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Everything posted by draftermatt

  1. I feel the need to post pics of my guns, however they are at home and I am at work. But hopefully I'll be able to take some pics this weekend. Aside from my Daisy bb gun (lol) I have a .22 rifle and a .38 Special Smith & Wesson. Both of which belonged to my grandfather. He was a sport shooter, NRA member, etc. Almost died at a competition when his shot gun exploded in his hands. We still have the pieces of the gun in a bag somewhere (my grandmother saved them). She was recently diagnosed with dementia so we've been going through the house and my brother in law (who has many guns, and hunts) and I have taken the guns out. I don't hunt, but I took them because they were my grandfather's. I hope I never have to use them outside of a range or my father's yard (because I live in a residential area where it's illegal to fire them).
  2. I grew out a goat tee and mustache for Halloween (I was going as Dr. House). I had to shave under my chin early because my neck looked like a wookie, and I itched like I had lice. Then I had to shave the side burns and mustache off because they started to itch, and I looked "like some guy who's been in prison for a while" (quoth my wife). That and the stache looked like a 14 year olds. Even though I shave (and have to) everyday. Mach 3 for me.
  3. True, another reason I think legalizing it would be ok. Just trying to point out that pot isn't harmless... My friend that smoked used to tell me the wondrous benefits of pot smoking, and how much safer it is than cigarettes to your lungs. So yeah... But I agree with you Spaz.
  4. Right, so people can't become addicted because the smoke a joint and then stop? What about bongs, pipes, hot boxing, etc? I know it's a comedy, but watch Half Baked. There are people who are really like that. I've got a coworker who did so many drugs in his younger days he has little to no memories about the 1980's. You can become addicted to pot, easily. The same way you can with tobacco and alcohol, which is legal. Hence why I said I don't think I'd have a problem with pot being legalized. But you'd have to have strict laws against driving whilst having smoking recently. A good friend of mine used to smoke weed a lot. He quit when his GF got pregnant. And even though his daughter is now 5 years old, he still misses smoking it. Was he "addicted" no, he quit, but he sure as hell didn't want to. I don't think everyone smokes tobacco because they are addicted. Some like the taste, the feeling, etc. Why anyone wants to put a stick that's on fire in their mouths is beyond me though.
  5. I tend to agree that marijuana should be the only drug "legalized". However I would like to say that you can get addicted to it (people are addicted to alcohol and cigarettes) after all. And some studies have shown that pot is just as, if not more dangerous for your lungs as cigarettes. Since they aren't filtered, and many people don't know what else is in the weed.
  6. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/lincoln-kennedy.asp
  7. Ironically I already made a post about this elsewhere. I'll add this since it's been semi argued. Republicans love her because she stands for everything (or claims to stand) they believe in. That's why she was picked. McCain has had hard core conservatives scared for months now. Didn't Ann Coulter say that she'd rather vote for Hilary at some point in time? She was also picked to help shore up some disaffected Hilary supporters. Which in talking to a good many women (my wife included) they are quite put off by McCain's presumption that women are like blind sheep. It seems that McCain is saying "Hey, your girl lost and Obama didn't pick her, so come to me I have a woman" And sadly I heard a woman on the radio the day Palin was announced saying that she was switching (after 60 years of voting Dem) to McCain-Palin. And only because Palin was on the ticket. She disagreed with most everything they are running on. As far as the 17 year old pregnant daughter. It happens, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it happens. My sister-in-law got pregnant at 16. What I find funny is that conservative pundits who assail pregnant teens day and night (remember what people said about Jamie Lynn Spears and her parents?) aren't commenting too much on her daughter. Apparently it's only okay if you're a Republican politician. What I find ironic about it is that Palin is a strong abstinence only supporter. This should be more proof that those types of programs don't work well. I hope that Palin had her own talks with her daughter and they weren't "don't do it". Everyone does. I don't personally know anyone who waited till marriage. Without further ado, here's my post on this matter.
  8. I'm glad you spoke to him, and that you're trying to work on things with him. And I didn't mean to make construe "he's cheating" if you took it that way. I just know that some people get more attentive because they feel guilty, while others get distant because they feel guilty "cheating" on their lover with their SO (odd, but it's out there). Or because they want out but can't do it themselves so they treat their SO like dirt so they'll break it off.
  9. My personal advice is to kick him to the curb. If he's paying more attention to the computer than to you what is in the relationship for you? Especially now that you want to confide in him/talk to him. Is it possible that he's cheating on you? You'll often see people getting very distant when they're cheating. Being together 3+ years I understand that it can be hard to leave, to start over, what have you. But clearly he's not there for you anymore. Plus according to your profile page you're 17. I'm not going to say "that's too young to have a serious relationship" my wife & I started dating when we were 16, and have been together almost 8 years now, married for 2. But it's not like you'll have to worry about being alone forever. Personally I don't care if you're 65, if you're not happy get out. What's the point of staying with someone if you're not happy. At least sit him down, face to face and say "listen or it's over" then pour your heart out. If he's still bull shitting you then get out of the relationship before it gets worse.
  10. http://faqs.ign.com/articles/434/434485p1.html
  11. I was talking to a girl I graduated high school with, and apparently she has been in contact with a hell of a lot more people than me since then (graduated in 2002). And she was telling us about some people who have "come out of the closet" since high school. I've noticed too that if I look for people I graduated with on myspace I see quite a few listed as gay or lesbian, that I knew of as straight in high school. I think it's just harder to come out in highschool when you've been around people for years, people are still immature about those types of things, and people may not know themselves.
  12. What as a baseball. American in heritage for generations, before that: English, Irish, and some German.
  13. My floppy hat is King. Bow to it. New dog Old Dog Cat in the box My lady & I
  14. Yes & yes. There was one in the town I live in between a Dominoes Pizza/Subway and a liquor store. The owner of it was the brother of one of my favorite teacher's in high school. Bought some stuff and a lacy thing for the lady of the house. I made the mistake? of walking into the back room. I've never seen so much porn! It was wall to wall, naked people everywhere. Magazines that just sounded sick, and a "viewing room". Don't touch the walls in there. Of course now it's a gym.
  15. First time a girl kissed me I was 9 years old. She was my friend's cousin, and we were pretending to be on a date and she kissed me. First real kiss was when I was 12. And I first kissed the girl who is now my wife when I was 16.
  16. My nephew has you all beat. He is 3 years old and plays San Andreas. He can't do the missions, but he drives around and shoots at people. He really loves going into the police stations and shooting. Of course after a few seconds I get "Uncl Matt HELP!!!!" and I have to bail him out, but he does play.
  17. Wow, it's not like she took a 2 year shit guys. And how would the smell of shit suffocate someone anyway? She sat down on the toilet, and didn't get up again until the police pried her off the toilet. The seat had to be removed at the hospital. Apparently she has some type of mental illness (she even told the police to leave her there) and her boyfriend was too stupid to call the police, or anyone until she had been there for two years. He's going to be facing charges it sounds like for not getting help sooner. But apparently she ate there (I guess he served her there), etc for two years.
  18. Urban's got me beat, but I was 22 (2006) I had just bought a used PS2 off eBay, and bought a used copy of Vice City having heard SanAndreas was such a cool game by people I had Calculus III with (when SA came out) and I though Vice City must be an older game, and I'd rather go older first. Now I can't find GTA III in any store, and I've never played it.
  19. Thanks. I never had the chance to play this weekend after all. The weather was nice so I worked outside all weekend. Then the power went out Saturday night when I would have otherwise played. I'll let you know if I don't get anywhere with that last one. It's just frustrating because I know I've been to all 50 areas on the map and it's just eluding me. (And I watched my wife get all 50 so I thought I knew where abouts they are).
  20. Thanks for the advice. I found the food store and did that, so I'll spend some time this weekend looking for the horeshoe. I got the one in the tunnel, and on the road sign over the freeway. I'll have to double check the Come A Lot sign. I think I got that one too, but I'm not 100% sure.
  21. Ok, so all I have left for 100% is one stinking horseshoe (which I've looked for for weeks now, with the map on this site even, but no dice) and Roboi's food mart in LS. Where is it? I've been to the one near Maddog's place and there is no bike near by. Also, if anyone has any hints on how to find a missing horseshoe I'd appreciate that too. I've gone to every spot on the map after I ended up with 49 and I still can't find another one. My wife found all 50 on her game though. (PS2)
  22. Nope I noticed it. "Most" is a generalization of "most men" "there are some" is not a generalization, just a statement that there are some men. See how that works?
  23. If I had to guess I'd say that the first one was a glitch, or one of those idiotic super sensitive deals and the other two were set off by the first one going off. This happens to me a lot, but if I randomly think of a TV show or movie I haven't seen in a while (and it has to be a specific TV show, like "that episode of Friends were Ross cheats on Rachel" I'll see it within a few days after thinking about it.
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