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Everything posted by TOXIC

  1. First of all, as I suggest to everyone regarding this mission, set the following controls The Hydraulic controls probably have a tag "Special" up, down etc. Special Up - Home Special Down - End Special Left - Delete Special Right - Page Down In this way, while doing this mission, you'll get a feel of four arrow keys and will pass the mission w/o problems. And if you set the Wager to low amount, or the lowest which is $50 IMO, There will be merely two or three diagonal moves so you can leave them or try two buttons simultaneously [Left/Right + Down]. I'm sure this will help you.
  2. Really? Nah, I don't think wheelie is doing any thing about it, [sorry if I hurt anyone in here/ Sorry if I'm wrong] And those are the same reps which I gave to wheelie but as you can see, even after bumping that SA collab topic, no replies....
  3. Well, I know this is gonna be a VC/LC one, but I had some last 3/4 reps from SA[very less for a Solo]. So can I join in with SA reps and stuff ?
  4. Well, we've already had a topic on the least favorite mission, lets discuss what's your most favorite one... Mine was probably 'A home in the hills'.....nice one
  5. luz, mine was the last Cut-scene...the lines of Rosenburg.... "Tommy, if I have disagreements with an associate, I just send them an angry letter, maybe I pee in their mailbox; I dont start World War III...."
  6. Wasn't for me though, I liked the Idea of being in control, not much below, not much high, it was just adding to more fun...IMO
  7. lolwut??? Every current gaming store has it[as far is my knowledge concerned]....or buy it from Amazon, its legal.
  8. Newest San Andreas, you mean the version 1.1?
  9. lolwut? I mean, there are Alternatives to buying the game.....I seriously discourage you on those things. And if you're talking about multi player, yes there are clans and servers where you can play with other people, that adds to more fun in a way....for more info, Hope this link helps you
  10. *BUMP* Anyone alive in here for this topic.....? Please reply if anyone really cares.
  11. Blah you're hotter than me....just saw you clearly now

  12. Probably you used a NO-CD crack, or it is just that you gave it to someone else for temporary period and want to play/mod your game now. Well, such cracks and patches can be infected sometimes...be careful with those things even though I discourage the idea of patches and stuff like that. And what you need to do, is simply re-install the game. Hope my advice leads you somewhere good. Cheers mate.
  13. hey! Gratz on the 8k milestone...!

  14. Yeah, others may be made as funny characters, not more than 1/2...and from trailers so far, Niko doesn't seem to be having a sense of humor IMO
  15. Really nice work if you used only the paintbrush. If you used anything else, then too, good work. Keep up the good work.
  16. @Gerard: I too, experienced those funny colors, which makes SA look like a damned disco, I still remember those funny greens and pinks and blues and all that flashing... And really speaking, when I flew the Hydra from the Airstrip towards the Gant Bridge and surrounding areas, I too had the same problem....I tried re-installing the game, I did it twice...then it worked properly. Despite this, I'll suggest if you have any mods installed, first get rid of them [usual way to get off the mods = re-install]. Hope this helps.
  17. Is it ? Yes probably, but the size seems ok....where's the problem?
  18. TOXIC


    Well, making your own mods first requires to see how other mods work and are made. For using mods made by others, download IMG TOOL Create backup of everything that you replace or change. Rest all is explained in each download, if not ask staright away here Hope this helps you.
  19. Ah...most things remaining the same, you get infinite ammo, some cash,...not much...but it becomes boring since there's nothing left in it to do [except some Gambling and repeatable missions]
  20. ...he's asking for the pizza boy anyways, its a rare vehicle, but most likely areas are Santa Maria beach, the area sometimes has a pizzaboy running in that area...
  21. Shadowsniper [Paul]-----I MOD because I cannot stunt TOXIC---Its no use, we knew it...ages ago
  22. [Paul in class] Once a..... [Class]Will you ever shut up...?
  23. OK, here's my attempt : If Jimmy has three apples and Mary has five mangoes, then why don't they STFU and eat them?
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