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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Someone frolicking ban ior suspend this total assweed fag. You don't know how to comment on a picture, and insert it in the same post... I'd have never guessed. Your limited brainpower is abominable, an embarrasment to the human race. You can either STFU and GTFO, or continue to suffer a barrage of insults. It's your choice, Gayface. Good day to you. On Topic: Saw a normal cop and a police bike cop fight for a HPV - 1000 this morning, they pulled out their guns after about 10 seconds of fist fighting, the normal cop won, then got wiped out by a train after riding off in victory. LOL @ him Sice typing this, my opinions on FluciVlad have not changed. I still hate you with a passion.
  2. If i remember right, it's a monetary bonus.... Hit up gamefaqs hints and tips for VCS, it should give you some info there....
  3. Thank you muchly GM Will download and gawp.. inevitably...
  4. Looking pretty sweet so far, i'm assuming the colour scheme willbe aligned with the rest f the site....? But good job so far...
  5. fuck you, commie lol And my old english teacher, Mr. Jim Ashbolt. Possibly the guy with his head stuck furthest up his ass ever. Y'know what? It was me who threw stones into your covertible TVR, and the apple cores, and yoghurt. (and my brother, but he left years ago) and It serves you right for making it publically known that i'm a failure. I hope one day i see you on the street and i can kick you in the balls. Go get some frolicking kids mate, stop being so frolicking stubborn, and remove that red - hot poker from your arse and have some fun! Look, i'm not gonna put spaces in between those gay little words that you always frickin bug me about! No - one cares for your recycled stories that we've heard before, and pick holes in, because they change every frolicking time you frolicking assfuck fucker. GOd i hat this man and hope something very very unfortunate happens to him. OWL EYED TWAT. /rant ^ he is a proper twat though. @WNn2 - Re: squeaky pre - pubesecent voices. I've got a freind like that, he's almost 16 years old, and when he answers the phone, i can't tell wheteher its him, his mum, or his sister And all my GF complains about when she hears him when e're talking on the phone is how much he sounds like a girl and how high his voice is. ^ another thing that pisses me off. And another: people who can critisiz eothers till the cows come home, but can't take it their way.
  6. There was uproar in the UK, when T&J were critisized for the trivialisation of smoking. Witht the bans impending, there was a big thing, but i don't really know what happened.... if anything...
  7. What do all y'all footy fans from the UK think about this? Good move for Henry? How do you think Arsenal/ FC Barca will change? I don't really know much about soccer myself, but... I'll leave it toyou guys Discuss.
  8. My brother currently has an N75, the one with the 3d graphics renderer, since he dropped his in the lake at a theme park.... Is it worth th £55 a month? I don't think so.. but that's no to say i wouldn't have one....
  9. Well i'm hoping good things happen for both of you Skyline and Bear, it's an amazing feeling to find a person that you genuinely enjoy spending time with, all the time. Best wishes. All that aside, all is good here... I get to go shopping on friday, cos the GF's off school then, woo-freakin'-hoo.... How's it your end VV we haven't heard much... Anyone else in mind? Or what? Sorry, i'm being nosy... hehe
  10. Dling, taking ages though, i'll review once it's done, rest assured... EDIT: Gorgeous, Stunts, maps, detail, skins, editing, music... Brilliant. Didn't Quite inspire me as much as 'unbroke' did, but meh. 9/10 Overall. Where can i get that mod? Can i just google it or what?
  11. Ok, here's a picture of me passed out from excessive alcohol consumption in my mate Dav'es bathtub... heh Things to note: 1) the 'Nintendo Rehabilitation clinic' T-shirt it says 'the first step is admitting you have a problem' 2) The ever - growing puddle of drool seeping from my face.... 3) The (sadly) not really visible pen on my face, they gave me glasses, a beard and a mustache, how original 4 The pen on my arm : 'jess rules OK' - strangely, the gay guy who fancies me wrote that... keep you freinds close, and your enemies closer... (unless you didn't know, Jess is my GF ) Lol at my drunken antics Will post more as i recieve them Via GMail....
  12. I've kind of given up for the time being, but i'll be sure to give you a shout if it's ever 'back on' again, thanks for all your help anyway mate, like i said, i'll PM you for sure....
  13. ^ I'm jealous. Apple and Cinnamon muffin. WnN2, jealous of you too, you always munch t3h best stuff... Fuckin' fried chicken, i cry with jealousy and desire.....
  14. I like grolsch... 8 pints the other night, ended up in a bath.... Looks cool, can actually carry all that beer? If so..... W00t! Then you can sing along drunkly to all that music you love....
  15. Crackdown is frolicking amazing, don't doubt that, i nearly drooled, i played it at a mates house the other day... Full Wall Projector and 7 point surround sound.... I nearly cried at how good it was... then we played some PGR online and i failed. GTA has destroyed my ability to drive sensibly.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OT:And WnN2, when you say DMC3 hard, You mean devil mat cry, right...And it wasn't that hard until you get up to either DMD or Heaven and Hell, which gets frolicking crazy in boss fights.... Back on topic: Sales of the 360 will increase more than the sales of the ps3 will upto and on the release of GTA4, IMO, Since not many people can afford to shell out near to half a grand for a console and one game... 360 just makes more sense.... Didn't realise how good the graphics actually were on that thing, as well as crackdown and PGR, i played GOW at GAME the other day, on one of those fancy samsung TV's... Holy free Holy, not that much worse, if not as good as, the PS3's....
  16. In reference to your post, MrLlamaLlama, it'd be really awesome if the FBI "Ranchers" would be bullet/smash-proof as well. And hopefully, we'll see lockable doors, where we can actually lock our car doors after getting in. ^ or out, for that matter, so our cars can't be jacked.. Maybe smashed up, but not jacked IDEA: maybe you could return to you car to find it smashed up, to get your attention, and someone leaves you a note, tipping you off as to where you can recieve missions....
  17. I basejumped off the top of the tallest Building in LS, faceplanted a lampost (on the top bit) and died.. lol XD Once i was in a buffalo, i drifted roun a bend, with the screen blurry thing that comes on when you go real fast, did a drive by, shooting only 3 bullets, and petrol - capped a perennial! DEATH TO PERENNIALS!
  18. I think, with regards to the detailed emergency vehicles, though not reaaly a vehicle, more of a feature, they should have megaphones that the police would use to try to negotiate with you. And the swat vans should have chicken wire/ reinforced glass thats smashproof. Like riot vans.
  19. In My opinion, the Stnts were brilliant, don't get me wrong, but hte editing was the star of the show, by far. I loved the music. My few critique: The titles and credits were hard to read... But overall, a fantastically put together video. 9.9/10 (just for the titles/credits thing )
  20. ^ holy crap you blew my mind BITCH!
  21. Don't steal my thunder.... And you wanna turn this into a bitch - fest, BITCH?!? heh j/k mate BITCHING FTW!
  22. ^ i concur, Stella Artois is for wife - beaters... Also, i hate very heavy rain.... Got soaked th'other day...
  23. Being drunk one night, then waking up one hour later with your own drool down the side of your face, only to be sick in the bath and over your arm, and having to evacuate the bath for the comparitvely unconfortable floor as a result. /rant. ^ what happened at the week-end Oh, and Crappy prizes in slot machines...
  24. I think he's after one of you saying that 'oh we channged.........................x amount of weeks ago blah blah blah.' But i though the faster loading times were introduced bloody ages ago, before i'd joined, and just visited the site for mods, when you made it 'table-less' Maybe someone is stealing your bandwidth
  25. Edit: w00t! 101 pages FUCKERS! Sorry.
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