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I feel there will be snow

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Gycu, the last game I've seen with snow that affected gameplay was Midtown Madness (in Chicago), which was okay but nothing too special.

I just don't want to see the same amount of snow on small side-roads and alleyways as we have on the main roads, it has to vary, you know? Which would depend entriely on how "roads" are defined in the engine i guess, so they have a variable for each road which basically sets the rate at which snow will settle there. I guess we'll find out soon enough, but no screenshots of any snow or even rain yet so i don't think they've done weather yet!

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First off I think they absolutly should put snow in GTA IV. Yes, R* has done snow before. Think not? Have you played BULLY? Great game by the way. So if you have played BULLY then you know that RAGE is capable of snow. BULLY was on PS2 mind you, and the snow looks awsome with great physics effect on part of the snow. Anyways, if they can do snow in a game like that and make it look so well then they are more than capable of making it snow in GTA IV. I mean, come on the power of a Playstation 2 versus the power of an XBOX 360. PS2 has the power to fit as large a world as San Andreas and 360 does'nt? I think not. The 360 has the power to fit a world 10x larger with realistic graphics and snow and all of the other bells and wisels you wanna add on. So yes they are more than capable, but that does'nt mean I'm saying that there will be snow in GTA IV, I'm just sayin R* can and in my opinion should. Then again there is the matter of time. 5 months or so from launch. Yes that is a while off, but i'm sure they have alot of other things to worry about besides weather, and then there is production proccess and so on. R* has always been able to capture the mood of the time an place they set in there games. For instance BULLY and The Warriors practically bleed mood (two of my favorite games by the way). And as we all know the weather in a game is a big part of the mood. Either way you can garantee that R* will not dissapoint.

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I reckon they can do it.....

Apparently R* Spent half a day getting the cigarette lighting "just right" for a cut scene (by cigarette lighting, i mean when someone flicks it off and it lands on the floor and glows...)

So i reckon they should be bale to do it....

But some key things for R* to bare in mind.:

Cars slide

More accidents

snow would appear on cars, buildings and peds.

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Indeed it would badass if they put in all the seasons. Winter itself would be a visual marval, but just think if they put them all in there. It would be great if seasons would constantly change, not just because the story makes it do so. But the question is not "Will they" or "Can they" it's more like "Do have the time and the patiants". After all there is only , roughly, 5 months left to construct and produce the game. And if they'll spend a whole half a day to make a cigarette light correctly, just think how long they work to get snow just perfect.

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  Victor_Vance said:
Actually LCS wasn't the first GTA to have snow in it.. It was San Andreas, remember the mission with Salvatore Leone where you have to go to Liberty City?

^ but we didn't really have chance to experience gameplay within it. There was a cutscene and a 10 - second (if that ) shootout that should've been over in a flash, provided you're not bent.

LCS had proper snow gameplay, in the car sales missions...

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  MrLlamaLlama said:
  Victor_Vance said:
Actually LCS wasn't the first GTA to have snow in it.. It was San Andreas, remember the mission with Salvatore Leone where you have to go to Liberty City?

^ but we didn't really have chance to experience gameplay within it. There was a cutscene and a 10 - second (if that ) shootout that should've been over in a flash, provided you're not bent.

LCS had proper snow gameplay, in the car sales missions...

That is very true. We were not able to experience it, just see a cut scene with it. I was deeply suprised they put such a mission in there. And the fact that it was snowing is awsome to, though we did'nt experience it. I mean come on flying from one city to another, that's cool. I think they should do that in another upcoming GTA game. Make more than one city availible. Like the new Liberty City, as well as updated versions of all the other GTA cities wrapped into one awsome game. Now tell me that would'nt be awsome. Each city with thier own climates that gradually change as you travled from one to the next. That would be fantastic! It would be like a whole other small world of it's own.

Also I never played the mission with the snow in LCS. I need to check that out. Can you actually go around the whole city with it snowing? How long will it stay snowy?

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  fatalgamer said:
Also I never played the mission with the snow in LCS. I need to check that out. Can you actually go around the whole city with it snowing? How long will it stay snowy?

It would only stay snowy as long as you continue the Capital Autos side mission from level 8 (I believe) on. There was no snow outside that side mission.

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  Rashon125 said:
  Urbanoutlaw said:
Was the snow in the PSP or PS2 version? I can't think of playing in snow in LCS (PS2).

Only the PSP version.

Damn that sucks, i only have the ps2 version but why did they remove it on the PS2 version?

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  nabo45 said:
  Rashon125 said:
  Urbanoutlaw said:
Was the snow in the PSP or PS2 version? I can't think of playing in snow in LCS (PS2).

Only the PSP version.

Damn that sucks, i only have the ps2 version but why did they remove it on the PS2 version?

I'm not sure, it might have been for the 'exclusivity' of the PSP...?

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  nabo45 said:
  Rashon125 said:
  Urbanoutlaw said:
Was the snow in the PSP or PS2 version? I can't think of playing in snow in LCS (PS2).

Only the PSP version.

Damn that sucks, i only have the ps2 version but why did they remove it on the PS2 version?

because you need a psp cheat device to make it snow. they didnt want to put it in a ps2 cheat device.

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  evabin2libertycity? said:
  nabo45 said:
  Rashon125 said:
  Urbanoutlaw said:
Was the snow in the PSP or PS2 version? I can't think of playing in snow in LCS (PS2).

Only the PSP version.

Damn that sucks, i only have the ps2 version but why did they remove it on the PS2 version?

because you need a psp cheat device to make it snow. they didnt want to put it in a ps2 cheat device.

You needed to get to level 9 on the selling car missions, not use the PSP cheat device (Even though that was easier. <3 Edisioncarter)

Snow would rock.

As for the piling up? It would be like a mix of water and mud just made slipier, not that difficult.

As for the piling up, it's like body pyshics in like Rainbow six, they all pile up when they go down, not that difficult if they can do it.

noises? Easy. Just another set of noises set on a variable.

Steam from peoples mouths? Doesn't it already do that?

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  Alistair said:
But DW5 doesn't like it's got cars in it - cars would be the hardest thing for the game if snow were introduced, if you're just running round it isn't a problem, but if they haven't already put it into the game then it might be too late.

Again, it's been done before. I just think, it's not a matter of do they have the ability, RAGE is more than capible. It's a matter of do they have time.

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  Alistair said:
But DW5 doesn't like it's got cars in it - cars would be the hardest thing for the game if snow were introduced, if you're just running round it isn't a problem, but if they haven't already put it into the game then it might be too late.

I meant the steam coming from the mouths....

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