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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Hello. My new list. Guilty.by.association (an awesome friend) Spider-Vice (same reason as GBA) Thomas (Good friend, we almost met at Newark Airport in NY) L-Ric/Tec 9 (Haven't talked to you yet, but you're cool) Flesh-n-Bone azn/Rainbow Six (sa trivia!) Urbanoutlaw Yellowjacket Kokane GTA Don Connor Unnamed Noodle (One of the funniest people I've seen on the forum) Angry Gorilla Scott Chris Sky Rockstarrem Evolution Vasco Ivan Not to forget we were on the same plane to Edinburgh, Scotland My first post out of the FFM private Forum in ages Wow... First post today. Anyway, I might update my list, it defo will b e shorter, here we go: Gerard Spider-Vice TNF Llama Rockstarrem Connor Dirty Harry Ivan Chris GTA Don That's all for now.
  2. oh hi lol. Ta, I wonder who voted me down in the first place :P

  3. I don't think they should be legalised. I have been told by many teachers that drugs are just as bad as alcohol. I am not going to post any more because some will end up in an argument with someone like most topics nowadays, hence why I don't post in public much any more. That happened the other night there in the recreating the big bang topic. You can't even state your opinion without someone slagging you.
  4. So, does this mean they will start the experiment in a few minutes. Fuck, I'm not even ready for school in 25 minutes. Anyway, I hope this does go well, here is a story from the BBC, It's front page headlines right now: Click Here
  5. I think it's better if you create a new topic. Some people won't listen.
  6. For f*ck sake get back on the fucking topic. We're not talking about creation of Earth or the Universe, we are talking about tomorrow.
  7. Even though I am a Christian minority, protestant. I am really dependant of some sort of God creating the Universe. We don't know, we will never know if a God created us, our planet, our solar system and our universe. We do not have proof that a God did and nor do we have proof that it was created by a bunch of matter clumping together and steadily expanding. We are talking about the Large Hadron Collider to be launched within the 24 hours not about how the universe was created. Maybe a topic should be made about it.
  8. @ DH: Don't is one word when it is shortened from Do Not.
  9. I totally believe that. I know that the scientists wouldn't do anything stupid that could easily wipe them and everyone else on planet earth out. --- Regardless of the outcome, there will still be consequences to the human race. If it doesn't go as planned we face Micro Black Holes and maybe as the website of the LHC says "strange matter". There will always be consequences for our actions as humans.
  10. Ehm, how can you prove god didn't though? God could have created the big bang for all we know.
  11. I know, but I don't think they will end the world. I know this one is larger, if this experiment does not contain the results they want then we could see a SLHC in the future. I believe these scientists can do it right and safely.
  12. It was on the news a few minutes ago. This is the bullshit that has been going around my school. I'm not worried, they've managed to do the experiment before and it was done safely. It is called LHC, it will try and crash two atoms together in an attempt to recreate the big bang, it is located on the Franco-Swiss border in Europe.
  13. Happy Birthday Chris. Enjoy your time in Spain
  14. I have Bebo and Facebook. I also have MySpace but I haven't been on it in about a year. http://www.bebo.com/ThomasY023 http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1046303140
  15. In a way I hope it does end and in a way I don't. On a side note: O2 Broadband ftw.
  16. Many people over her in Britain just consider us to be immature youths "who can't stop misbehaving". I have been called that once for just walking with a group of mates. Everyone stares at us as if we are going to do something to them, it's horrible, you are constantly being watched by the public and being avoided "incase we do something".
  17. Hullo, wuu2?

  18. Well, maybe I have a life and don't have the time for it. I could do it now but I cba going off to find the CD.
  19. As long as a British team gets into the UEFA Champions League Final, then I'm happy. Like last year I think between Chelsea and Man Utd.
  20. Paragraph form is easier to read. I haven't read it.
  21. And an addition to what I said, I am off in my room listening to 97.3 Forth one (Edinburgh radio station) because of the awesome music and I am usually studying when listening. I have FRENCH tests, FRENCH homework and FRENCH essays to be done over the next 4 weeks.
  22. I don't exactly speak Spanish. The UK speaks english mate. lrn2internet

  23. Me = Exams and Coursework. Today I was off with mates (More girls than boys hawtness) to town and Calendar Park where we raved all day.
  24. eh... who cares. stop flaming my profile.

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