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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I quite like the looks of that mod. Great Job Switch!
  2. My sister is annoying, very annoying. I am tired and cool. It was French.
  3. Mon souer casse-pied, tres casse-pied. Je suis fatigue et cool.
  4. You wanting a new Sig and Avatar by any chance? I'll gladly make them but only if you request in my shop :)

  5. Happy and Good, You?

  6. I have had a change of heart. I have a list: 1. San Fierro 2. Vice City 3. Liberty City
  7. I think people would neglect the use of a chat box here, we don't really need one to be honest, we have the fun and off-topic forum and I believe we can chat in there. It would also be a bad idea because people can be easily flamed and many arguments would occur. If we did have it, I probably wouldn't use it. MSN Messenger is just as good right now as it is not only for chatting it is also private. Many of us here use MSN to ask other members things that would take too long via the Personal Messaging system. Here is an example - I asked Gerard what he thought of the banner I made and what I could improve in it so I have to send it to him which is a little bit easier than doing that in a PM.
  8. Sure, I'll try my best to get it right. EDIT: Its done, here it is:
  9. Yeah as long as it doesn't exceed 500 x 200 pixels you'll be fine. As for the Long Night mod you can post a topic in here or you can request for this topic to be moved from here to the GTA Vice City Modding forum.
  10. Welcome to the forums John, there is a specific topic for members who want to introduce themselves it is here. Please take a minute to read over the forum rules and we hope you enjoy yourself. You may want to reduce the size of your signature too.
  11. Yeah I found it in my profile, that's where I first found it out. I knew it was in other member's profiles as I checked before I posted.
  12. I know that the Arcade was removed a long time ago but I found this in my profile: If the Arcade isn't here any more then that shouldn't be there any more either.
  13. I have made the sig but I will try the banner and the avatar in a few minutes. Here you go:
  14. That looks like a complicated piece of work you have made there. It looks awesome, I also agree with Urbanoutlaw with "That could be your next avatar".
  15. i am teh pronstir, i lick teh b00b135. gud fuk1n n0b. u r aLl n0bs i meen n00bs tink b4 u speekez!!!111oneone!!1111eleventenone!!1111111!!!one!!!!!1
  16. I might use but first I'd have to come up with something better. I've had a little 30 minute nap but that isn't going to make difference really. So I have $14 left should I change it back to Pound (I'd get around £7) or should I keep the dollars. Also, next year around this time I will be down in London for a holiday visiting my cousins, Aunt, Uncle and again my Grandparents.
  17. I made a sig out of 3 of the images of Florida you have already seen, here it is:
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