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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. yeah, I kind of changed my mind though. At least I get to play GTA IV instead of looking at pics of it :D

  2. I'm eventually getting an Xbox 360 and GTA IV :D

  3. Hey, how are you? Sorry that I couldn't come on MSN today.

  4. Girls Aloud - The Promise Cheryls hot, actually most of them are.
  5. That's quite a good option actually. Lets see what Chris says.
  6. I used to have one or two userbars but I stopped round about May or so. Anyway, I can't think of anymore award suggestions.
  7. The Saturdays - Up The blonde one looks hot in the video.
  8. Hehe, Thanks mate. --- @ Everyone: If you want to request some Graphics of any sort apart from animations just request. I don't want to open up another shop in the Trading Stalls. So just request if you want one.
  9. I know what it is, it is based on "The 12 Days of Christmas" but in a San Andreas version.
  10. A lot of people "wear" userbars though.
  11. I was thinking about "Most Popular Member" in a way. That way anyone on the forums that is a member can be nominated and nobody can possibly be left out to be nominated. It might be a big poll and have to be done on 2 or 3 seperate steps. Until we get 3 left to battle it out. Ofcourse this isn't going to go down very well as members don't have to do a single bit of effort towards it.
  12. So, how was your day today? Thought I might ask because I'm bored with nobody posting anything.

  13. Same but I don't walk to school, I usually walk home from school.

  14. It's quite good, nice but in the lists you missed out #8. Also, it's the wrong section, Graphics and Writers pad would've been the right section.
  15. True, then I think you could do a "Most Improved at English" award.
  16. Maybe do something about English for those who do not speak it as their official language (Like France, Italy, Portugal). That way we can distinguish those who are almost perfect at English or natives and let the people who do not speak English as their native language battle it out and try for another award. Best Native English Language User Best Non Native English Language User Most improved at English
  17. It's too negative, as Chris says. He's not keen on Negative ones.
  18. Considering that Switch Designs is no longer a "modder" on this forum, we could do a "Best Modder" award?
  19. Would that not come under "Most improved member"? Edit: @Earthbound: Yeah, kinda. I'm gonna stop posting some.
  20. I think you can safely say Chris would win that Ehm more...? "Best Dressed" according to Pictures "Most educated" "Best at English" "Worst at English" but it's Negative kind of so there is no point "Member who "Couldn't give a shit""
  21. Here are some more: Best Youngster (12 and under) Best Teenager (13 to 19) Best Adult (20+) Member most likely to go to University
  22. It has something to do with the sunlight. It is sunny all the time in the Summer but there is hardly any sun in the Winter and my hair is usually longer.
  23. I'm blonde, but not an awful lot. My parents consider me as "Golden Blonde" because my hair goes golden in the summer and hot conditions but brown in the winter.
  24. It would, but it could be "Best Graphics Shop of the year"
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