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what city/time period should gta4 be?


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Someone did somewhere. Future times have the fault of the fact that a large chunk of GTA is based on popular culture of the time, like films >> Miami Vice, Blue Thunder, Training Day etc. Plus it would look terrible in the future looking back. No, stick to the good old past and present, it's tried, tested and works. Liberty City, expanded, modern day.

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  Spasmodically_Insane said:
  Slavik Von Stockholm said:
Futr times have a fault of there being no future music unless for half the radio stations R* would have to make their own songs like with Lovefist. A lot of other things too like cars, outfits, news, tech, and many other things.

What are you babbling about? Who mentioned it being in future times?

About 4-6 other people. Read the thread. Future just wouldn't work out. I'd personally want it in the present though.

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The future could possible work but just like not to far in the future like 2010 would be fine

i would like to see a change in gang life as well like i think that they could start moving away from like drive byes and move in to the more deadly bombs and explosions and be more like teroristic with they way that they attack there opponinats

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I dont agree on the scale of the entire United States. Its great to have a massive area to roam, but I think its better to have somewhere you become familiar with. Who seriously wants to go somewhere and never return?

Buying properties would be useless, as you wouldnt be able to find them again. Scaled-down cities are a possibility, and you could buy cities or something. But that detracts from the realism. Quite frankly, i would prefer just a couple of cities, but a lot more detailed.

One thing I love about GTA is how it has all the neccecary urban, and now also rural, functions, such as police stations, hospitals, garages, clubs, shops etc. It would be a shame if we never got to use them again.

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I meant if the game was the size of the entire USA

That would require pretty big map to show every property <_<

So you'd just end up spending a few days driving through the desert to get to another city. Yea, planes would be implemented better, but still, the USA is a pretty big place.

Yes, it would be cool to have a virtually unlimited play area, but then it just becomes pointless. If you get a choice of city to start off in, for example NYC, then you had to do loads of missions before you could go to, say, San Francisco, LA or Miami (yes i know i've just listed the existing GTA cities).

Most other games have levels where you go from location to location and do a mission at each. The thing that makes GTA special is that you can do anything anywhere, once it's been unlocked.

I would like to see a couple of larger cities, and maybe some offshore or extra-terrestrial development, and I don't mean aliens.

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In reply to the future idea, i came accross this: What the year 2000 will be like from the perspective of 1922.

They had a few good ideas, such as full electrical power, renewable energy, small cars, and advances in transport. In the picture we can see overhead rail, and traffic jams. However, some of the ideas are a little far fetched. We do not capture energy direct from air, streets are not paved with metal.

Same goes for GTA, even in the near future. If we predict anything, it may be wrong. The USA may not be united anymore, Europe could be a single state, music may be banned etc... Yea i know i'm making them up, but its a good a guess as any.

We cant presume anything. This is why the just-about present ideas gotta be the best.

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I think that GTA4 will take place in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, or any Midwestern city, as that is the only part of the USA Rockstar has yet to conquer. I, personally, would want it to be in a foreign country, such as Tokyo, Paris, or Rome.

What's more important than the setting, however, is what new features it will hold for us, the adoring fans. Just think of what wonders await us in GTA4.

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  Xenon said:
And why is it that it has to be America, huh?

It just makes sense that since Rockstar has done games centered around New York City, California, and Miami, all of which are in the United States, they would logically advance to the Midwest. But, I guess with all the support they receive from their fans they could do anything and we'd still eat it up.

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It just makes sense that since Rockstar has done games centered around New York City, California, and Miami, all of which are in the United States

Hmm.... You ever heard of GTA London?

And even though the theme appears to be centred on America, it doesnt mean they have to stick with it. We all know GTA4 is gonna be different...

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  Xenon said:
Hmm.... You ever heard of GTA London?

Yes, I have heard of it. It was the only time Rockstar made a GTA game not based around an American city. But, sadly, it did not make too big of an impact, hence the mainly American-based games which were released after said GTA London game.

All I was trying to say was that the American-based GTAs made more money than the European-based GTA. And why do I get the feeling that you have something against me?

Eh, there's one thing we can all agree on - GTA4 is sure to be a great game, no matter where it's located.

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Nothing against you at all, just defending my corner

I'm under the impression that Rockstar will aim higher, much higher than we expect. They have done this several times before.

GTA III was groundbreaking, with its AI and 3D Physics. VC expanded on these and introduced bike and heli travel. SA turned out to be an entire state, rather than the expected larger city.

My guess is they wont just make the area larger, they'll have a different type of area, maybe not sea/space, but who knows. PS3 and Blu-Ray are already lined up, so you could fit a hell of a lot on, what is it, 53gb?

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  Xenon said:
PS3 and Blu-Ray are already lined up, so you could fit a hell of a lot on, what is it, 53gb?

Actually, they aren't going to be using Blu-Ray. I think BR discs are around 50GB, though.

Just because Rockstar are aiming higher, doesn't mean it will be another country. Are you saying putting GTA in America is a bad thing?

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Oceania isn't such a bad suggestion, considering its mainly islands, but on a scale much larger than those of the existing GTA games. Not sure it would be popular to implement a mainly rural environment, and i don't know how players would feel being outnumbered by sheep. Sure, if they scaled it down and increased the size of the cities then it would be quite good I think.

Then there's the popularity of the UK idea, which admittedly is a logical progression from city>state>country. The UK is three small countries, with a good rural-urban balance and familiar scenery, much better than Vice's, although not as spectacular as some in the US or AUS. I think a UK GTA would be very popular, considering many see it as 'quaint' and are curious about it.

I cannot think of a reason why Rockstar would make a game set in Uzbekistan or any other small/random country (no offense to people from small/random countries). Grand Theft Auto sets itself apart from any other game by using familiar places.

To be perfectly honest, I would prefer to see a more familiar landscape, and i'm sure everybody here would like to see it in their own country or state. The problem is, i don't know anybody thats been to Alabama that doesn't live there. Its not a familiar landscape or recognisable city, such as SF, NYC or Miami. This is why I am backing the UK idea.

Maybe London, Sydney, Paris, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town or Tokyo have a chance. Think of each of these cities and you will think of the familiar landmarks or at least particular associations. Tower Bridge, Houses of Parliament, Millenium Wheel, The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, The Eiffel Tower, The Colosseum, Christ the Redeemer... The list goes on. Maybe Rockstar will produce a game where you can switch between these cities at will. Then (almost) everyone's happy.

Edited by Xenon
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I am aware of that, notice i listed Sydney in the cities list, but maybe Canberra or Perth would qualify. I just cant see how three cities on the waterfront, followed by mass open plains, would make a brilliant GTA game. Plains are good, a lot of variety and stunt opportunities, but AUS is a bit top-heavy on that front. And the sheep was only a joke...

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