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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. No problem, if you need any more help then just post it around.
  2. Real Radio in Scotland is quite close being 100 - 101. So is Central Scotland FM 103.1, not the same but similar.
  3. Thomas.

    My next PC game

    Wrong section I think. The gaming section may have been right.
  4. Damn, Oh well. Celebration Time for you guys. I miss the date when I would have been here a year which is March 27th. Damn.
  5. Lol, Yeah Anyway it is 11 Hours and 30 minutes Approximately until I will be incredibly inactive here. I don't want to leave but I want a break from here because as most of you have assumed I have been very active here. So if you want to talk to me or anything, I will be on MSN from now until 6 PM. I will be back on MSN Messenger from 11 PM to 3:30 AM. If you have to ask me a question or anything ask me in here from Now until 3:30 AM so I can Answer it. If you have a question while I am away to Florida then Simply leave a comment in my profile, Email me or Personal Message me, so I will get to it when I come back from Florida.
  6. Read the above Quote. Anyway, Good story Urban. The CJ one was funny.
  7. My parents don't really care about grades. If I get bad grades they tell me to bring me my Textbook to them and they would help me. If I get good grades then they would say "Keep it up" or something, I don't have strict parent at all, apart from when it comes to chores. Also, if I get a good school report my parents would take me somewhere to eat or order a pizza.
  8. You have the ability to change your name every 30 days, you can change your name in the User CP. Here is a direct link to it - Change Display Name.
  9. You are assassinated, now die!
  10. DJ is the short term for Disc Jockey, so that argument fails, you didn't do a good job on making tunes sound good either. hmmm. what are those people called. the ones who play songs on radios. hmm let me think... oh, i know DJ's! all they do is talk and play music so your argument fails too. hu ha haaa. They are still referred to as Disk Jockeys though. I'm not going to listen to your stuff because I may not like it and I am about to go offline again.
  11. Yeah, I agree with you there. Why the hell would someone literally sit on the toilet for 2 Years and never bothered to move of her ass. Another thing that is quite disturbing is that the boyfriend didn't even bother his ass to call the emergency service to remove her from the toiler. Strange, Strange People out there.
  12. Coming up to less than a day now. I think I will be going through North Carolina and South Carolina. Actually I think I am going to Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, The Virginia's, New Jersey, New York State, District of Columbia (DC) and Pennsylvania. Not to forget Florida which I didn't want to list because I am setting off from there. Sky have you ever been to Florida before? - I went into an Emotional Breakdown on MSN earlier while talking to GTA Don. I burst into tears randomly because my dog was leaving us for the easter and coming back in around 4 weeks. Dogs have places in Human Hearts and this one dog means alot to me and GTA Don witnessed me say "Umm, I feel very Sad and upset right now" then he asked me "why?" then I explained the whole thing above. I then went with my mother to drop the dog off nd I haven't cried since. I am upset but people can't see it as I am not crying. It's something what happens.
  13. Yeah, Sure. Now because I have 4 dogs as pets and 2 of which are boisterous they will have to be dropped off at a friends, I don't want to do this but then again I won't be seeing them for 3 weeks anyway. I think I may be going to Washington D.C when I go up to visit my Aunt in Pennsylvania and if I am fortunate enough I would like to go to New York City. I really want to go to those places and if I somehow convince my Aunt and/or my mother/father then I would go. I will be posting up some photographs of my trip or holiday over to America or USofA but that'll be in April. I set off for the airport in 2 Days, 0 Hours and 14 Minutes. That is on March 18th (Tuesday) at 5 AM GMT or UTC.
  14. Yeah but it is a theory going around the internet what people are assuming could be true.
  15. This topic can still be used to discuss the Artwork but I think it has already been discussed before. Anyway, I would discuss the images but it is rather late, Almost 5 AM.
  16. How do we know that GTA 2s Claude was GTA IIIs Claude? Claude in GTA III did not have a surname and in actual fact did not have a name until we found it out in San Andreas. The Claude in GTA 2 was called Claude Speed. Claude could be a nickname from Catalina?
  17. I have seen both of them before, I think I seen it on GTANet.com or something.
  18. I would say: The main character would indeed be female in which I cannot think of a name right now, Bio: Accent: English (Like Trish Candem on Wave 103) Skin Tone: White (Caucasian) Born: Los Santos Torso: White Tank Top or something similar Legs: Dark Blue Jeans Waist: White Belt Feet: Black Shoes Head: Black Sunglasses; A random Hat That would be the Female San Andreas Main Character from me.
  19. I've only recently been playing the "Stories" I have spent one whole week on a GTA Game before but something like 4 Hours everyday of that week and I somehow managed to get 60 % on Liberty City Stories in just 4 x 7 Hours which is 28 Hours altogether.
  20. Toni could still be alive and well and we all know what happened to Victor Vance at the start of Vice City. They are not likely to be dead but they are likely not to be in this game, this is the 4th Stage in the Grand Theft Auto Series and no characters from past GTA games have appeared in the future ones (Donald Love in GTA III and then he was in VC and LCS does not count nor does anyone else who appeared more than twice in III, VC, SA, LCS or VCS). Remember Bubba in GTA, he has never re-appeared in a GTA Game and is not very likely to be one, but I could be wrong.
  21. I quite enjoyed the 'Vice City Stories' Storyline and the new addition of the checkpoints when you are doing something like Vigilante and Firefighter, that was the first thing. The second thing I quite liked about Vice City Stories was the Empire Building as I enjoyed back and forth building movement between gangs, such as "The Sharks" would have it first and then I would go and take that building and then "the Bikers" would then go after it etc. Generally I liked playing Vice City Stories and I will always enjoy playing it. Long Storyline aswell.
  22. Patience by Take That Even though I hate the track, I still listen to it.
  23. Thanks, I didn't actually use tutorials, I got Graphics info and help from members just telling me what to add into the graphics, but MrLlamaLlama, TMâ„¢ and Quickdeath were all members who have indeed helped and guided me on my way up. So ask any of them. Thanks man. I am aiming to get a few more sigs done today, they will be random but I want them to look good, so yeah.
  24. Sometimes I think dreams are real, I was able to control that certain dream before. I can remember it because I can remember what I wanted. I was at first having a nightmare what I managed to change into a dream but I randomly thought of chocolate that made the nightmare changed into a dream. It is very funny (Peculiar) how people can do that.
  25. Wrestlemania 24 is around the corner and WWE is getting so boring. Jeff Hardy has been suspended for 60 Days for use of steroids, not much influence on other people there.
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