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Liberty Overlord

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Everything posted by Liberty Overlord

  1. I have all the matrix movies, with the second one being my favorite, I also have the matrix game even though it got messed up with some virus and is all flashy and studdery. I'll reinstall it one of these days.
  2. 1. Godfather 360 2. KOTOR 1 3. KOTOR 2 4. Saints Row 5. Scarface
  3. In my opinion the worst game I've played was World of Warcraft. It takes months to get to a level people will accept and its only months if you play 24/7. I don't know why anyone can consider endless boring slash slash slash for hours while chatting with a**holes in the chat box. Plus its $15/month....wtf. And I accually like some of the GTA clones, The Godfather (XBox 360 version), Scarface, and Saints Row are both very successful and fun. I have had a good time with both of them. I know that Godfather and Scarface are giving GTA3 and VC a run for their money
  4. I always assumed that Victor was faking his accent in the drug deal in VC bc Tommy and the Mafia were foreign to his orginization.
  5. "Tokyo China" will not be the location of GTA 4. I thought about this and I found a big flaw in this "Tokyo China" theory. Have you played GTA 3? If so you know that there are two oriental gangs in the game, the Japanese Yakuza and the Chinese Triads. Asuka came to America in 1991 from Japan, as in not China. I bet that the "Tokyo China" thing was a joke, since a somewhat racist thing about orientals is that you "cant tell which country they're from" even though I have no problem telling what country they come from. Remind me why Carcer city can't be used in GTA4? It was used in TWO Rockstar games, Manhunt and Bully,and is considered to be somewhat the "Main Rockstar City". If it was used in 2 Rockstar games games, why not make it 3, we all know that Carcer exists in the GTA world. And VCS mentions Carcer City quite alot. "I was a plumber in Carcer City" and "Callers from Carcer City"
  6. Claude could'nt have killed Maria because The Cartel take away all your weapons, and at the end of the mission, all you had was a pistol machine gun and rocket. I considered the whole "shooting maria" to be like those bloopers you see at the end of some movies.
  7. Am I the only one who liked the San Fierro missions, it was such a relief to get into real orginized crime instead of that street ganging, which was cool at first but got annoying after I heard the 200th "homie". For me, the most boring part of the game is a tie between the flying missions and dating Millie. Why even bother dating her, I always kill her on the first date.
  8. Ok let me fix that LA is the biggest city (size not population) in America. EDIT/PS: São Paulo should be a city in GTA4 because GTA needs palm trees.
  9. Do you know how many times the GTA radio mentions other cities? This is the part of your theory that you forgot to mention The Radio mentions many other cities. Examples: Lousiana Woman, Mississippi Man; Now she's alone in New York City; Carcer City, a man's vacation; Huting for pythons in Africa; Next time we will be discussing Amsterdam; Liberty City cocks, and beavers; I've never been alone in New York City, I haven't been past the Mississippi; I would stay out of England if I was you; K-Jah West: blah blah blah blah Jamaica And those are just the ones I remember! Dialouge: Ray: I'm going to Miami; We're going to Aruba; So this is why I can't trust this theory, because even if R* does mention the future location on the GTA radio, you would have a small chance if picking the right city out of all the cities that are mentioned.
  10. LA is only the biggest city in the world America because they call their endless suburbs a "city". The New York City area is bigger than LA, but the official city is just a tad bit smaller.
  11. Are 5 or 6 countryside's necessary? There can be 2 cities per "reigon" and those cities could have countryside inbetween them. To travel to different "reigons" you can airport it, or do a Sant Mark's Bistro styled manuel flight.
  12. If it is international, maybe the whole airport thing in SA was a test, and R* is going to make travelling between reigons KOTOR based, and have us use the airports to travel to other reigons. This, of course, will abandon the idea of countryside, or restrict countryside to the outside of one city, and not drivable to other cities.
  13. You're right. In fact, LA is bigger than the entire UK...but then again LA is the biggest city in the world America, or it was the last time I checked.
  14. Well theres two more recognizable cities left, chicago and DC. After listening to the radios for the whole game, it sounds like Carcer city is the Washington DC of GTA. And Chicago, while less recognizable than DC, has that tower, I forgot what it was called. But if San Fierro was able to get half its feel from the pointy tower, which is a real tower in San Fransisco, than Chicago can do it too.
  15. In my opinion, Carl was more successful than Tommy. All that Tommy really had was a nightclub, stripclub, porn, racecars, icecream shop, seaport, and selling drugs. Not to mention that by 1992, everyone who helped him in Vice City is dead or with CJ. Carl on the other hand, might not "own" a city, but he has a good buisness going. He has a major gang in Los Santos, he's the manager of a major rap artist, and boy, the people in the music buisness are RICH. He owns buisnesses in San Fierro and has a partner-ownership on a casino in Venturas and an airstrip in the desert. And you can't forget about that $100,000 casino heist he pulled, which is $70,000 more than Tommy's bank robbery. You can even go as far as saying that CJ took over Jizzy's pimping buisness, at least it is for me, I always do the pimping missions in San Fierro. So I would pick the life of Carl Johnson, basicly because he has a good set up for his criminal empire, which is just getting on its feet at the end of the missions. And Claude is a souless freak who makes me feel glad that catalina and salvatore tried to take him out. P.S. all those people who said they would pick Tommy, imagine 15 years in prison, and think about that again. And Tommy does not know how to be a good leader of a gang. If I was in Lance's place, I probably would've done the same thing. If it wasn't for Ken Rosenberg and Lance, he wouldn't have been successful. Yet he's a complete a**hole to both of them. And we find out that in 1992, Tommy betrayed Rosenberg too. Sorry Tommy, Lance and Sonny had it right.
  16. I like going to Las Venturas, putting on a fancy suit, using the limo cheat and hitting the casino.
  17. Having lived in the Boston area for a few years before moving, I must say that I would not buy a GTA game based on Boston. Boston (the city) is so small that an interpretation of it would be as big as portland. Also, all the GTA cities have landmarks that help you connect it to the city. Liberty City had a mini Empire State building. Vice City has Miami Beach. San Andreas has the Hollywood sign, Golden Gate Bridge, and 50 thousand Casinos. Boston really doesn't have anything special about it. No one can see a picture in a textbook and say "Thats Boston". But they can do it to NYC, LA, Miami, SF, and Vegas, which have all been used because people can connect the city with it's real life counterpart, which would be nearly impossible in Boston, unless they put redsox posters just about everywhere. And for the record, that pretty bridge with the purple lights is not a landmark. I can't even count the number of cities which have bridges like that. Also considering how that bridge finished construction like yesterday, no one outside of Boston would know what the heck it is. In fact, I bet half the people reading this don't know what Bridge im talking about.
  18. Ever since Take Two Interactive took control over R*, every city has held a fictional name, even after another game used it's real name in a radio or dialogue. Example: In GTA3, Ray said he was running to "Miami", we all know that Vice City is the GTA's Miami, so in reality he was running to Vice City, however anyone who played GTA3 would say "ooh miami" Example 2: K-Rose, "And now shes alone in New York City, living like lord I wonder how", yet we all know that Liberty City is GTA's New York. Another reason why there won't be "GTA: London" is because its going to be based on more than one city . This is GTA 4 the "new generation" of the GTA games, London might be featured in GTA4, but there won't be a whole game based on London. If the last major GTA game consisted of three cities, why would R* change it back to one (on their major games, not the timefillers like LCS). It just doesn't make sense. I've said that there might be a London-ish setting in GTA, but it won't be the only setting.
  19. Unless they were already working on it. The only real thing that takes time is porting it to PSP and making new missions. They don't need to worry about making a new enviroment and w/e. The only reason why VCS came so long after LCS is because the PS2 port of LCS came imbetween them. It takes no time to put in New Model+New Missions+Port. And since this is the only real lead from the radio stations of VCS, im sticking to it. (Tokyo, China is not a realistic lead, unless people consider "The Wild Taveler" in SA to be a lead.)
  20. If VCS predicts anything, it predicts the next "stories" which will most likely come out before October 2007, since they'll need a time filler. And a LSS (Los Santos Stories) sounds about right.
  21. I nuked Salvatore's car with my rocket launcher, errupting it into a firey ball of flame, and blowing up all the cars around it. There is no way he could've faked his death.
  22. Ok, I spent an hour writing this story, and I might write it as a fanfiction if I have any free time. I, being the biased person I am, want to go back to Liberty City to see what has happened after GTA 3. It should start in Liberty City but go to London, Then Tokyo, Then Paris, Brazil, and finally, an american city based on a mix of the major cities in the US. So it starts off years after GTA3, In Lib City, and tells about the fate of the Leone Mafia, since Salvatore died in the beginning of GTA3. Toni Cipriani will be the new Don, possibly renaming the Leone family mafia into the Cipriani Family mafia. You start off as a junior Zaibatshu (sp) member trying to build turf in the city, but with no luck. Your first few missions will be from the Zaibatshu leader, (name) and he sends you on a few missions trying to weaken whats left of the Yakuza, since The Yakuza are collapsing because of the death of Kenji and Asuka, they only own Fort Staunton. Eventually, your leader realises that even though the Yakuza are weak, they can not beat them with their tiny forces. He sends you to Toni Cipriani for help, in hopes of allying him. The mafia is also weak because of the death of salvatore. Toni agrees to help you wipe out the remainders of the Yakuza if you run a few errands for him. You complete a few assassinations and such, and then he will tell you about his former associate, Claude, the main character in GTA3. Claude is the Kingpin-character of the city now, with his own gang backing him up on Staunton Island. Claude has an overseer-type control over all gangs, including the Leone/Cipriani mafia, and makes them pay a hefty sum to him or he will wipe the gang out. Cipriani makes you kill Claude, shooting him in the back as he carjacks a car. However, this causes a shootout between claude's mafia and you, resulting in you being driven out of the city by the LCPD. You and the Zaibatshu must flee to London (of course, it will have a different fictional name) to start a new life outside of America, since you are wanted criminals there now. London is run by 2 major mobs and MI6, the British Intelligence. You and the Zaibatshu find a free district and claim it, causing a bit unrest in the other mobs. The MI6 approaches you're gang first, but the MI6 agents are corrupt, and threaten to turn you over to america if you don't do their dirty deeds. You agree. The MI6 have you wipe out one of the mobs which infest the historical section of London (Big Ben, Old Buildings) After wiping them out, the MI6 betray you, calling over CIA agents to arrest you. However, you are saved by the second mob, who's territory is in the buisness/financial section of London. They help you in your war againsed the MI6 and CIA, until you wipe out the 3 corrupt MI6 agents and raid the american embassy. While in the american embassy, the female leader of the second mob, who is good with computers, wipes out your criminal record, making the LCPD forget who you are and end their chase. However, when everything seems great and perfect, there's a big problem. You want to return back to Liberty, but the rest of the Zaibatshu want to stay in London and start their empire there. This argument results in a firefight, you have to kill all your Zaibatshu brothers in self defense, until [Leader] is the only one left. Before you can fight with "Leader", he shoots you in a cutscene, sending you to the hospital and completing the mission. When you wake up, "two weeks later", "Female London Mob Leader" tells you that "Zaibatshu Leader" returned to Tokyo to regroup. You follow him, unlocking Tokyo. You don't recieve a warm welcome in Tokyo however, with the Tokyo Zaibatshu starting a firefight with you outside the airport. However, you are saved by a Tokyo Yakuza Girl, who assumes that you are Yakuza because...you're fighting the Zaibatshu. You play along because now that the Zaibatshu have betrayed you, you need a gang. You do a series of Yakuza missions. You befriend Yakuza Girl. She finds that the Tokyo Zaibatshu are gathering in a little condo on the north side. Before the gathering, you plant bombs there. When the group of Zaibatshu arrive, the bombs go off, killing all Zaibatshu there. "Evil Zaibatshu Leader", who wasn't at the gathering, ambushes you while driving to pick up a package, and a firefight errupts. You kill "Zaibatshu Leader" and end the first storyline. Paris is unlocked. The Yakuza assign you to a post in Paris, partially to get you away from Tokyo until the anger has died down. You mention in a cutscene that Paris "has no crime" as you meet your contact. Your french contact has you doing mild missions until you see a Brazillian Freighter dock and talk to French representitives. You decide to sneak on because you need a well earned vacation. Brazil is unlocked. Once in Brazil, you use your well earned money at a resort, just to get away from it all. However, when walking through the ghettos, you get mugged, and everything you have is removed. You're only choice is to beat the crap out of the street gangs in Vercetti-Mansion type missions. While shooting out a meeting place of the Red street gang, they surrender, giving you back your items if you do their missions. Of course, if you don't want your items and money, you can just kill them all. Yakuza Girl arrives in Brazil, angered that you left Paris. You tell her that you wish to return to America, and she mentions about a Yakuza post in Little Japan in "American City" American City (DC and Chicago) is unlocked You go to "American City", based on Washington DC and Chicago, and do missions for the Yakuza there. When you finish the missions, one of which involves knocking off a politician, you find out that you didn't kill "Zaibatshu Leader" afterall, and that he was only seriously wounded. Oh No! He left for London with the Zaibatshu remnant, and you return to London to kill him. Once back in London, there is a "Los Santos Riot" type setting, where the Zaibatshu remnant and the friendly London mob are battling it out in the streets. "Zaibatshu Leader" is on top of "Big Bill" a play on words for Big Ben. He is at the top and you must travel to the top, killing all Zaibatshu. At the top, "Zaibatshu Leader" says that you never learned how to shoot to kill. You are ambushed by 2 Zaibatshu, taking your weapons away, and giving you a Katana. You have a swordfight with "Zaibatshu Leader", and cut off his arm. He runs for his gun. Kill the 2 Zaibatshu guards, get your gun, and put rounds of bullets into "Zaibatshu Leader". When he is dead, you say "just making sure" and throw him off the top of Big Ben, making sure that he is dead. Credits Roll.
  23. One problem with your story Wu Zi. You kill Salvatore in GTA3 when he doublecrosses you and you kill him to get revenge (I was lazy and just rocket launched his car). So it would be hard for Salvatore to die in GTA4 if he's already dead in GTA3. Im sad now bc I'm seeing more and more people who haven't played GTA3 and its such a good game.
  24. USA Reason: We're rich, we have alot of cities, NY, Miami, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, Harlem, Boston, Atlanta, Mount Vernon, And Boston has ugly stone buildings like London so we don't need London, and I know alot have been done but who doesn't want to see a new Rage Engine version of these cities, they can have completely different layouts and only have the name in common. We have landmarks that no other country can compete with, like the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty (two libertys, Big one in NYC, and Little one in Vegas), The Hollywood Sign, Time Square, The Freedom Tower will be complete by the time GTA4 is out for PC, and everyone in USA is fat and stupid, which is the reason why the peds are so funny. And the USA is home to some of the greatest gangs, the Italian Mafia in NYC and Vegas, The Irish Mafia in Boston, those weird Colombian drug dealers in Miami, The Death Row Record Company gang, and lots of street gangs, the (real) Yakuza immigrants in Manhattan, The (real) Chinese Triads in San Fransisco And everyone speaks english and is diverse. People die everyday. Someone is dying in America as you read this. PS. This was purposly biased, I don't believe half of it.
  25. I love Liberty City, probably because I'm from NYC, but it is not the fact that its different from LC, it's the whole "1986 Theme" and the non-linear storyline that just doesn't appeal to me. I'm not into the whole waving palm trees, pink suits, pink everything, rainbow UI, and mild crime. The city looks like a good place for Barbie's Rainbow Adventures, but for a game based on crime in that setting? It just doesn't work. It barely worked in Scarface, and they had to add 1 million rounds of bullets to get the criminal feel, and even then it was weak and eggagarated. Maybe I would have liked it better if the storyline had some sense of direction, but instead it was "assets" which translates to "finish as many side-missions as it takes to unlock final mission". Can Vice City be in The Sims? Maybe. But GTA? It just doesnt work in that setting.
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