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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. That was pretty good, not really the best video but the time spent on that one was worth it 100 % ...
  2. You are lucky,`till mine there are ... 6 months ... Anywasy you`ll turn 14 in 14 June ?
  3. Is that Club Gossip Romania ? You`ve been in RO ? Damn ... I`m from RO ... Kool Pic Anyways ...
  4. Sagittarius - Your Love Profile Your positive traits: Your playful nature brings out the happy inner-child in dates You're willing to take risks in love... and reap the rewards You've got a killer sense of humor that gets talking with any hottie you meet Your negative traits: Sometimes your sarcasm comes off as biting and abrasive You can be brutally honest, tactless, and truthful even when it hurts You're such a free spirit that you find it hard to commit to one person Your ideal partner: Someone high energy who will pick up and out with you whenever Is creative and fun - thinking of new adventures for the two of you Is bold... and not afraid to tell you "I love you" early on Your dating style: Unpredictable. You never know how the night is going to end up. Your seduction style: Daring. You're always pushing to try something new in the bedroom. Full of imagination. You've always got a new fantasy you're dying to try. Spiritually driven. Sex for you can be an other-worldly act. Tips for the future: Realize that while freedom is great - sometimes a stable relationship is better. It's not all about you. Focus on your partner's needs every once and a while. Make up your mind about your partner, and stick to it. Your fickle will ruin things otherwise. Best color to attract mate: Purple Best day for a date: Thursday What's Your Love Profile? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourloveprofilequiz/ Yeah, it is right sometimes I`m sarcastic when I shouldn`t be ...
  5. Ce bine ca nu stiti ce vorbesc ( Translation : too well that you don`t know what I`m speaking )
  6. Correct, Tommy ... Wanna know someting about Al Capone and the `30s ? Play Mafia - The City Of Lost Heaven Hey guys did you knew that 70.38 % of all STATISTICS are MADE UP ?
  7. " I wanna kill a Silverio, these goddamn Silverios are everywhere ... " ROFL! LOL ! LMAO ! etc.
  8. Hahahahahahahhahhaahahahhahahhahhahahaaahhahahahahaahahhahhahahahahahaahhahaahha hahahaahhahaahhahhaahahahhaahhaahhaahhaahhaahahaahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Hitler ? A few ? )))) "Man, I wanna kill a chilean, these goddamn chilis are everywhere - U.Rombina, Vice City `86 "
  9. GycuBrun - Silverio Silva Da Great 12.884,77 Kilometres GycuBrun - CroScorpion 632.67 Kilometres I calculated some distancies between my and 2 other TGTAP users using
  10. Outlandish - Callin` You I :heart: this song
  11. Two weeks have passed since I haven`t watched it ... My dad laughs everytime he sees me watching WWE, and he is laughing how bad actors some wrestlers can be ... I have a friend who`s a big wrestilng fan ...
  12. Gycu


    I used to watch it year ago but now I find it boring ... Oh but the crashes really make my day every time I watch them ... At those speeds, the car handling is tough ...
  13. I`m sorry tilly, but we all have an end, I`m sure you`ll get over it ... Cheer up ... None of my teacher died so far ... but the father of my teach hang himself ( this was 1 month ago ) ... Good Bless your teacher ...
  14. wow! Sometimes can pass even months without having deja-vu ... I also had DV today when I was reading a post ...
  15. These is not really new info about GTA 4 I knew about them since last week I tought I had a Deja-Vu but I already knew about this info
  16. "Reality Is The Biggest Illusion " BTW Is quoting a train considered as SPAM ?
  17. I voted for "No- that would spoil the game" But it also depends of when the demo is released ...
  18. Bald: you forgot a letter! Hey guys, why does the TGTAP banner apear sometimes, and sometimes dont? I ussualy get Spam Ads there WTF? How did you made that ?
  19. Hahahaha! "Somebody, please give me a hot coffee"
  20. Gycu

    Weird dreams?

    I asked my mother what does "cars" mean in dreams and she said cars = news, good or bad she doesn`t know, it depends ... I will aske her later about other dream meanings ...
  21. OK. Too bad USA is only 7000 km away So looks like I don`t have access to GP magazine ... Nevermind ...
  22. So in which country do they sell the Gamepro Magazine ?
  23. ? OMG! I didn`t knew indians have so strict laws ...
  24. I didn`t knew Gamepro have a look at GTA IV ... I only knew that two magazines will release articles about GTA IV ( 6th and 7th June 2007 ) ... Why wasn`t this mentioned at the What Will Be Coming Soon For GTA IV ?
  25. Perv. Have you seen the part when she was naked and that guy ..... wrong thread kids go to sleep ...
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