world without rock & roll? JT didn't think about money, he thinks about his principles, which is going to drive him down to the gutter
  22. Motley Crue - Kickstart My heart go Tommy Lee!!!!!
  23. Dude this is not new. Manual gears have been here since the 1st racing games... i know, but this kind of thing has never done before in an action adventure free roam game, like GTA, or have you ever seen a free roam games w/ manual driving? @niko bellend: personally,i don't think this'll be a mistake. all i'm saying is, maybe, just maybe if we have the manual feature, the street racing in GTA IV will have drag racing, the AI in people would be more advanced, and so we have more challenges than previous GTA's, who knows, maybe you'll like it if it's really will be in the game.
  24. Not if you have friends junkies...They let me some for free in case I'm in the mood. But haven't done it since the middle of July. actually i have one, but i'm afraid he's been dropped out of my school, now he go to a different school and now i only see him like twice every 6 months, goddamn the system it's okay though, i'm trying to quit anyway, besides in my country the cops sometimes dressed like dealers to catch a junkie, so i think it's pretty tough to get one here @ K9 Krew: damn, you got a free petrol smell, ya lucky bastard
  25. Stop right there. This is not real life. This is a game that supposed to be fun. And what's fun in the game is shooting people chasing you and driving at 80 MPH, driving over peds. If we tried every stupid idea that came to our mind IRL, we'd be dead. As for game developing, it only takes one crappy feature to bring a game down to the quality of Driv3r. (i.e. NOT GOOD) i know that driv3r is a mistake, but R*would think of something so that the controls wouldn't be so annoying, besides what makes GTA famous? it's the features has never been done before, that's what the game business meant for, creating something new, and thank god for that, we have millions of game varieties, different gameplay and concepts. if we didn't have it we may still be playing mario trying to save the princess. realize something: you could still hold your gameboy playing pacman untill you're dead, or you can sit down w/ your son playing GTA 6 in PS5! game business is dog eats dog, take all the risk you can, and after that the choice is in the hands of God, or fans.
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