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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. He also calls him a "yokel" meaning: 1. (pejorative) An unsophisticated person. 2. A person of rural background. I'd say it's 1. for Niko.
  2. Do we have a topic about Relationship Help or something similar? There is definately someone I like though, I'm taking it easy though because she might go and double time me like the last one. It's kinda like a phobia.
  3. Worst thing of the year - Exams Best thing of the year - Went to the USA in March/April Best person for me of the year - My Aunt But overall, the best thing for news of the year is The finish of the American Elections, now we get real TV now, not some Bullshit telling us every five fucking minutes about Barack Obama, John McCain and Hilary Clinton. Now it's all about the economic turmoil. Overall, the worst thing for news of the year is the Economic Turmoil because I have no money anymore, and I have to keep my money on a bank account to stop me spending it (as you probably know, the price of stuff has went up dramatically over the past year)
  4. I'll two time her with you, DP? I mean.. uhm.. shit. I wouldn't, she dated someone who fucked everyone (Quite literally), he smoked and he drinks. She has bad choice though She deserves a slap - that I'll let my sister do because it's wrong to hit girls.
  5. I don't mind the Balkans, you don't often hear about it in Western Countries. But yeah, the only countries I have quite a lot of knowledge about is Poland, Serbia and Bosnia. You don't often get taught about Greece, Kosovo, Montengegro etc. There are loads of slang for Balkan citizens as there is with Western countries. "Brit" was a slang word for "British" until the Press started using it a lot more. The biggest insult for Americans by Europe was "Fat bastards" and often the country was labelled as "Fast Food Paradise". Another one is "frog" for French people. "bohunk" is American slang for "Eastern/Central European". Just thought I'd share that
  6. The slut I went out with a few months ago two timed me so I'm single now.
  7. Good Luck to you all, I guess. Connor and Evo would make brilliant Server Admins and Earthbound, well I know he's awesome anyway - he'll do an excellent job too.
  8. I found some more pics of Falkirk, here they are: Falkirk Wheel The massive police headquarters for the Central Scotland Police.
  9. Merry Christmas and a happy birthday!

  10. *Searches* That's not too long ago Since my town is kind of in the middle of nowhere, I can't get decent pictures of it because Google is shite and so is other websites. Why would you want to have a look at the town and it's tallest buildings? The tallest buildings being numerous blocks of flats, a steeple and a church all dominating the "view" most of the time.
  11. Happy birthday mate, Enjoy it!
  12. I thought you were a girl until you did something that angered me earlier this year. Anyway, lol at all of them and I might be getting XBL aswell
  13. Yeah, I know that poor joke. Clicked on it earlier this year and the person who posted it got the worst flaming of his life. A window going around your screen so you can't click the X button, hmmm. Some GTA IV IQ isn't it when Rick comes up on your screen singing.
  14. I've been better. I hate the winter :P

  15. It's not that, it's the fact that MTA servers are usually much better in quality. There are more features in San Andreas than there is in Vice City such as being able to land planes on the ground and being able to take-off afterwards. MTA SA is much rather preferred by the gangs on here too, the main gangs in January were planing for a server to be built by the Admin team, but because the gang system has basically died, the server progress has stalled.
  16. Hey! Yo haven't been around much :( How have you been?

  17. Alexandra Burke - Hallelujah Winner of the 2008 X-Factor and she is an amazing singer.
  18. SA is superior because there is almost 10 times the amount of people who use it compared to MTA 0.5. If I were to ask 100 people of this forum, what they used out of "MTA SA" or "MTA 0.5", I'm pretty sure that MTA SA would have a lot more people use it.
  19. You know, you're not really meant to be discussing in here. Hence why Chris said:
  20. I'm not signing it. I realise that some of you don't have GTA San Andreas on PC and play Vice City on PC instead but if you think about it GTA SA is far superior in the way of number of player and game quality. I much prefer MTA SA. I do agree that they could pay attention to MTA 0.5 much more but like I said MTA SA is far superior. I admire that you're keen to get an update for it but there is hardly any of us how actually still play Vice City and MTA 0.5
  21. It comes with age, not genes. We all have decisions in life and someone might like someone who is the same sex and maybe turning into a gay or bisexual. But that won't happen to everyone all the time. It has hardly anything to do with genes.
  22. I aint quite sure if I have Aus version, I got mine off limewire, and Im not recommending anyone do that, having sound is awesome... But I'll try the cheat out later on, go in that allyway (The one in the mission you meet Lance Vance and Diaz) or the Beach. Just buy the game before asking for help, seriously, it's been happening a lot lately and it's getting annoying. I don't believe you can pick hookers up in VC at all.
  23. Woah, shit. I feel really sore right now No snot though. The last time I had alcohol was last month, I am addicted to Bacardi Breezer and Wine, kinda odd though. I stuck my head in the freezer but it had no effect really.
  24. I had that a few months ago. It was the worst I ever felt in my life, I just woke up from falling asleep in my bed accidentally and I was just under 40 Degrees. I had an Ice pack on my head for about 2 hours. I could barely walk but I had to get down the stairs.
  25. Today, I got sent home from school because I was feeling sick and had a tight and sore chest (mainly because I was waiting 30 minutes in freezing temperatures in the rain for my mum to pick me up yesterday ). Now I'm getting a warm head, obvious signs of a fever. I knew there was a bug going around in Scotland but I didn't know it was that bad. I haven't even had breakfast today, the closest thing I've had to something to eat today was soup - Red Lentil & Vegetable soup - and I am still not hungry (usually I eat for Britain). Anyway, last Sunday my dad went and bought me a Xbox 360 for Christmas, obviously, because I wanted it badly, I'm going to pay for it. My father didn't want to spend more than £50 on me this Christmas but he managed to spend £170 on me. I also got GTA IV the same day, not as part of the bundle but seperately - It cost £25 (Which isn't that bad for a 360 game).
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