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Everything posted by draftermatt

  1. Can't you picture the grocer? "Son that's the 5th time this week you've been here for Pizza, what are you doing with it?" or his mother? "Why does there appear to be 3 perfectly good pizza's in the trash?" My biggest question, aside from "Why?" is how is he not burning himself? Microwaves get things hella hot really fast. The penis is skin, if you wrapped your finger in a pizza it would burn. How many of us have burned the roof of our mouths on hot cheese before? I saw a "show" entitled 101 most embarrassing sexual acts. One was a dude who microwaved a cantelope for all of 10 seconds, cut a hole in the top and put penis in said hole. He ended up with like 2nd degree burns on his penis. What happens if you get a piece of cheese or sauce stuck in the tip? That would have to burn.
  2. That's interesting. I'm pretty sure that's already been confirmed as being true, it's just the difference isn't huge like most people think. Most statistics I've skimmed over show the mean averages for black men as larger than that of Caucasians, and conversely, Asians had smaller average size. What I think it is is people afraid of being called racist if they point out differences in races like that. Even though it's fact. Too bad society is FUBAR these days :/ Yeah, I read an article once that said that people of African decent had larger genitals, that is to say men bigger penises and women larger (wider) vaginas. Next was European decent (white), then Asian. Didn't mention Native Americans or Australians though. Meh, once you get over the stigma it's an interesting topic, and obviously one that all men, and a lot of women can relate to. As far as the 50%, probably. I've never felt a reason to broadcast my penis size to anyone. My wife knows, and well she's happy. My argument has always been that the guys who brag about their penis are the ones who aren't packing much.
  3. I think I read under 3" is normal for flaccid. And if you're a grower and not a shower then it could be even less I would imagine. But since I only have experiences with my own bait & tackle I really can't comment. I think the size thing gets over thought of because of porn. Camera tricks and editing can make anyone seem like Zeus in the pants.
  4. My wife, her best friend, boyfriend, and I are all going to Disney World end of September, then we're driving over to St. Petersburg and staying on the beach for a few days.
  5. I didn't see the whole statement no. I read online what I thought had been most of the speech, but it's possible it wasn't. I certainly don't count her out, not by a long shot. To be honest I keep waiting for her to run for Senate in 2010 and then President in 2016, give her a little more of the experience that so many people think she doesn't have enough of. Especially since she's so young, she'll still be plenty young in 2016. Course if a Repub beats Obama in 2012 kind hurts that theory.
  6. Agreed. Still she's not "in debt" because of them which was my point Didn't say Alaska wasn't important, or that she's scared of much. But you can't run for national office if you're not in the national spot light. Nothing wrong with lectures or books, or making money. However, if she's quitting because she wants to make more money and giving BS responses about not wanting to waste tax payer money, not exactly honest... Local host, named Ron Smith (http://wbal.com/shows/smith/)
  7. Hey you're back, and still not paying attention... From what I've heard and read even Republicans don't understand why she stepped down. I haven't heard anywhere where she's "in debt" and most of the "scandals" she's had to defend have been paid for with money from the taxpayers of Alaska. In fact there is legal money built into the state budget to cover her expenses defending these "ridiculous charges" She didn't "lose her job" she quit. Big difference. Her own Lt. Gov said he really didn't know why she was stepping down. When asked he responded "I think she said..." well if he doesn't know... She's also claimed that she quit because she decided not to run in 2010 and didn't want the state to have to pay her. Well if that's the case, why didn't Bush, Clinton, Regan, etc. all step down in their 2nd term? They couldn't run for a 3rd term... I don't know her, but my guess is she quit because she was afraid of going out of the public spotlight (which face it, Alaska wasn't making any headlines till McCain picked her) so now she writes a book, goes on public speaking tours, and raises money for 3 years, not to mention makes millions. Al Gore gets $175,000 per speech from liberal outfits, Palin is bound to get a least that, if not more as Republican backers typically have a bigger bankroll. In other words, don't be worrying about her needing money she'll be fine. What I question is does she think this will help her if she runs for President in 2012? Does she think being labeled a "quitter" by not only the "liberal" media, but conservative outlets, other Republicans, etc will be a good thing? (I was listening to a conservative radio host the day after and he was appalled. He was mad at himself for ever standing up for Mrs. Palin, that should tell you something) Maybe she just wants to be a Mom, and if it's that I applaud her, but I seriously doubt that's the case...
  8. I don't know about you guys, but I'll be watching the skies, last time something like this happened a bright star showed up in the sky and 3 wise men came around.
  9. Like everyone else has said, don't sweat it. So what if your friends make fun of you for it. The ones who brag about sex typically are the ones not getting it. Kinda like if someone brags about having a giant penis, it's not. If it's giant, no need to brag, but I digress. I was 18 when I lost mine, to a girl who I'd been with for almost 2 years at that point. My friends thought we were ridiculous for waiting that long, but it didn't matter because it was the right time for us.
  10. Heh, yes we do. I thought I looked like a giant fucking berry in that get up. Thankfully I wasn't the one who picked the colors, but the girl who took my measurements did a terrible job. My buddy there you can't even see his gut. Mine was straining against the fabric, I was waiting to lose a button.
  11. I was driving along the highway in Octane Springs and a truck hit me. CJ was falling through space it seemed, then fell into the underground of Area 69 complete with guards and the like. Not the answer you're looking for, but I thought it was neat.
  12. Alrighty, so who wants to see my handsome face? Nobody? Well screw you and look anyway. Me at an Orioles game last year wearing my O's floppy hat.
  13. Don't all bathrooms have a place to plug things in? People use hair dryers, flat irons, night lights, and the such in bathrooms all the time. They do, and they should be "Ground Fault Intercept" meaning that if the plug or whatever is plugged into it gets in contact with water it will shut off electricity to it.
  14. I wear nothing but boxers, I haven't owned a pair of briefs since I was like 12/13.
  15. Dinner from McDonald's Wednesday night. I had class and wasn't getting home till 8, my wife worked till 6 and had no desire to cook. Got two Southern Style Chicken Sammiches, 2 large fries, coke, sweet tea, and a 10 piece McNugget for the puppy dogs.
  16. The Loco Syndicate What real life LA "hood" is Ganton aka Grove St modeled after?
  17. Yeah it only spawns across from Denise, and you have to use R3 to access it. It'll say "start robbery missions press R3" if you get in it after dark. You don't need to do them to get 100% though so don't worry too much about it, I finished the game before I found the damn thing sitting there.
  18. I agree, but a kid who hates the taste of a regular cigarette but still wants to smoke (why, I don't know) a flavored cigarette offers an alternative. Then they get an older kid, or someone who looks older who won't get ID'd to buy them. I think the whole law is pointless to be honest with you. Especially once they legalize marijuana (which I do think will happen one day).
  19. I shower in the morning during the week. On weekends I may shower in the afternoon (or evening) if I've been working out in the yard, or am really sweaty. Otherwise I don't shower over the weekend (unless I'm going somewhere else). It'd be rare that I shower twice a day, but I have. Say I'm tired in the morning I'll shower to wake up or if I'm going somewhere. Then I'll shower in the evening. I hate going to bed filthy. It makes me feel like I'm laying in dirt. But I hate waking up sweaty with bedhead and not showering because I did the night before.
  20. They claim that flavored Tobacco appeals to kids and makes them want to start smoking. They're ok with people 18 and over smoking but they don't want kids getting hooked at the age of 10.
  21. Here's a thought. How much flavored tobacco is actually sold annually? If it amounts for a small piece of the profit then the manufacturers will be ok with the government banning it. The government gets to look good with the anti-tobacco crowd, and the cig manufacturers get to reap the benefits of flavored tobacco smokers switching to menthol or regular cigarettes.
  22. Well the stereotype answer would be "because black people love Menthol cigarettes" but honestly, I really hope that isn't the answer. I wish I had an answer for you. I don't smoke, but I don't have a problem with people who do as long as they respect my property with their smoking. I figure if people want to suck on a hot stick that may make them sick (or others who inhale it a lot) who I am to complain?
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