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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Let us see what Graphics you did make money from.
  2. That looks quite good except I think the glow ruins it a bit. But thats my opinion, overall I think it is Excellent like most of your other work. You just keep getting better.
  3. Seriously try doing something more advanced because they need to look a bit more professional like this: Otherwise customers will give you bad reputation on your store.
  4. Wow you have a pure evil side :P (Which is quite good because I have one :P)

  5. How do you even know? as i said you've seen 3 of my images and how am i in my own world or whatever? i have been doing 'gfx' for a long time for proffesional websites and i've even sold some for REAL money. you cant just guess me if you don't even know anything about me. anyway stop constantly commenting. it's getting on my nerves everytime my email thing pops up and unlike some of you i have better to do. i should chill out? im the most chilled person in the world! although it doesn't seem like that over a forum. @ thomas: i don't need one i've already gone WAY past that but thanks for the offer. @ Bold - Yeah maybe you should chill out because you are beginning to annoy me again. @ Underline - We are aloud to commentate because it is a forum and people are usually aloud to post in a forum.
  6. Okay, can you please stop instead of ignoring me. I am sure you want to stop all of this aswell but you are making it worse for yourself by replying to what people are saying and this will cause even bigger fights. man i never wanted a fight. so talk to the others about that. i think if you read the whole thing that you'd agree that im not the one you should be talking to. also im sorry for getting you involved and i am not targeting your image or saying its bad. and i think everyone even i forgot why i even opened this topic. SO. if anyone wants a graphic request one if not, fuck off. i think the outline needs to be slightly darker... If it helps, I will post up a Fireworks Tutorial Soon then it will help you. But right now I will be agreeing with TM not just because he is a friend but he is actually quite right.
  7. I need to ask you something on MSN Messenger...

  8. Okay, can you please stop instead of ignoring me. I am sure you want to stop all of this aswell but you are making it worse for yourself by replying to what people are saying and this will cause even bigger fights.
  9. i NEVER said they were unoriginal but there's hardly any point in saying my stuff isn't good if you've not got anything better. for fuck sake i've only uploaded 3. i only did that to see what you like and i get this... i could make stuff like that in a few secs. and i don't use photoshop as i don't like it. stop putting words in my mouth. Done all that. the reason i didn't post any of them is (which i clearly said in my first post) im getting used to what you all like. i made them coz i've seen people with things like that. Okay, now that this problem is resolved (sort of) then let's stop bithcing about it because it is really getting immature and all. Anyway, calm down and go make some graphics or make a cup of tea or get a can of cola. Just try and make it seem like a good shop and let's just stop bitching about his graphics...
  10. Yeah, he survived that horrible incident.
  11. HaPee (Happy) Birthday!

  12. Today is Norus Birthday which is why I am creating this topic. So Happy 19th Birthday mate and also make sure you have a good birthday. (You know when you asked me "What Xbox 360 games do you think I should get", well did you get my message back on MSN?)
  13. I started playing my first GTA at 6 which was the original GTA. Then I had a long break not playing GTA Games which started in 2003 after completing the Vice City Main Missions. Then in 2006 I bought San Andreas and decided that I would start to play GTA Games again.
  14. My bad, I didn't realize there was Natural Pollution and Chemical Pollution. People still can't stop pollution though, it's life. We can reduce the Pollution but it is near impossible to stop the pollution as for many people as it is their job to work in factories what pollute, Drives buses what pollute, pilot Aeroplanes etc.
  15. Yeah but it is still a form of pollution, even gas what comes from the Anus is a form pollution. Methane I believe it is called.
  16. I think excrement is pollution but that may be the only thing in which cats or birds pollute, the smell and little particles in the excrement affects the atmosphere and therefore polluting.
  17. This is exactly why I am non-religious. I used to be Protestant Christian but I have gave up, no church or nothing. There is too much controversy with religion nowadays and I just hate it. So yeah I'm with Chris82 for now. I don't think that these people should have added sins. I mean they can't stop pollution, they can't stop people taking drugs and they can't stop people from "Genetic Manipulation". I hate all of this shit right now. That is all.
  18. I haven't seen it in the news on the Television yet. I would have thought it would have shown up on BBC News 24 or something, ITV news?
  19. You laugh at incredibly strange things. What is so funny about that Picture by the way?
  20. Yeah, I would never jump in front of a knife, not even for my father, If it was my mother I would have other thoughts. I wouldn't want to die but I guess he was one of those lucky people who survived a brutal stab from a knife.
  21. A 10 year old boy in Afghanistan was hit with a knife after protecting his father from a man trying to steal money from his store. The boy saved his dad by jumping in the way of the knife and stopping his dad from a certain death. The boy was hit in the head with the knife. Then the boy was rushed to a nearby military hospital in order to get treatment for his nasty wound to his head what had almost lacerated the front half of his brain. Major Stephen Gallacher was there to help the boy and remove the knife. The Major had recieved 3 Medals as his reward for saving that boys life. Here is an X-Ray image of his head at this link (I am not posting it just incase some of you don't want to see it): http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4448...yknifepa203.jpg Here is the full story at BBC.co.uk
  22. I can't believe that it is 7 days until I will be incredibly inactive here on The GTA Place and on the other forums I have joined. I will seriously miss you guys who are my friends here (Gerard, Spider-Vice, MrLlamaLlama, GTA Don, TM etc). When I get back in early April I will post up pictures of my holidays in the post pictures of yourself topics of many things I have seen or done in my holidays. Anyway here my timetable for the Departure day which is Tuesday 18th March 2008. 05:00 - Wake Up, Get Dressed and Have Breakfast. 05:30 - Set off for Edinburgh International Airport with my Grandpa. 06:00 - Check-In at the Airport 07:00 - Wait for Plane 08:00 - Enter Plane and get seated 08:30 - The plane takes off for Newark Airport in New York 09:00 - Once left the UK try to get some sleep or put on MP3 player 15:00 - Plane Arrives around 15:00 at Newark Airport. Journey 1 of Holiday Complete - These times were in GMT + 0:00 now I am converting to Eastern Time. 10:00 - Plane Arrives at Newark Airport 11:00 - Wait for plane to Florida 13:00 - Board Plane to Florida 13:30 - Plane Departs 17:00 - Plane arrives at Sarasota Airport 17:30 - Grandparents pick me and my family up from the airport 17:55 - Arrive at grandparents Ranch in Sarasota 19:00 - Depending how light it is I will go in the Swimming Pool or if it isn't light I will go to bed This will be one of the longest days of my life lasting 29 Hours. I can't wait to be back from my holidays because I will have especially missed you guys...
  23. I meant 6 or more seats. Anyway, here is the real picture of a Ford Galaxy, just here: http://www.autoblog.com/media/2006/02/Galaxy_02_HR.jpg. Googled it. If that was a Mini Cooper then obviously it would have a different name than "Mini Cooper" but I don't think it is a Mini Cooper at all.
  24. Well, it has been raining all day and has indeed been freezing cold or it felt that cold. I have a cold which explains it. Anyway, nothing new here apart from some high winds and torrential rain and sleet. I have found pictures taken by Witnesses to the storms what are currently covering the UK, if you want to view them then click here. I will post two examples of the weather conditions right now which are below. Some of these pictures posted up on BBC show damage and destruction from the storms. How long will this continue because it is bound to end up hitting the whole of the UK by tonight at least. Anyway the BBC news predicts that the strong winds are going to continue and that means that more of Britons will be affected by this massive storm what recently hit Canada. Heavy Storms cause traffic Chaos The England BBC News Page Wind in Wales cause Power Outages BBC News Wales Page Northern Ireland Power Outages Other Bad Weather: Blizzards and Heavy Snow Batter US and Canada
  25. You're retarded, what does an unknown planet have to do with weather in England? Go get some fresh air, mate. I think you got a hot head. Anyways, a lot of strong gale force winds started getting powerful around 5am today. I woke up and I heard it, and looking at the streets, everything was messy, including part of my driveway. I also came across that my garden was fucked once I stepped in my kitchen... Well, not everything was though. Everyone else in my class said nothing affected them badly. But yeah, nothing like this affected the East Midlands. lulz @ the Bold area. The Italics section: Aparently this storm or whatever it is right now is to get even worse than what it is now. Has anything been said about the Thames Barrier in London and has it been closed?
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