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Everything posted by MaxPayne

  1. I would be happy WWYDI I told you i stole franks_tenpenny money
  2. frank i don't know who stole your money but You should of banked the money
  3. I would sell the elephant to a dealer WWYDI I broke a priceless antique of yours
  4. Yeah i clinked on the affilate and it went to your site. There site has shut down now and it might come back in the future.
  5. I would invite him in for a cup of tea WWYDI The internet shut down and you could not use it anymore
  6. know he dosen't think he made it, he just wants to know what people think of it and how it can be improved
  7. I don't like it much and i don't think it can be improved
  8. I would like too buy a ticket i send you the money now
  9. I would steal your name WWYDI This site shut down tomowrow
  10. Yeah i think that too got any more smiles
  11. How do you know, whos gonna post next
  12. I found you from gta3r i came to the gta place for mods then i registered at the forums
  13. Do the time WWYDI i stole your forum money
  14. I would like the game to be in Dundee and set in 2012
  15. Farewell Chunkey Lee Chong Cipriani's Chauffeur Dead Skunk In The Trunk The Getaway Salvatore Called A Meeting Blow Fish Cutting The Grass Bomb Da Base Act Sayonara Salvatore Two Faced Tanner Arms Shortage Kanbu bustout Shima Waka Gashira Wipeout Grand theft aero Espresso 2 Go The Exchange
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