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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I like most of the songs off of Radio Broker, I have none in particular on that radio station because they are all my favourite.
  2. Yeah, I got the PM. I'm good too, tired though, school is stressful.

  3. I know you did. :P I think I'm just confusing you now? y/n :P

  4. It's up to you. :P I don't entirely mind if you put the thanks or not :P

  5. I'm pretty sure they are the same in England. The UK like the USA doesn't share the same laws in their constituent countries/states. I think the laws are mainly global though and what had been said is widely unacceptable.
  6. Hey, how are you? and your msn pm thing said you were in Italy, How was it?

  7. Almost 9000 posts, man. And looking at your other comments... wtf did you do on the night of 2nd January :P

  8. Is that a bass guitar tab because it sure looks likes a guitar tab in a way.
  9. Yeah, you tried advertising the same website in a different topic a few days ago. I'm not stupid, I read links. Advertise in your sig and your sig only.
  10. Like we've said to you before, you're not allowed to advertise your site.
  11. Hey, man. I made you another graphic for the gang scene. I don't want to flood your pm inbox with pms though so I'll give it to you later. The sigs have actual pictures (taken by Noru) from the Bayside Mafia server in January 2008 when the LCF and BM played in their free time.

  12. lol You should've put *Thanks Thomas for the sig* or just "Thanks to Thomas for the sig" instead of "Thanks thomas for the sig". Random. and cool pic btw.

  13. He is. Look at the graffitis in some buildings. What buildings and where? I would like to see for myself.
  14. Also, do you put the CD in to try and play it? It won't work without the CD.
  15. Hey, I was wondering if you had MSN? If not then no worries. How are you?

  16. Yes, that's all. You can see various stores that you can't enter such as Ranch and Didier Sachs but they won't have interiors or particular clothes you can buy from them. But yeah, only 4.
  17. To be honest, it doesn't matter how active a forum is, it's how good in quality it is. I bet you also go on GTAForums? Compared to GTAForums, The GTA Place has much more features and with the new IPB coming out, I think The GTA Place is going to be far ahead of the "competition" which may also result with getting much more active. Like others have said, if you don't like it then leave. I'm sure the forums are bound to get active again after the gang system revamp and other factors like the awards and GTA Chinatown Wars.
  18. He also added an area at East Dukes too. Anyway, it's a nice map, those little additions - if it were to become a mod - would change the game. It looks quite good though.
  19. I was nominated quite a lot for "Most Knowledgeble: VC" and I don't know why. If I am that smart at that game, then I haven't realised it yet.
  20. I wouldn't know whos is better. I have only seen the FFM one not the LCF one. Besides, I don't often go in the topic because this is a family computer. I really don't think you should be discussing it in a public topic either, we don't want people thinking they are missing out and then they end up creating these porn topics in full view of the public.
  21. It's Winter, not an awful lot of people would be on because many are either on holiday or spending time with family.
  22. I think the members who joined quite early are beginning to become inactive. There are only a few members left who are on almost everyday that joined in 2006, I could name a few who are still active (TM, L-RiC, rockstarrem) but there isn't loads. Whereas members who joined late '07 and most of '08 literally dominate the forums. That's at least what I've seen so far. I can say that I will be inactive - more than likely - over the coming months with school and exams coming up in February and May.
  23. By any chance do you mean this advert:
  24. I know, it's hard for me too but I never get girlfriends so I'm going to have to be using that advice of my own for a long time. I'm far out of the dating scene right now even though I recently had some rather interesting conversations with girls from my own school on msn.
  25. I might be getting XBL soon so... 2319 45623 679854
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