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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I enjoy heat rather than cold. In accordance to the one above, I like hot colours (Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink etc) and I hate cold colours (Blue, Green, Purple etc) My name is Thomas (Duh?) My Surname is Young My Middle name is Frazer My Full name is Thomas Frazer Young. Weird huh?
  2. The majority of the buildings are from GTA III. There is only one from GTA SA, one from GTA VCS, one from GTA LCS and one from GTA IV. The main attraction of the Banner is the Characters, I may try to make them stand out a bit in the future, if this topic is still open or the banners are still being taken in April then I will attempt another one. I added clouds to the banner: EDIT: I made 3 new versions of the first banner: So, what do you think of these new versions.
  3. I may try another one but that will be after my holiday. I really want to keep making these because it is something to do and keeps me occupied for a while when no posts are being made her on TGTAP and no-one is on TSOGTA so I won't need to Moderate it.
  4. No need to wait GTA Don, I have completed it:
  5. Well me and TM were meant to be working on a new banner, but we can't as I am going on holiday in 2 days. Therefore I am making one last attempt at a banner before I go away for 3 weeks.
  6. I love it because I get to go in it without admission. Now that is awesome.
  7. I'm gonna try something like that banner TM made with those little squares. Don't expect something good nor bad, it's my first attempt at something like this.
  8. Welcome to all of you newbies. Stick around and make sure you enjoy yourself here at The GTA Place. Also make sure you read the forum rules.
  9. Why don't you go to school Deji? Holiday or something, I know it's not because of your age as you are younger than me and I'm 13. If you don't have a school then it is better to go to one because not having Education means you may not have a future career and may not bring in wages.
  10. Well this topic is pretty pointless now. Can a Moderator or an Admin please close this.
  11. I made a few Sigs and Avatar for Vasco on another forum.
  12. Deji, wrong section. Entertainment Forum would have been a little bit better.
  13. Thats Ok, I hope you like the new avatar.
  14. No problem, I do things wrong sometimes:
  15. Here you are: Enjoy! Oh yeah I couldn't fit the test in as one line so I had to make multiple lines. I didn't want to make the text small as you wouldn't be able to read it.
  16. There will probably be a huge forum poll to see what Banner looks the best. Therefore it would be all of our decisions.
  17. I wouldn't mind seeing a new Forums banner. I really thought that the one above was kinda "old". It has been there since I joined a year ago this month. Maybe a change of banner every year or within a time limit such as 6 months or 12 months.
  18. Yeah, many things are wrong with the british justice system nowadays, it is unbelievable.
  19. A young girl who lives in West Yorkshire went missing a few weeks ago after walking home from a school swimming outing. Her name was Shannon Matthews, who was 9 Years old. Today she was found alive in an abandoned house under a mile away from her own residence in West Yorkshire. She was found in a bed with a man who has been arrested for the abduction of Shannon Matthews. The man is 39 Years old and has been put in for questioning. This shows how safe the world is for children under the age of 10. Madeline McCann Shannon Matthews Read the full story here on BBC.co.uk.
  20. I don't think BBC is updating us about it.
  21. Yeah, I agree with you that the second one looks better. Thanks for Grunging it... We both have credit for that banner, if it gets used for the main site. I could try sepia tone on it. It may not work though.
  22. Yeah, I can make it smaller. I'll have to do it tomorrow because I am a bit busy right now.
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