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If you could make a mission...


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i would make a mission where you choose which pill to take, and thwe out come will be random everytime.

One pill- fries your PS2 and game

other pill- contine with your PS2 and game in one piece

lol :lol: that would suck if u took the wrong pill!

what if u took both at teh sametime? :wtf:

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Actually, I've been thinking about GTA having snow for quite some time.

Seeing how the next GTA will probably be much bigger, there will most likely be alot of backroads.

You go to get your mission from someone out in the hills. A massive ice and snow storm hits and the roads are either snowed shut or they are icy. You have to take a package to someone in a city and have to fight off a bunch of redneck snow plow drivers that are trying to kill you and force you off of the road.

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Guest KingofCrunck

If I could make a mission it would have all the charecters in it and it would be like this thing where they wpuld need to stop the goverment from corrupting the united states money supply> I hope this is not a old topic.

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If I could make a mission it would have all the charecters in it and it would be like this thing where they wpuld need to stop the goverment from corrupting the united states money supply> I hope this is not a old topic.

Use common sense to tell if it's old. Check POST DATES.

Ah, I'd make a mission where you had to go and steal a Spaz The Great Shrine before these other "people" stole it and shipped it across seas with cheap-ass shipment, and bad handling so they can sell it on EBay. Then you get blocked off and have to hang onto the ladder of a helicopter while holding this 50 pound shrine and gunning off enemies at the same time. Once the enemies are gone you have to climb into the helicopter for a bit of stunting. After realising barrel rolls are WAY harder on a helicopter than in an airplane, you wreck to the ground and break the shrine in the process. You now have 24 hours((minutes, game time, people, game time)) to gun off the people that found out you wrecked, drive in a high-speed chase, escape a herd of circus clowns, and fix the shrine.


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