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Weapon ideas


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I want to use anything as a weapon:crowbars,bottles,to be able to hit someone with the gun in the head not just shoot him,more knives,basball bats(keep them),no use to tell u more EVERYTHING IS A WEAPON.

I want more rocket launchers,in previous GTAs we have only 2,I want 5-6.More handguns,more automatic guns,MORE GUNS.Be able to shoot from cars,bikes,planes :thumbsup:

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They should have all the weapons (both fire arms and melee) from all the GTA games and four tiers plus new ones

I can't really think of any new weapons, but here are ideas I had for weapon tiers (weapon cheats.)

Tier for assault rifles

1. Kruger

2. AK-47

3- M4

4. M-16


1. .45 Colt (can dual weild)

2. Silenced .45

3. Desert Eagle (maybe can dual weild)

4. .357 (strongest pistol, I would only take me one shot to kill someone with this, while with the Desert Eagle, it usually takes me 2 shots)


1. TEC-9 (can dual weild)

2. MAC 10 (can dual weild)

3. UZI

4. MP5


1. Stubby shot gun

2. Sawed off shot gun (can dual wield)

3. Pump action Shot gun


Throwable explosives

1. Molotov cocktails

2. Grenades

3. Remote control grenades

4. Satchel charge

Rocket Launchers

1. WWII Bazooka

2. Panzerschreck/faust

3. RPG 7 (The Soviet Rocket launcher)

4. Heat Seeking launcher

Heavy Weapons

1. Flame thrower

2. Mini Gun

3. Laser rifle

4. maybe a shrink ray? :dribble:


1. Rifle (without scope)

2. M-24 Sniper Rifle

3. Dragunov SVD

4. M-95

Melee Weapons

1. knife (can dual weild)

2. baseball bat

3. Large hammer/sledge hammer

4. Chainsaw

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Ok sorry but I didn`t knew that that`s why I posted from were the f**k you want me to know this excuse me but you should calm down I didn`t knew ok? now what youy want me to do and do not treaten me I`m new yes but in no FORUM I`vge heard this stupid rule ,I posted on a Topic that started in 2003 and no one sad anything they told me it`s a good idea so I think this rule is a c**p.Sorry for bad language.

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  TEC 9 said:
Because it's more than a year old. That means nobody is interested in it. Just because you n00bs weren't around when we talked about doesn't mean y'all can just necro-post to boost your low post counts. Dumbf***s.

You sad <<WHEN WE DISCUSSED IT>> well you joined this forum in 29 August 2006 well this topic is old yes but it`s older than 2006 (I guess so) when YOU discussed it if you joined august 06?stop the bad language I didn`t do anything to you ,why are you so nervous?I apollagise 100000000000 times for bracking the rules and I won`t do it again but I didn`t knew.Sorry for saying this to you,a person much more smarter and with more experience like me on FOURMS.Sorry TEC 9.I just want to have fun not do be insulted.

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