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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. You will have to wait until I am back in the UK, right now I am on holiday in the United States and I don't have the correct graphics packages here. Thanks man, I will put a few more graphics in the tables in April.
  2. If they did it could be: 1. The end of Rockstar Games and the Grand Theft Auto series 2. What Cat Licker said: "So child molesters can't carry out their fantasy." 3. There would be a lot more child murders in the world Simple really, even though this type of topic has been posted many times before.
  3. If you want to make up a mission, then create a topic in the games forums (i.e. GTA San Andreas) however, if you are wanting to create your own storyline then I would suggest the Graphics and Writers Pad because I have used it around 3 times for made up storylines. They have yet to be completed though.
  4. I think we all wanted a change to the store, Yes your new but other people might have been a little bit bored with the older version as it was full of holes.
  5. I would have had $3600 by now Thats in interest. I guess now, it is harder to collect your interest when you have a lot more money as your budget will not rise a huge amount for a week unless you post a lot or you have a topic what gets more than 25 posts.
  6. Hopefully, it is very likely too, because people will start asking for help on GTA IV and members will start discussing how good the game is etc
  7. I would say Tier 1. I didn't know you and Chris started Grand Theft Wiki, now I know why you asked me on MSN Messenger for anything in GTA Games related to the "69" sex symbol before I went to America.
  8. I forgot to say that the shop will be closed from March 18th 2008 to April 10th 2008 and sorry for the double post. I am also sorry that I had not mentioned this earler, I don't have any access to any graphics packages except from Paint and a lot of work would be required to make something impressive in MS Paintt.
  9. Hopefully he will get one soon.........A big mean one named Bubba !!!! Try getting back on topic rather than trying to name what the kidnappers girlfriends name will be. Anyway, I think the police has done a good job by finding Shannon and they deserve a clap or something, you guys aren't forgetting this right because it is just like a Moderator finding someone breaking the rules . (That was the best thing I could think of )
  10. Nooo! Alucardo has beaten me, now I am second.
  11. *Keeps posting* I really hope that the next milestone comes quicker than this one has (Seriously), it took us a while to get here. I remember that I caught a snapshot of the 200,000 post milestone but that wasn't an important one someone said. Did we get that 200,000 post thing in August, so it took us 7 months to get 50,000 posts which isn't bad really, since I saw it. Off-Topic: I have been here exactly 365 days but because it is a leap year I have to wait one more day to have been here a year.
  12. I'm not really a huge fan of chocolate nor marshmallows for some strange reason. I would only have one chocolate bar then refuse another one. Thats different from the other members of my family . It is just like Harlem, New York. That is the worst place in New York City from sources. ------------- You know when I had said that I would be inactive, I am inactive but I never said that I would be completely gone Today I spent mostly on the Interstate 75, in a NYC Plate car, it is a rental car. Today I also bought some Cheetos what we used to be able to buy in the UK but supermarkets stopped selling them, they are awesome because I haven't tried them or have eaten them for about 7 years.
  13. I liked how I got interest everyday . Hopefully the store will still be good but yeah, there is nothing to buy. The store doesn't really interest me anymore.
  14. I haven't actually been to a beach yet That is weird because I have only been to 1 Florida beach and that was in 2001. So I am hoping to get a picture of the Atlantic Ocean and a sunset or something. I have gotten pictures of the place I am staying at which I will post up on the day after I come back from US of A. I am actually collecting the change I get from this trip in America because if I decide to go to America again, I will have something to spend in Change. I have around 17 Quarters (25 c) and about 200 1 cents. I have also around 20 Dimes (10 Cents) and 5 - 5 Cents. I still have more than $100. Yesterday I counted my money and I had $140 and I was thinking "how on earth could I still have $140 if I have spent $30" that was strange but then I remember that my Grandparents gave me $20 and I got a lot of money off of my dad. Today I went to Target Stores, Wal Mart, Best Buy Electronics and Circuit City Electronics. I was going to go Winn Dixie or Publix but we had enough food for the next week. I realised that America have a lot more flavours of Pop Tarts than the UK . I am also wondering what the hell are S'mores?
  15. Congratulations for the milestone people (including myself ). I guess the next milestone is 500,000 posts or something. Keep up the posting!
  16. nothing much is really up, but I'm Happy. You?

  17. Yeah, my grandparents have Dial Up internet. I diod say that but I lied . Nah, i didn't know my grandparents had internet. I haven't actually been to that park before, Fenway Park is in Boston near New York State (I'm only saying that because I can't spell Mas'its). I have pictures and postcards . I don't know what Fenway Park is like, I don't want to either, I hate baseball. I hate Sport, if I'm not playing it. I won't be going to Pennsylvania because my Aunt is going to be at a funeral this week in Ohio. But, I will be going to Daytona Beach instead. It sounds cool, I wanted to go to Miami and compare it with Vice City, oh well, Daytona will have to do .
  18. Welcome back, I was there saying Goodbye to you in August or September, Actually I was saying Hi and then you went to the Military I believe. I think Sky got promoted from October to January, I can't remember what the exact date or month was but it may have been between them.
  19. Yeah, thats the park. Some weird names on that Monopoly, I wonder why the Statue of Liberty wasn't on it?
  20. Sorry for the Double Post. Update: We just had a big thunderstorm, you probably know that Florida gets huge thunderstorms in the Spring and Summer. This is the first American Thunderstorm I have ever witnessed and it was quite good, but it did not keep me up in the night. Me and my mother started hearing Rumbles of thunder whilst in the middle of "Mexican Double-15 Dominoes" with the family. It was a big storm with a lot of Flashes of Lightning. Tonight we will be playing Monopoly, since we have not played monopoly in a while. The here and now edition of the American Monopoly, here is the different variations of the most expensive property what is blue: Original American: Boardwalk; Park Place Original British: Mayfair; Park Lane Here and Now American: Times Square; Some field in Boston Here and Now UK Original: The City [Of London]; Canary Warth Here and Now UK Electronic Banking: Kensington Palace Gardens asnd something I can't remember. I have to go now, since it is hot. Bye!
  21. GTA III and GTA San Andreas because they were the longest and a load of new options. GTA III was a new game to the GTA Series and was the first 3D game in the series, It was hard because of different controls from GTA 2.
  22. I am good. Having fun to be honest. I feel behind because it is currently 5:56 PM here in Florida. I have not had Jet Lag this year which is lucky. I have been to Walmart, Publix, K-Mart and Target so far. The Hershy Chocolate bars taste awesome unlike "The Plane Food". @ Gorilla - Yeah Todays High Temperature was around 78 Degrees Farenheit and todays low was about 60 Degrees Farenheit this morning. It has been raining today which I didn't mind as it was warm rain . I'm friggen jealous, seriously. Nice weather, no school or work. I wanna go to a place south of there, effin' Fort Myers How you liking it man? It's quite good actually. Right now it is around 75 - 80 Farenheit (20 - 30 Degrees Centigrade). Been warm and I want to get a tan for some reason. I have been in my grandparents swimming pool almost everyday since Tuesday. I hate something about the pool and it is the amount of chlorine in it. I don't really think a personal swimming pool would need so much chlorine. California? Your more likely to be murdered or mugged there than anywhere else in America. When I was at Newark Airport on Tuesday, me and my family had to wait about 2 hours and another 30 minutes for the plane delay. I went and found a good store in which I could buy some gifts or something I could use or remember New York City with. So, I went and bought two mini teddy bear keychains witht he bears wearing a "I Love NYC" on it. On holiday I also bought a Hersheys Bar what tasted awesome, an inflatable ring in the swimming pool, the American Here and Now Edition of Monopoly (Very Different because the American use houses still and not Apartments in the Here and Now Edition) and a nice Florida or Hawaii style T-Shirt. I also like the Number Plates or Registration Plates on cars because they look fun and cool but the European Union number plates (The ones the UK uses) are boring and have to be Yellow and must not have any pictures, Wales, English, Scottish Abbreviations on it (W, E, SCO etc) they must be GB. I hate it.
  23. I should have posted this on Monday... I opened my shop in June 2007 and it took me over 4 Months to get some business in some sort of way. I would wait and start reading Tutorials to improve to the maximum.
  24. I am good. Having fun to be honest. I feel behind because it is currently 5:56 PM here in Florida. I have not had Jet Lag this year which is lucky. I have been to Walmart, Publix, K-Mart and Target so far. The Hershy Chocolate bars taste awesome unlike "The Plane Food". @ Gorilla - Yeah Todays High Temperature was around 78 Degrees Farenheit and todays low was about 60 Degrees Farenheit this morning. It has been raining today which I didn't mind as it was warm rain .
  25. Hi Everyone. I am currently in my Grandparents ranch in sarasota Florida. It has been 80 Degrees Farenheit Today which is around 27 - 37 Degrees Celsius. The plane ride was ok, but like everytime it was boring. The food was all right but plane food is not that good. I will try to visit the forums a bit, just to keep myself updated on GTA IV News. Having this American Flag is weird...
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