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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. It works now. Before it just came up with a google search thing.

  2. Yeah, it doesn't work.

  3. What's the point of reporting a post that isn't causing that much offense. You could just have asked a Moderator to have merged the topic, they would have probably given you the same answer as Spider-Vice. Anyway, for Xmas: Money Xbox 360 Laptop either one
  4. Lifes been boring too, almost finished my exams.

  5. Out of that list, I have only heard of 3 or 4. Is this based on American sales or w/e not Worldwide because it's from an American Magazine that many people have said as being Biased and false occasionally. Anyway, it's good that GTA IV is that far up it.
  6. I tried accessing your site but it doesn't work.

  7. First off, is the game brand new or pre-owned? If it is pre-owned then I would advise you take it back to where you bought it from. Try cleaning the disk right before trying to play the game.
  8. Why don't you do it? If you wanted to then maybe start it off in word and save as you go along. It's not at all that hard, I've done several of them on here. Just make sure you don't post too much, the last person to do post about 4 stories in one day was flamed like hell. If you want, you could ask some of the story makers to help start you off on your own story?
  9. I think that, definitely. With the amount of adverts on the TV nowadays explaining the amount that something has been dropped in price, they just want you to buy more of their stuff and yet they are still making a huge profit. I'm not sure if this is happening in a Woolworths near you but they are offering up to 50% off everything in store, I know they are in a huge financial crisis but why are they doing it? I think Christmas is all about Giving, not "If I get you something then you will have to get me something". That's what it's all about nowadays, never fair.
  10. If you stopped going on about it then people might not say stuff like that. --- It seems reasonable to be discussing religion towards Christmas since it is quite a religious month in a way. Not many people actually see Christmas as a religious event. People see it more as "Santa", presents etc.
  11. Yeah, it should've been a good Idea to back up. Anyway, yes the file you need. It would be an Idea to reinstall the game, your save games will remain. If someone doesn't supply you with the file ofcourse, you should then reinstall it. Wait a few days first though. Why? It may not be the quickest way to solve it but it is far the easiest.
  12. Hey, I was told what happened earlier. :( How are you?

  13. Hey! How are you?

  14. There's a "war" (I use that term loosely) or "Anti-Sectarianism" in Glasgow. There is always some murder there every week or so because someone is Roman Catholic or Protestant. I have to say, I don't feel safe ever going into that city. I go to Glasgow every other month (The last time I went was in August/September but I was going to go last weekend but I had to postpone it due to the exams I have right now).
  15. I've never actually went to a church before. I have been in one but it was a school trip to listen to some extremely (No offense) boring Gospel Music. Ugh. I'm not that active in religion, I don't consider myself to be religious either. I don't think there is a god out there or ever was. Well, I used to think that there was but not any more. I don't think anyone in my family apart from my Aunt who lives across the pond in America believes in a certain religion.
  16. Hey QD! I haven't seen or spoke to you in a long time How are you finding GTA IV then?
  17. I'm a Protestant Christian, I was told by my parents that. I didn't actually know until a few years back.
  18. Yeah, it should've been a good Idea to back up. Anyway, yes the file you need. It would be an Idea to reinstall the game, your save games will remain. If someone doesn't supply you with the file ofcourse, you should then reinstall it. Wait a few days first though.
  19. You could try reinstalling the game completely. I do not have GTA Vice City installed so I can't help you. If you reinstall, you won't lose your game files as they are in your My Documents folder. Hope this helps.
  20. I hope to win some awards this year. I wasn't really active during the festive period of 2007. I started getting inactive from October to February last year.
  21. did you listen to the original or the remix ? lol pendulum. yeah i think it was ATB that made it. Delirious (Laidback luke remix) - David Guetta .. off the 2009 Ministry Annual (AU version) I listened to the Original -- The Killers - Human
  22. Can't you take a hint, get back on topic. In Primary School, I was taught some of the greatest inventors ever but I don't really recall Tesla. I remember John Logie Baird (Someone from Dumbartonshire, UK who invented the Television) and Alexander Graham Bell (From Edinburgh, UK he invented the Telephone) we were also taught about the likes of Einstein and a few others. I think they should include Tesla in the Education, especially in Science Subjects.
  23. Happy Birthday Chris82 and Lonewolf. Enjoy it!
  24. Not a bad song Christophe Mae - Ca marche (It works)
  25. Lorie - Un Garçon (A boy) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=moQh_MtrJ_0
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