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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. These topics are really getting pathetic. Anyway, no I don't have it either and I don't really care if I have it.
  2. Nokia 6400, got it in July for £90 (Ofcourse that price includes the £10 top up). I don't go for the Pay Monthly phones. Also, I have the black version of the phone above.
  3. Happy birthday TGTAP! Shame that I've only been around 2 years and seen just the two birthdays since I joined but not an awful lot of changes though during those two years. Hope it changes for the better
  4. I know, whoever doesn't know Sexual Scott should be ashamed.
  5. Just because his name doesn't end in -ic doesn't mean he's not Serbian, that's like saying all Chinese people's names end in -n or something. Nikola is Serbian according to some websites. Anyway, I've not really heard of him before but he invented all that? Wow.
  6. Happy Birthday Mate! Enjoy it!
  7. gtapn works now (Topics)

  8. I haven't shaved in a couple of weeks. I don't want mine to get too long though, might let it slide though to see how long I can get it.
  9. It looks interesting and nice. The fact that TGTAP is getting upgraded to it is great, not really interested in other sites getting upgraded, most of them are pointless anyway. So yeah, it looks sweet and I'm sure it will upgrade TGTAP to a great extent.
  10. I used Realplayer but Uninstalled it and then the videos worked perfectly as if nothing was wrong with them. If you have something interfering with the media then see what could be stopping the videos from working.
  11. Lol, yeah. It has a big gap, thats the only I don't really like about it. I should write another one soon (Nothing to do with yours but if you want I could )
  12. I got that suggestion when I made one a few months ago. ^ ^ Good storyline, S-V. Can't wait to see when it's finished.
  13. I think people would find it strange to carry a passport into Tescos and not an Airport or so on. Anyway, up here in Scotland youths up until age 26 have all been issued with "Young Scot" cards or "Euro26" cards (Official Scotland Identity Card w/ Discounts on many high street retailers). I don't know if England are issued with such cards (Obviously not called Young Scot or w/e)
  14. Happy Birthday, Deji. Have a good one.
  15. Advice: You haven't seen Britain until you've been to a castle.
  16. That sucks. Fancy get one of those on a holiday, I haven't had a flu in a long time but I'm used to the cold weather here.
  17. I have smoked only once in my life. I didn't like it so, I am probably not going to smoke later on in life... much.
  18. No problem, the best thing is that I wouldn't myself have a clue about what would be happening.

  19. I downloaded it. Dr. Web Cure It. It says " Done - No Virus's Found. " I hope this is true. Now my pc isnt bitching anymore with 42 infections etc. And was this a demo? It was a demo, you should run it regularly but you have to keep re-downloading it simply because newer versions get rid of more virus'. It's free and there is no trial run like most things you download on the internet.
  20. Download "cure it" and scan for any virus', it should automatically get rid of them. If that fails use Defrag or Scandisk. If all fails again you may need to reinstall windows.
  21. One of my two French teachers is Ugly. She looks like a Primary School/Nursery Teacher and teaches us as if we are in Primary One/Year One. It's like "This is how you spell "Je Suis"" and she actually spells it out "Jee-oo Ess-oo-ee-ess" (French Alphabet sorta thing - not english alphabet for some reason). It's stupid and annoying.
  22. Yeah, true. Glasgow is the British crime-den along with London. Both are as bad as each other (Both being Britain's two biggest cities too)
  23. 6000 posts. TNF told me that I had reached it in the FFM private forum, I didn't even notice.
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