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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Here is the original topic, go here to discuss your thought on GTA: CTW
  2. How does that show promise of a PC version? It wouldn't exactly port all that great. I meant a PC version of IV, not CTW, probably my wording, but yeah. PC vers. of IV would sell better than CTW, IMO, so.... yeah... self explanatory.... Acronyms FTW.
  3. Steam does work with most games too. There's the 'add non steam game' button, but alot are still buggy. Main Ubisoft titles, strangely.
  4. I'd far rather it was steam ID, to be honest. Depends which is more popular.
  5. Check out the film studios for an M249. That'll bring them down like they're... made of.....err... cheese?
  6. lol? Sex shops were in SA too, so.... what's the deal with this.... just.... trying to raise your postcount?
  7. What the hell? Why does everyone instantaneously take the piss out of new members? How the hell does imitating the way they type and insulting them. Fair enough if you're genuinely asking a question, or informing them, but this is ridiculous. SV, Don, Ivan, why the need to just take the piss instead of helping them. Way to expand the community and promote us as a decent site and a friendly place to be... Why not just tell him there'll be no gang wars, and that the weapons currently have no use. Honestly. Clause, if you haven't left already, i apologise on behalf of said members. There are no gang wars currently, therefore the weapons have no use, though given time you may save up enough forum dollars (by posting) to get one from the store. Thanks.
  8. But it's already been developed. I should imagine the way the 360 plays games is very similar to that of a PC, given it's made by MS.
  9. The way you cut out the flames is actually really good. The flames that come out the edge of the box need to have more saturated colour, since the grey / gray of the board background is making it look dull. I also very much like the border, like, how there's a tiny, faded bit protruding? The green drop shadow on the text looks a bit weird, try either standard black or colour pick a red shade from the pyro himself.
  10. I could easily have done art, but i just seem to hate the whole 'art student' thing. Bitches think they're better than everyone else, makes me fucking sick. Like, yeah, you do art, you can draw.. clap clap clap.... how about you do something useful, like, other than being an exhibitionist bitch. Even though i do graphics and shit, it's like... having a sense of modesty about what i do, y'know, not just whoring it out. Rant over, i guess. I did media / film study at high school, and that was enough to qualify me for a graphic design position at college. So yeah, graphic comms would be good too, i suppose.
  11. Journalism is easier to get into with high grades, preferably history and english language / literature. I didn't even do art at high school, and failed maths completely (yeah, i don't even have a GCSE in it) and i still got on fine. If you get good grades in college, an employer won't pick up on a flunked maths grade.
  12. Seriously. If you pick certain career paths and go on to further education in that path, maths, English, science, history grades won't mean shit. Unless you want to be a mathematician, scientist, writer / journalist / historian / lawyer / whatever. What do you want to do anyhow?
  13. Might be a buggy mod. You could also try turning down your GFX settings to get smoother framerates.
  14. Nothing now. My speakers have contracted an STI which makes them echo everything. And i can't be bothered to restart.
  15. Either 1 of 2 local game shops, Amazon or Play.com. Depends on whether iw ant it now or later, and whether i mind paying extra to have it sooner.
  16. MrLlamaLlama

    Steam Tags

    MrLlamaLlama I added you both, but no-one else seems to be posting.
  17. Open gta3.img with imgtool Find the txd for the roadsign. Extract and edit the bmp's to look like a real sign. Recompile the txd. Replace the original txd with the modded one in the img file. Rebuild GTA3.img and play.
  18. 3 things: Don't double / triple quadruple post. Don't use smilies like they're some form of punctuation Reduce your signature, it was over 1000px high before, which is ridiculous.
  19. LOL source? Oh and btw, 400GB DVD's exist now... so yeah.
  20. You... do know the weapons are more than useless, right?
  21. Yeah your right. Crytek got soooo fucked. So fucked infact, that the sequel's been announced. Oh, and another, third installment. Great. People aren't taking into account the massive and CONTINUED success of SA on the PC. R* would not miss out an any profit they could make. Whether people download it or not, they will still make a vast profit from the people who aren't douchebags and do buy it. Fuck your console fanboyism.
  22. SV: If you start going into negatives, it will be more than 101 things. Moron.
  23. If you're looking to sync video with song... don't ever ever ever pick a song you like. Pick a song which says what you want it to say. R&B is notoriously shit for spitting shit about 'hood life' and all that bullcrap. We know in our heart of hearts those kids didn't get shot at every day by gangbangers. Rant over. Use proper music, then think about syncing it with the visuals. Oh and it's very compressed (sideways) and by no means 'high quality'
  24. 4. Spider Vice doesn't fail.
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