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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. It doesn't matter much really. I don't even notice it when I go on the Website but it is there. It isn't major but should be fixed after the more important things that require a need.
  2. *Mega Party* My party beats theirs :P

    Happy Birthday Mate!

  3. The link you gave us is broken and it would have been more suitable in the Serious Chat Forum.
  4. I am temporarily closing the shop, I feel utterly weird. Rem I will try and get your sig done as soon as possible.
  5. Hmmm... In some ways I think the school should get involved but somehow I think they shouldn't. If you don't want the school to get involved then I would suggest taking the guy on after school and away from the school, I'm not advising you to do it though it isn't really right fighting unless it is a reasonable dispute. But no they shouldn't in my opinion.
  6. Okay, your reserved. Sorry that it had taken so long but we haven't been that much active since the release. I didn't actually take a look at the topic.
  7. I has results from 3 of my Exams Credit Level Biology Results: 20/40 (Pass - Half Marks) General Level Biology Results: 28/40 (Pass - Half Mark) Foundation Music Listening Results: 86% (Around 38 out of 45) Graphics Design Ability Results: 17 out of 21 Graphics Knowledge and Interpretation: 16 out of 16 That is all I have gotten back so far.
  8. I've been here a year so far and I have had 4000 posts since I joined in March 2007. I have had my clashes here with some members although it ended in a laugh most times. This is really the board that I have been dedicated to and the most active on, this is also the only forums in which I have posted more than 700 posts on. I have never had a wrning here and I don't plan to or want to have a warning.
  9. He can already, you must be 16 in the UK (or Scotland maybe) to be able to buy and drive a car. That is of course you have passed your driving test.
  10. I totally forgot about that conversation on MSN the other day there when you showed me the date on the calendar when your birthday was. I broke my promise. Happy Birthday Mate!
  11. Wow, I was not expecting this to happen just in the UK. That is sick. Why do people do this nowadays, it is awful. There are some sick people in the world.
  12. All members who have not got or have not played Grand Theft Auto IV yet can ask questions of what features the game has what haven't been told to us by news. Please ask appropriate questions to do with the Gameplay, Missions, Map anything to do with GTA IV apart from "was the game good?" Please may the answerer to the questions use the spoiler tag, the tag is below: [Spoiler]Insert Text[/Spoiler]
  13. Oh okay. Sure, once I'm a little bit better I will try. I feel ill at the moment.
  14. Get it at the same time as us... Midnight.
  15. Lol, it is 10:30 PM here we've been waiting for it the same amount of time as you
  16. 1 Hour and a half now. It is getting closer now.
  17. I guess we are lucky. But you will get it practically at the same time as us. Our day has been longer so far and we have 1 hour 30 minutes until the UK release.
  18. Yeah, I'm happy for you. You get to play it.
  19. It is 3 Hours 5 minutes now for The United Kingdom
  20. My local GAME store is closed. It is in the Shopping Centre what closed at 6 PM.
  21. The next people to get GTA IV is eastern Europe and the Balkans
  22. I bought then three days ago but he never updated the topic.
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