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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Well if it's just us playing, why not with the Hunter? I'm pretty sure none of us a cheap noobs, and besides, you'd need pretty good aim and to keep the damn thingy steady to do it effectively.

    We're really hoping this will attract new members as well, and you know they aren't always the best kids =P

    Shamal.I'm a perfect pilot with that,i had 5 guys on the shamal,they didn't fell from it.Anyways for the vehicles each job in the gang,(Film Manager etc.)will have his own vehicle.Like,for the Spy the NRG-500,so he can escape quickly,the Planner(me!)a Washington,and etc. Got me?

    That's up to the gang what they're doing, we're just coding and working out the server stuff.

    Remembered,the property's?Code that up and we're set.I want the airstrip...but i can't have it.

    Easier said than done :P

  2. I like the idea of a..Monster, but wouldn't that get out of hand? Just running over an entire gang with one during a war..

    Problem with Satchels though, don't they disappear after a certain distance?

    I wouldn't think they would, honestly. It's not as if everyone and their mother would use them :lol: And satchels... you could stay close, but meh. It's probably better they aren't used.

  3. Hm, yeah I see what you mean now. I think it'd be kind of cool setting up a car on the side of the road loaded with a few, and when some rival gangs rode through, just blow it and watch the fun =P but yeah. I'm sure someone will attempt to camp with those :/

    Rocket launchers are way too cheap in multiplayer, imo. Snipers can be used to bring down aircraft.. and anyone diving out of them =P

  4. ^ Nope, it applies to all games ever created, as clearly depicted in the maps sky provided.

    Anyways, the second one looks best to me, it's still pretty damn huge, and is, technically speaking only los santos.

    That means we'll do it in IV too?

    :P He was being sarcastic, man. I doubt we'll do this in GTAIV for a good while, just because not many people have it and the built-in multiplayer sucks as far as gangs/clans go.

  5. Could someone help me with this? I can get inside the fuel dump, but I can't get past the warehouse because everyone's shooting at me. I tried using a motorbike to just drive past them, but they keep shooting the wheels out. :pissedred:

    I always went around the back and shot them. I don't exactly remember but I went beside the fence (It'd be on your left) and then came around from the back and killed them all =) Maybe that'll help you a bit..

  6. I can see the LS-Desert clearly now =P I do partially like it, I'm just fearing we'll get it TOO big. Because half the countryside goes with it and stuff, but yeah. I'll let the voting go on for a few more days and ofcourse, majority rules.. and LS - Desert is looking like the winner.

  7. I completely forgot about the countryside AND desert combo, but I've got.. somewhat both, so you can probably envision it in your head, anyhow.

    Los Santos with full countryside


    Los Santos with part countryside (Could be split either way)


    Las Venturas with Countryside


    Las Venturas with Desert


    San Fierro with Mt Chiliad and countryside


    San Fierro with Bayside and desert


    Extremely quick cuts, but that should give a better idea as to what's going to be going on.

  8. I have to admit.. the desert is really fun. Maybe just use part of it, though. Because each city is pretty massive as-is, and the desert / country to go along with it.. yeah. I'll make some cut outs and either edit this post, or post it after whoever replies. Just to get some sectioning ideas and such.

    I don't want to make it to where its simply a bore to look for a gang hiding out. :/

  9. So I hoped on my computer earlier and I could do nothing but sign on AIM and Yahoo (Which there was NO one on to help ><) I started scanning, hoping to come across something to fix it.. and I kept trying MSN, and finally it works out of no where, I hadn't done anything but start scanning. Ofcourse I tried firefox.. and well, as you can see I'm on. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what happened for future reference?


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