If there was to be an International forum, i'm pretty sure many of the members who can speak another language quite well such as I speak French quite well, it is a good way to communicate and make friends with other members, I quite like that idea. Maybe a "Francais Parlez" or "Parlez vous francais" topic (meaning French Speaking or French Chat), excellent idea Gerard.
However, it may be difficult for members on the forums who do not have other languages symbols such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian etc symbols on their computer but I guess that won't matter as many members on here do not speak Chinese nor Japanese.
If we were to have an International forum then what would the topic titles be?
An example of what we could do the topic titles.
Francais Parlez (Or whatever, I don't translate much French at 11 PM) (The Topic title will be the language in which the topic is aimed at)
French Chat (This would be a French to English translation and if we wanted to we could put next to it (In brackets) Francais ~ Anglais)
What do you think?