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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Eh? Anyway, once again the forecast of the snow didn't come and I am very disappointed with the Met Office right now because they are never accurate nor truthful. Back in January they said it was going to be Sunny and the other forecasting sites predicted snow but it wasn't sunny it was actually snow. Poor predictions by the Met Office nowadays, they suck.
  2. Has anyone seen the forcasts made by the Met Office and announced by the BBC about what could the worst storm to ever hit the UK? It is said to start later tonight or has it all ready happened. I seriously hope it does not happen, despite not living in the area what has been forcasted to have this severe weather it will be a bit unfortunate to those members who live in the Storm Zone. Also another thing to advance to the topic is Massive Blizzard warning what are due to affect Scotland (Where I live) at 3 AM. I know the BBCs and Met Offices forcasts are never right but could this be true? Anyway here are some stories made by the BBC... The West Coast Storms? UK Weather Warnings
  3. lolzomgodz you back! I have been reallllllllly inactive lately.

  4. What the hell? Does that mean you would go out and kill a random child or something? Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
  5. Sorry for the double post but I have almost completely completed the topic and my shop has a few more graphics I need to add and then I will be finished. Start requesting .
  6. That sums it up perfectly . Anyway, Deji try making something what doesn't take a few minutes to make, take a challenge at doing something that way you will get respect from other members of the forums for your enthusiasm of doing graphics. Why do you think I have started getting customers in my shop and people even go to the extent of asking on MSN. Try doing something advanced... Do an Animation? Do a GTA IV sig what has more than 7 layers? Do something better than those ones what you have already done.
  7. Oh right, I haven't checked that out lately.
  8. Niko has more colour to him and the logo has been adjusted.
  9. I seriously have never seen that GTA IV screenshot before.
  10. What is a people carrier? A people carrier is a vehicle what has 5 or more seats in order to carry people around. A good example of a people carrier is a Ford Galaxy.
  11. Your banner looks quite good RC, but there are some things that I don't like about it personally. The things I like about it is the fact that you made 3 pictures look like one area in Vice City. I don't like how those characters just stick out the pictures like that (Like in a box and out of the main image). Here are some things you could save and use: These are cut-outs I use for the graphics I have made. If you want to use them, then right-click and wait for the toolbar to come up and then click save or save as. Then you have some cut-outs. Please also note that the Artwork cutout was cutout before I found the Polygon Lasso Tool.
  12. My first post in here this month and I am the king as well. Shame on me.
  13. Gerard told me to use the old logo to cover up the building going into the cloud. Here is the new version with the logo being changed:
  14. I am looking for opinions on this one. So, what do you think of it. I added an artwork cut-out in it and a trailer shot in it. Thanks to Gerard for guiding me through this banner on MSN. EDIT: I made a new one:
  15. I am just testing to see what the logo in the banner I made looks like in a white - grey background:
  16. It may well be a Mini Cooper. Since it is a low-res image then it could be a variety of cars. It could be a Volkswagon Golf except with a different name in GTA IV. It could be any small vehicle at the moment.
  17. This has been posted many times I believe. Its more than likely to be a small person.
  18. Damn, I forgot Urbanoutlaw, he throws some of the best parties. Nice Fellow.
  19. You seem all right actually RaDi0N. I have a well updated list now. My List: Gerard MrLlamaLlama GTA Don TM Dirty Harry Connor MishoM Spider-Vice Rockstarrem Noru Azn Shadow RaDi0N Rashon Ciaran Gorilla Added: UrbanOutlaw
  20. One thing while I am passing through... I have made hundreds of sigs like those they are so easy to do and make. That is all.
  21. Now I have a problem. When I run the san Andreas Downgrader it says the following: "The file contains invalid data" I don't understand this because it has worked for me before. Someone help, I am trying to try out a Mod what Noru showed me and I can't play it until this is fixed.
  22. I don't see any difference except the dates at the bottom of the pictures. Anyway good find even though it was only the same picture twice. It could be the following: a. You Hallucinated b. A mistake c. Attention Seeking
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