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Everything posted by draftermatt

  1. Because I'm sure Menthol is one of the best selling cigarettes (always seemed to be with high school kids) and they figure that people will switch from the other flavors to menthol. So yeah, conspiracy. They get the big tax money, and they don't want to lose menthol smokers money.
  2. The older you get, and the higher status you get in life the dirtier people and things are. Michael Corleone summed that up pretty well in Godfather 3. "The higher I go, the crookeder it becomes"
  3. I have no camera on me. Why are guys carrying condoms around? You do know that the heat and the movement from you walking will damage them right? Left front pocket -USB Flash Drive -Cell phone (Casio G'zOne) Right front pocket -Keys I've got keys to truck, my house, my parents house, my office, my mailbox Right rear pocket -Wallet Let's see in here is -Driver's license -Debit card -Weis Market's shoppers card -Wholesale club shoppers card -4 credit cards (yeah I know, worst part is I have 5 more at home locked in my safe) Ooo look a whole lot of stuff. Olive Garden gift card Sheetz gift card And 1 American dollar. My wife hasn't given me my allowance for the week ye , ha. Nothing in my other pocket at the moment.
  4. Twice yesterday actually. I've never understood the whole "Bloody Mary" thing. As in why do people think it could actually happen? I remember hearing another caveat to it where if you break the mirror she'll drag you into hell with her! It's just nonsense to scare kids, though they did have an episode of Ghost Whisperer this past year where they talked about Bloody Mary. Jenifer Love Hewitt actually did the "bloody mary" chant. She lived, though she's now dating Jamie Kennedy so who knows maybe that is hell. Oh no! I'd say get a rescue party together but it's probably best just to burn down the house now.
  5. Probably. But if he goes to a store like that and buys the game, and Mom catches him with it, I can see a chain of events. 1. She comes down hard on Husky for buying a game she forbid him to buy. And she forces him to tell her how she got it. 2. She goes into that store and comes down hard on the employees/manager either changing policy, or getting Husky banned from coming back. 3. She reports the store to the attorney general or whomever handles such matters, getting the store in trouble.
  6. Hey man Mom's house, Mom's rules. So what if you're 16, you're still a minor and she makes the rules. Does it suck? Yup. Is it right that your sister got a M+ game and you didn't? No. But reading your post it sounds like your attitude & immaturity has more to do with it than anything. Especially if you want to go behind your Mom's back and have your Dad get you the game, thus getting him in trouble when she finds out. You may be 16 but you're not acting like any 16 year old I know or knew when I was that age.
  7. Are you talking about the Zero Mission where you have to fly the helicopter around so he can drive his car to the end? That's easy. Don't remove the first obstacle, so he gets stuck. Then blow up all the tanks, put down all the bridges. Then you can let him go while picking up any barrels Berkley puts down. If you could beat the one with the Airplane where you have to fly around the city blowing up vans and bikes you can beat this one.
  8. I drove it very carefully and slowly. Be careful when you hit the bridge though. As the slope increases depending on your speed you may take flight (shortly).
  9. True, however we both know that electoral votes wins the elections and the popular vote doesn't matter. (I.E. 50,456,002 to 50,999,897 in 2000). And in regards to total population, it's sad. I wish more people would get off their asses and vote. I registered at 18 and the only election I've ever missed is a city council election in the town I used to live in. It's not hard, and doesn't take much time.
  10. The thing is, you're blaming Obama for something that he has nothing to do with. His face, image and name are not trademarked, so anyone can plaster his image on what they want and make buck. Remember the JibJab movie back in 04? Do you think Bush or Kerry approved of that? The Whitehouse and President Obama don't make a dollar off this crap. For Christ's sake, remember that company that wanted to make dolls that looked like the Obama daughters and shared their names? The Whitehouse said the found it in bad taste so the company didn't do it. But they didn't force the company too. As much as some of you hate him he has very very high approval ratings, and won in a landslide. Plus there are stupid people everywhere who believe these things will make them a fortune, or just like stuff that looks like him. Until you see an official "Whitehouse approved" piece of Obama merch, he has nothing to do with it.
  11. Holy thread bump batman. (goddamn I'm old) Well maybe not, week old, I haven't been around in months.. meh. I've been banned from 2 forums that I know of. There are a few that I don't post at anymore that I wouldn't be surprised if I can no longer log in (we're talking years since I've been there). My first ban was the forms at www.mlb.com Yes Major League Baseball banned me. Why? Well I was a moderator at another site to discuss baseball and made mention of it. They took it as advertising and banned me. Shortly after that I left that baseball site (I was a global mod, and the oldest person on staff at the ripe old age of 21!). I left because the owner/admin was all of 14, had no idea how to run a site, got on people for the stupidest crap. He actually wanted to hold a staff meeting at 10 AM on a Monday, when I was at work. Got pissy that I couldn't be online at work that day... etc. (The site has since folded) Anyway, when I left I joined a site called www.thebirdsofprey.com. It was a site mainly of members of the MLB and of the above that were sick of the BS like I was, but it was for Baltimore Oriole fans only. Right after I joined the Admin made me a Mod (didn't want to be one). Things went along ok, but I knew it was only a matter of time before the Admin pissed someone off on the open forum (he had a habit of doing this on other boards). Turns out I was right, and it was me. He didn't like my signature (despite having it up for months). And rather than PM me and ask me to change it he brings it up on the forum. I asked him to take it to PM after we argued a bit, he wouldn't. So I deleted his posts. Yup me little old Mod deleted the Admin/owner's posts. He didn't like that, but he did take it to PM. I also noticed that my sig suddenly read "I am a tool" So, I removed myself as a mod, sent him a PM where I basically told him to go fuck himself that he'd run the site into the ground without me around to keep him straight, sent PMs to my favorite members telling them what happened, and signed off. He IP banned me. Which banned the entire Community College of Baltimore County as I often checked the site from there. The site folded within 2 years, and I occasionally saw posts on the MLB board where I had rejoined from people complaining about treatment from that guy and his site.
  12. I understand your concerns above what I didn't include in the quote but how does the rest of this make any difference? McCain cheated on his 1st wife but that didn't make any difference in how I voted. As far as the "sane and rational person" comment, I don't know what to say to that. And the Hitler comment, I can't imagine you're trying to do more than just stir the pot because frankly that has no meaning to anything. I really don't think because Obama has "Charisma" that he's going to be the next Hitler.
  13. No one is for abortion. People are either pro choice or "pro life". I am personally pro choice. That said, abortion is not something I could ever imagine doing, or ever ask my wife to do. However, when situations such as rape, health problems, etc. are at hand it's warranted. And since I don't have a uterus, I feel I have no right to tell anyone what to do with theirs. I'd love to hear your thoughts on masturbation, safe sex, etc. Because if you have sex without intention of creating life or masturbate, then aren't you "killing" thousands of sperm cells? And isn't the Bible against these? No he didn't. He re-funded programs that support safe sex initiatives, etc in 3rd world countries. These programs also help stop the spread of AIDS. More over, it's better to have legal abortions available, especially in places like that as you'll likely see an increase in "back alley" abortions, and women dying. Seriously? He did that to make a point. To show the Middle East, etc that we are not a closed off, closed minded society. We won't broadcast only from our own television stations, we'll come to you and answer the hard questions you want to ask. No, he wants them to be tried and locked up in a maximum security prison. Do you know how many prisoners were let out under Bush? A lot. That means they apparently had done nothing wrong. But now after being locked up and tortured for 6+ years, who knows what they'll want to do to this country. So were Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson, but I guess they were terrible Presidents too? This is one I'm not sure of. I wasn't sure that Bush's stimulus was going to help much, and I'm unsure of this. But sadly, cutting taxes and etc isn't helping much. No he doesn't. He wants to refocus our energies on Afghanistan by pulling most of our troops out of Iraq. And guess what? Bush signed it so we would be out of Iraq by 2011, and Obama is just planning on speeding it up. Iraq wants us out, so why not let them run their own country and see what happens? If they fail they have no one to blame but themselves. We'll always have troops and a presence in Iraq (did you know we're still in Germany even though WW2 ended 64 years ago? True, the Bible defines marriage as between a man and woman. However, we both know that people of the same sex have been hooking up for eons. The Spartans were homosexual warriors. They fought so hard because they wanted to save their lovers, and to look good in front of them. If you don't want to call it marriage, then don't. We both know no Church will perform a ceremony anyway, even if it is legalized. But the fact is, people don't deserve to be discriminated against be it skin color, religion, accent, or sexual orientation. And gay couples are heavily discriminated against. If I go into the hospital my wife gets to call the shots on what happens with me. If a gay man's SO goes into the hospital, he often isn't even let into the room, and that's wrong. I've never understood this argument. Sometimes the best ideas come from people who haven't been around all that long. Look at Joan of Arc... You are welcome to your opinions, but if you want to come out and say them, you have to be able to defend them. Much of what you are doing is getting mad and saying "I don't want to fight" Which is fine, some people are attacking you. But come back at them with a researched and informed reason for your opinion and then you can have a civilized argument. For the record I'm Catholic and considered being a priest for a long time when I was your age. And if you don't want someone to attack your religion then don't broadcast it on the internet. There are a lot of people out there who want to shoot down religion because it's "ancient" and etc. You know the arguments. I have my own problems with Catholicism, but my argument to them is "Lots of things are ancient and out of style, that has no bearing in this conversation."
  14. Wednesday, April 5, 2056 So at age 71. I've done this before and it had me dying later than that (of course I was thinner then).
  15. I'm sure air space was restricted, but not to military personnel, which is why you could see a jet or a helicopter.
  16. Male 1.YellowJacket 2.guilty.by.association 3.Rainbow Bear Female 1.Chris 2.Gerard 3.Twisted
  17. This weekend, a month later, whatever. Here you go folksies, 1. Both of them together 2. My .38 Special up close
  18. I did something like this once. I had a question on a calculus test and asked the professor to get me started, give me a hint, something. So he sits down and in the process of helping me he does the whole problem. Then he says "Well I guess I just did the whole problem for you. You better be able to explain what I did really well" I got an A.
  19. Thanks. I've never understood the rush some people are in to get married, and then once married have kids. I have a friend who got married in October after dating his girl for 6+ years, and she's saying she wants to be pregnant by 2010. I have another friend who's 25 and has 3 little girls under the age of 6. They never get to go out anymore just the two of them.
  20. Before I met my wife the longest I had dated anyone was 3 months. My wife and I just celebrated 8 years together, 2 1/2 married. It's interesting reading a lot of these comments (well some, some of you can't spell/type for shit). I remember hearing or thinking similar things when I was your age (back when water was hard and dirt was soft). They key thing to remember is that life doesn't end when high school ends. Whoever says those and the college years are the best years of your life is full of shit. I'm only 24, and I know I haven't yet begun to live.
  21. I've been really busy, but logging in every now and again and reading. I was away for a while so a lot of discussions were so deep into I haven't felt the need to add anything. Still around though. As far as the question to "how does till death do you part feel?" It feels the same as when we were dating/living together, only our taxes are lower, her name is different, and people keep asking when we're going to have kids. When you truly love someone, and you know you never want to leave them or break up with them "just because" like a lot of you monkeys are doing (good luck with that, you'll get a rep and find it hard to get girls at some point, till college when everyone's horny) then you already know what "forever" feels like. Marriage isn't a magical potion that makes the world seem a different color. It's making it official with the state (and God if you believe), and in some cases your family if they have a hard time with "living in sin" that you love each other and want to spend the rest of your life together.
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